Sunday, December 27, 2009

Buildin' Stuff

With Christmas over, I've been buildin' stuff today. Want to know what I've been buildin'? A couple of my favorite things: tamales and a quilt.

Other than tamales and a quilt, I haven't done much today. Oh, I took a nap. So we have tamales, a quilt, and a nap. And I thought to myself, "What would my blog readers want to hear about most?" I figured it was probably the quilt. Had I asked myself, "What would my blog readers want to EAT most?," it would be the tamales, hands down, but I've TALKED about tamales on my blog before, so I'll skip tamales for now and talk about the quilt. I apologize if any of you wanted to hear about the nap. I don't remember much of it.

I thought I'd talk about my quilt design process a little bit. So here's how the magic happens.

I was thinking about red and white quilts the last couple weeks. And then those visions of basket blocks started floating around in my head a few days ago. I often like to start my quilt designing thought processes with traditional blocks.

So I went to my shelf of red fabric and pulled out some happy reds I liked. Then I went to my shelf of white background fabrics and pulled out some white I liked. After that, I thought a little bit about the size and number of blocks I wanted to make, and I pulled out some half square triangle paper. Here's my first step:

Next, I put the red and white half square triangles up on the design wall and figured out what I needed to cut to complete the blocks. I cut the white pieces and added them to the design wall.

Around this time, I decided I would need more room for the handles, so I decided to add additional strips to the top two sides of the blocks. Also around this time, I decided the flowers I was going to add to the baskets were going to be red, pink, teal, and lavender. Because my stash is a little short on pink, teal, and lavender, I ran off to visit Lindy and the gang at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks.

And after a nice little visit, I came home with a yummy looking collection of fat quarters, above. (The teals aren't actually as green as they look here.) And for color inspiration (and very likely borders and setting triangles), I brought home these fabrics too:

Once home, I started sewing some of the basket blocks together. When I put them back up on the design wall, I decided the blocks would probably look best with sashing and cornerstones between them. My eye also caught a length of red rick rack sitting on a desk in the Sweat Shop. Basket handles maybe? Hummmmmm.

So this is where I am so far. Five blocks sewn together; eight blocks still to sew. Sashing and cornerstones to decide on. More rick rack to buy and another trip to Bearpaws and Hollyhocks if rick rack basket handles are decided upon. And? The biggest next step? All the hand applique to design, prep, and sew. Yep, long term building project ahead! But I like it so far.

Tomorrow? More tamale building. Today I made all the fillings; tomorrow I play around with dough and corn husks and assemble dozens of tamales. And those of you who were hoping to see tamales? Just wait--you may get your wish tomorrow.


  1. I love the baskets, not to mention the white with lavender dots!! Can't wait to see the finish project! I started a new stitching project, and I am 80% done!! I should have it finished tomorrow, since I have to go the airport to pick up my mom! Hope to see and talk to you soon!!


  2. I love your basket quilt so far, and can't wait to see how you finish it.

  3. I love basket quilts and yours is looking fabulous so far! Can't wait to see your design for the applique!

  4. Kim I love those fabric colors. Did you name the source? I love love tamales.

  5. Red & White baskets...very classy...
    I love tamales but haven't attempted to make them...maybe I should give it a try.

  6. Beautiful! It's going to be gorgeous when done.

  7. Every year you tease me with those tamales. Oh, to be in Sacramento. Baskets looke neat so far also.

  8. Just seeing the beginning makings of this quilt is wonderful. I'm itching to stitch but with all home for the holidays it is a bit difficult. Watching your progress on what appears to be an adorable quilt will do for now...glad you are sharing.

  9. I'm lovin' what I am seeing here!! Good for you....the rest of us are shoveling chocolates and chips...and cutting pie instead of fabric! Tamales sound great...I think I'm going to have to try one when we get down South...NOT that I am thinking food right now...Ugh I ate too much AGAIN!
    Happy quilting!

  10. Cute baskets~ I just love red & white. :-) Gosh I haven't had tamales in ages~ savor a bite for me?

  11. Wow this is going to be beautiful when you get it done. I love the red and white.

  12. Thanks for the design story Kim - the baskets are looking lovely!!

  13. Looks great Kim, thanks for letting us in on the process.

  14. Yum, those red and whites make me want to go straight to an online quilt shop...

  15. Hello!
    We LOVE your blog and have added it to our Blog favorites and linked up. Your pictures are gorgeous and inspiring! Happy New Year and cheery wave from Bev

  16. I just emailed you about this quilt and now I see your going to be the designer - good for you and i will be happy to buy the pattern when it's available. Somehow I missed a few posts and this was one of them.



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