Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How Wet I Be . . .

Funny how you can go from no water to too much water in just a few days! We woke this morning to the sound of rain--we'd been warned by the weathermen (and women) for the past couple of days that a big storm was coming, and sure enough--those guys were right!

Traveling to work was fun--the first storm of the season always is, since most of us forget during the summer how to drive in wet weather.

All over the area, there were reports of downed trees, power failures, and street level flooding. At around 3:30, our power went out at the office, and although it came back on about a half hour later, the Powers That Be decided to close the office and send us all home.

How fortunate that I had my camera with me! I took several photos and mostly I ended up with the reflection of my dashboard on the window, but I DID get this one for you--just before I had to drive through it. Take a look at the car parked at the curb on the right--that gives you a better idea of how deep it was since the truck ahead of me was so high off the road.

1 comment:

  1. They're predicting flooding this year for our area. Last year it was tons of snow and now flooding... Glad to hear you made it home safe.


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