Thursday, October 15, 2009


I feel like this year's Christmas fabric lines are kind of "ho-hum"--is it just me feeling this way?

I seriously like Basic Grey's Figgy Pudding for Moda, and I like some of Sandy Gervais' Crazy Eight line--and now that I say that, I realize that's exactly my problem: with most of this year's lines, I like one or two prints but not entire lines.

Of course, I'm kind of spoiled. The quilters who came before us used whatever they could find. Me? I need entire LINES of fabric designed and coordinated so they all go together. Perhaps that shows a lack of imagination. But I know that because I teach classes, publish patterns, and have a blog, quilters like to duplicate what they see me make, and it's not very helpful when I'm asked about the fabrics I've selected to say, "Oh, I just pulled those fabrics from my stash. No, I bought them several years ago and I don't think you can find them anymore."

You see, I've been trying to come up with some Christmas projects for my November class, and I just can't find any fabric lines I love that are readily available in my area. It's frustrating for me and I'm sure it will be at least somewhat frustrating for my students. After checking several local shops and coming away quite uninspired, I decided to place an order online for more of the Figgy Pudding line. It seems bright and cheerful to me, I guess.

How about you? Are any Christmas fabrics calling out to you this year?


  1. Finding Christmas fabrics that haven't been around for the last few years is hard here anyway i love Christmas but not seen much that i been oh i must have just got some FQs that are a bit glittery in Christmas colours poor lot we are over here lol
    Hugs Janice

  2. I used figgy pudding for a quilt on MBS and once it was quilted...then it really came to life! I feel the line is more masculine though..good luck with it.

  3. I love the line by sheri berry with the vintage ornaments. Love it!

  4. I've also been very uninspired by this year's Christmas fabric. I hope it is better for next year.

  5. I agree with you. I haven't purchased any this year. I like Figgy Pudding, though. What I don't like are all those metallics in the fabrics. I guess I like them to have the look of Christmas without being so "dedicated," like the Folk Art Christmas lines by Robyn Pandolph from a few years ago.

  6. Today I am starting the quilting on a top of Figgy Pudding charms made into disappearing 9 patches... with a white Kona border. I love it...

    But I also would like more lines without the sparkly crap in them...

  7. Have you seen the Have a Sheri Berry Holiday by Sheri Berry for Northcott Fabrics? I love it! It is sort of different and very retro.

  8. I totally agree. I have about 6 fabric shops 'around' me and went to all looking for Christmas fabric. The only one that grabbed me was Figgy Pudding (was at the first shop) so by the time I got back to that shop most of the good fabrics in the line were gone and very little of the other left...but I do hear you! Glad you went on line for it...guess I will have to do the same!
    Have a great day!

  9. I *heart* the Figgy Pudding line. I'm actually going to my LQS this afternoon on the hunt for some "fun" (i.e. novelty) Christmas fabrics. On Sunday I will go to my OTHER LQS and see if they have Figgy Pudding in stock.

  10. I think Figgy Pudding is one of my favorites too. I have a kit at home that is screaming to be started that uses that line.

  11. YOu are totally right! Figgy Pudding seems to be the only decent fabric range this christmas. Ah well! Never mind, maybe next year????

  12. Figgy Pudding is nice, I like it too. I bought a bunch of Sheri Beri's Holiday is really really cute. Now I actually have to *make* something with it! I also like Roses de Noel, it's so pretty!

  13. I like the Figgy Pudding fabric and Crazy Eight fabric too. I also like The Sherri Berri vintage Christmas fabric. Also, Roses De Noel is really nice.

  14. When I looked at the Christmas fabrics this year I just felt that I had seen them all before. I really haven't been inspired by any of the ranges and so far I haven't bought any! We'll have to see if that changes now I've seen some of the suggestions in these comments!

  15. FINALLY!!! A place to say I hate most of this years Xmas Fabrics!!!
    Or was it, that last years fabrics were so fabulous? I went on line and purchased all I could get of last years fabrics just because I liked them better! And the Houston Convention I thought was lame also. There were too many clothing items and less and less emphasis put back on QUILTS. Except for a few. Now I feel better that I got that out!!!

  16. I bought Figgy Pudding because it was different and beautiful.

    I like Mary Englebreits line, The Caroler.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!