Monday, November 16, 2009

Santa's Workshop

This elf has been busy with a few Christmas projects this weekend--I thought you'd want to see. When I mentally assessed my gift list this year, I realized that although I don't have too many BIG gifts to plan for, I have many friends I'd like to remember in one way or another--so you'll see I've started on a few small gift projects and one Christmas decorating craft. I've given you links to the first two projects in case you want to make them too. First up? A project that has become one of my all-time favorites: Happy Zombie's Pennie Pockets. These look wonderful on the tree and nicely hold small gifts, like gift cards, cash, candy, etc.

Next are bottlebrush trees. These still need to be embellished, but they've gone through the bleaching stage. Check out Sarah's tutorial HERE. (I don't know what's up with that tree on the right--for some reason, it has a bunch of black gunk stuck to the bristles. At least the others turned out!)

Finally, I have a little bag project of my own design that I'm working on. I think I'd really like to make several of these--I still need to make the inner lining and finish this one up, but I'm planning to fill it with peppermint potpourri and hang it in my kitchen. I got the general idea of putting potpourri in a hanging bag at the American County store--it's decorative AND it will add a lovely scent to the kitchen. I ordered the potpourri online today, so I'd better get my bag finished soon!

And, I've been meaning to mention--have you been following the Cross Country Blog Hop? Plenty of great ideas and patterns from some of our best designers are offered each day. If you haven't had a peek yet, check them out HERE.

Now, go put your elf ears on and get busy!


  1. All very nice as they say it is feeling a lot like Christmas with all the christmas stuff being done on blogs
    Hugs Janice

  2. yoou do not lie. You have been very busy. Those are great!

  3. LOVE the peppermint potpourri bag! How did you make the little cinnabon rollup thingy between the holly leaves?

  4. Love these ideas! I'm in the mood for Christmas projects, for sure!

  5. Love all your stuff. You are definitely ahead of the game for Christmas, lol.

  6. Always fun eye candy to see here. I'm coming up for a week end so I can make cute projects with you - OK?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!