Sunday, October 11, 2009

How Dry I Am . . .

About a year ago, I showed you a photo of my front yard--we were letting everything die so we could dig it up and start fresh with new landscaping. We had set aside money for landscaping and three or four companies came out to bid the job. Then the economy got scary and the landscaping was put on hold. Good thing, too, because Hubby lost his job and that bit of money we'd set aside gave us a little cushion. Late in the spring, or maybe it was early summer--in any event, once the dust had settled from the economic fall out--our thoughts again turned to landscaping.

There was a time, BQ (before quilting) when I loooooooooved to garden--that's what I spent most of my spare time doing. So I know a bit about gardening and landscaping, even if it's not what I chose to spend my time doing anymore. And all those bids and plans we'd gotten? Well, I wasn't too excited about them, particularly when it came to the plantings. So I thought and thought, and talked with Hubby, and we decided what we'd prefer to do was hire Soccer Son to do the muscle work and I'd select the plants and do the planting. Soccer Son liked that idea because the economy had not been very kind to him either, so the thought of a little money in his pocket was an attractive proposition.

When our weather finally cooled down a little a few weeks back, Soccer Son and Hubby got started on the job. They rented a rototiller and Soccer Son dug up the yard. During the past week, he's worked on leveling the area where we want to put in pavers, and Hubby went out on Friday and picked out the pavers and the other materials they'll need and arranged for everything to be delivered on Monday.

This afternoon, Soccer Son came over and started digging a couple post holes for supports for a pergola. After a little bit, as I was sewing in the Sweat Shop, I heard Hubby yell, "Sh*t! He broke the water line!"

So we have no water now.

I had planned to go out to dinner with a couple girlfriends tonight, and just before I left, Hubby came home with the necessary plumbing supplies. I told Soccer Son the water HAD TO BE FIXED TONIGHT by the time I got home. Guess what? It's not. It got dark outside and they were having a hard time seeing what they were doing, so they quit.

Before you ask, yes, I did mention to Hubby before the job started that he needed to get the utility companies out to flag the yard so we wouldn't interfere with the utilities. Did he? No. Why? When one of my friends asked him, he said "Because I didn't." Good logic.

It's funny how cranky a person can get with no water. Not much to drink. No bathroom facilities. No water to brush one's teeth or wash one's face. And I don't EVEN want to think about what's going to happen in the morning if I can't make coffee. It's not going to be pretty. All I can say is I hope Soccer Son's planning to be here at dawn; otherwise, someone might die.


  1. oh noooooo. No coffee? Have you got a takeaway place nearby that do decent coffee? Or perhaps Soccer Son will turn up with some when he arrives at dawn?

  2. Wonder what time Starbucks opens? Soccer Son would be wise to stop and bring you one to calm those nerves.
    You think that Hubby will call the untilities now?
    Just think what that front yard will look like in a few months.
    Sure hope they get it fixed today.

  3. Hope that you soon get it fixed
    Hugs Janice

  4. Male egos! Checking with the utility co. must be like asking for directions! My husband would have done the same thing. It has to be his idea but what do I know?

  5. OMG!!!!!!! My DH is the same way - we did two big projects over the summer (built a deck and laid pavers) and he didn't bother to get the utility people out for either. We did dig up the TV cable when we were doing the pavers, but luckily he saw it before the shovel bit it in half. MEN!!!!!!!! Go to Starbucks.

  6. OMG, the men in your life are obviosly walking on "thin ice" today!!! May God help them both (LOL). What a beautiful house you have :) Can't wait to see the guy's handiwork. Oh and I'm so sorry about your hubby's job. These are terribly difficult times for many, that's for sure. We own our own business and it has been struggling right along w/this wicked economy for going on 2 years now. There is surely an end in sight!!!

  7. Oh no, that's horrible they broke a water pipe! Isn't there a number they push on billboards to call before you dig? LOL At least there is around here. But I guess it's a man thing, they don't like to call for directions or anything.

  8. Your DH and mine must be brothers separated at birth - or at least cousins!

  9. I say go stay in a hotel. And order room service!

  10. Water is essential! I MUST have my bath and shower...I agree, must be fixed stat! Or the -----will fly!

  11. when i had a little wall built around the front yard, i did the whole "call before you dig" thing and everyone came out EXCEPT the water/sewer people ... so if YOUR local government is anything like MINE - it may not have done any good, anyway ... grrrr

  12. Hope you all are living yet! And that coffee.... must have... would drive to Starbucks in my jammies if I had to :o)

  13. I would be ready to kill somebody, too.

    My husband was doing a little bit of electric work in our house this weekend. He isn't an electrician. He thought he had turned off the electric to what he was working on, and he found out (the hard way) that he didn't. He didn't get hurt, but he blew out the microwave and a router to the computer. Luckily, for him, we have another router and another microwave, or I would be wanting to hurt someone, too!


    What can I do to help? Is it working yet?
    We had that going on here all spring and summer...
    You know I have a "gentleman farmer/landscaper/etc." at my house too.

    Our next door neightbour, who is an excellent contractor, hit the gas main in front of his house when he was trying to grade the front yard with his handy dandy bob-cat-loader. You don't think that was funny having to evacuate, no one was hurt, all the vehicles for the powers that be on the street doing all the things they do.... I don't think that the guys on the block will never let it go. It happens in the best of families.....


  15. Oh no...that is the worst! The bathroom situation would bother me the most. Coffee, hubby could run to DD for, right? Or like someone else said, Soccer Son should pick some up on his way over! Anyway, I feel for you, Kim. That s*cks!


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