Friday, October 9, 2009

Once Is Not Enough

It was another beautiful fall day here in Northern California, and yet another friend of mine from work twisted my arm behind my back and frog marched me out to her car on our lunch hour. She then drove me to Sloughhouse (me screaming in protest all the way) and made me buy more pumpkins and such. Okay, yes you're right--not all of that is exactly true, but it's certainly the story I told Hubby when I popped my car trunk tonight and he saw all those pumpkins in there. (The first thing he said was, "You bought more pumpkins?," and I told him no, I actually STOLE them and he should have seen me with them all under my shirt, trying to get them out to the car before I got caught.)

Not ALL of these are from today's trip--there were still a couple on the table from Tuesday, because I need to redistribute pumpkins in the house and haven't gotten around to doing that yet. (Although to be truthful, there were a few more bought today and distributed already.)

You'll recall, I think, that I mentioned when I went out to Sloughhouse the other day, that I'd forgotten a couple things I'd planned to get, right? Well, here are two of them.

The BIG orange pumpkin is a gift for Soccer Son, and the fairytale pumpkin is a gift for his Lovely Wife-To-Be-Someday--when they were over last weekend, she really liked the two fairytale pumpkins I had. I wish the Wild Child lived closer, because I'd fill my trunk with pumpkins for her too! Sadly, I can't but I'm wishing her tons of pumpkins! (In the photo, there are also green beans, hot red long peppers, jalapeno peppers, and a bag o'corn for SS & his LWTBS.)

And yes, as a matter of fact, I DID buy more corn today. My friend who made me go happened to mention corn chowder soup, and I thought that sounded mighty good--in fact, that's one of the reasons I didn't fight her too hard about going.

By the way, as I'm writing this, I can smell the batch of pumpkin muffins Hubby's baking up tonight. Heavenly! The ironic thing, though, is that when I was cleaning out the kitchen cupboard the other day, I found we had a ridiculous amount of canned pumpkin--something like FIVE CANS! So, even though I have all these pumpkins sitting around, the muffins are made with canned pumpkin.

Do you like pumpkin muffins? With cream cheese frosting? If you're anywhere in the area, stop by and have one--or two! Just remember--as far as Hubby knows, I was kidnapped at gun point and forced to buy pumpkins today or risk certain death, okay? Thank you!

This blog post brought to you by the Pumpkin Rescue Foundation. Please adopt a pumpkin today!


  1. I'll be there soon - never had pumpkin muffins (or pumpkin anything else come to think of it). Just don't eat them all before I have time to book a flight and get to you from the UK!

  2. The only way i eaten Pumpkin is in a curry, i did have pumpkin pie once & wasn't very keen on it but a friend has said she does a good one so i will get to try hers
    I have had squash which we microwaved as for cans of pumpkins never seen that over here in the UK hope you enjoyed the muffins
    Hugs Janice

  3. I bet those muffins won't be,around long. Sounds too good. Do you think you have enough pumpkins yet?

  4. Are you collecting these? They are so cute. You must make the great pumpkin quilt now.

  5. I LOVE pumpkin bread, so I assume that pumpkin muffins would be great and I could eat cream cheese frosting with a spoon, so I'm jumping on a plane right now! I'll call you from the airport when my cross-country flight touches down...LOL

  6. I'm on my way with coffee cup in hand!! Muffffffins yummmmmmmmmmmm!! :) I have a recipe for pumpkin bread sitting on my counter next to all of the ingredients and you just motivated me to make it.

  7. Pumpkin muffins! Wow, that brings back memories of childhood! I'll take a dozen, please!

  8. Those muffins sound great! How about a recipe????? Would have loved to see you smuggling those pumpkins! LOL

  9. Ohhhhh please pass one of those muffins! They sound sooooooo good this morning! I adore those "white pumpkins!" I've never seen such a thing!

  10. I had to laugh at your reply to Hubby-'no I STOLE them'! Its exactly what I answer to the Hub frequently! I've gotta say 'did you buy them' or 'where d'you get those' have got to be the most inane questions a husband can ask....unless he really does suspect his wife of being a theiving magpie- but we won't go there!
    B and I were stroking the pumpkins in the grocery store yesterday!

  11. LOVE pumpkin muffins, we put mini chocolate chips in ours. and they are best made with canned pumpkin since most pumpkins you buy are not the baking kind. the baking kind are a bit pricey, but if you want to go the effort they are worth it, though a good butternut squash gives the exact same flavor. and that's my cooking lesson for today, thank you for tuning in.

  12. I think anything with cream cheese frosting on it tastes good! Okay, maybe not - but pumpkin muffins with cream cheese frosting sounds delightful! It's a good thing I don't live closer - or I would drop by.

  13. I love the looks of a pumpkin but sadly, do NOT like its flavor so I stay away from anything that has pumpkin as an ingredient. I'm sure the muffins tasted awesome... for those who like pumpkin foods!

  14. I love your pumpkins! I haven't made anything with pumpkins for a long time!

  15. Speaking of Pumpkins -- thank you so much for your instructions for making those VERY cute Pumpkin Treat Bags -- I made a dozen for 12 special people and now I can shop to fill them! Happy Weekend! Florence

  16. I have never cooked much with pumpkins. I will have to give them a try. All of your pumpkins are too cute! Have a good weekend.


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