Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween and . . .

Goodbye Daylight Savings Time!

If you live here in the States (or anywhere else where Halloween is celebrated), I hope you had a wonderful Halloween! This year I answered the door and handed out candy, and all those little trick or treaters were cute as all get out!

Hubby and the Wild Child stayed up late talking on Friday night, so they both slept in this morning while I cleaned house and got a start on my weekend chores--of course, that meant I could be lazy later in the day while they were catching up on THEIR chores! Around midday, when Hubby and I talked about what needed to be done before evening, I asked him to get the pumpkins carved and clean up the porch and driveway for the trick-or-treaters. The funny thing was that when I estimated it would take him about four hours to get those things done, he looked at me like I was nuts. So, I couldn't resist--two hours into his chores, and this is how far he'd gotten--

And I have to tell you--I was the one who brought the pumpkins outside and set them on the patio table! Of course everything got done in time, and I took a photo of the porch area--Soccer Son has been re-doing our front yard and nearly has the pavers laid for our extended patio, but it's still a work in progress, as you can see if you look closely. And, I didn't realize it at the time, but the photo I took doesn't get the whole pumpkin picture--good thing I took a couple closer photos of Hubby's handy work!

We had to do some creative roping off of a couple of the areas that were still a little hazardous, like the new patio--we used strings of lights to create a bit of a barrier. Although I didn't get a photo, we have piles of gravel, sand, and pavers in the driveway along with a wheelbarrow, and we used a string of flashing, noise-making motion sensor lights to block that area off. Several of the kids who came to the house commented on how much they liked Hubby's pumpkin pot man--isn't he cute?! He's hiding behind the pillar in the photo above, but here's his close up--

And here's the large pumpkin Hubby carved, sitting in a chair to greet the kids--

Finally, I thought you might like to see the Wild Child--can you tell how she got her nickname?! I hope she's having fun tonight, dancing and partying--and I hope my little witch doesn't get into too much trouble! (Her dad, by the way, is hoping she'll keep her sweater on all evening. Think there's any chance of THAT happening?!)

Time for bed . . . just as soon as I turn the clocks back an hour! And can you believe it's NOVEMBER already?!


  1. We had our clock change last week, as for Halloween went to a quilting show yesterday it also my baby's 33rd birthday he not such a baby anymore at around 6ft lol
    Yes it November now & it won't be long to Christmas
    Hugs Janice

  2. Like your new border on the blog, Hubby makes the cutest pumpkins and the pumpkin man is so cute. I presume you will leave him out for a bit to be admired by all.
    I don't know if I would want to let that Wild child out of my sight. Hope she had a lot of fun and got home OK.

  3. Love the job your DH did on the pumpkin person sitting in the chair. DH's are good to have around!
    As for your cutie-pa-tootie wild child?? I looked at her picture and said to myself...."ahhhhh I remember the days I had a waist. sigh." heehee

  4. Did you notice how much Wild Child dresses like Hey Ghoul Friend....just sayin....

  5. Well, wild child is definitely a cutie!

  6. Thankfully, no time change in Arizona - it used to take me weeks to get my bod's time clock in sync!

    The trick-or-treaters were darling as bumble bees and monkeys, but what's up with their Mom's and Dad's carrying treat bags ALSO?

    We're going to go out today to see if we can score some discounted decorations for next year.

  7. Ooooo Hubby does a great job on the pumpkins! And I hope Wild Child had a fun night (though not TOO fun! *said in a motherly tone* hahaha), she's gorgeous!

  8. you still have flowers blooming - delicate little flowers - and here i am with at least 6 inches of snow still - it's melting, but not quickly enough ... sigh

    pretty girl - love the broomstick!

  9. You Wild Child is GORGEOUS!! I can see why dad is worried but it looks like she has a good head under that witches hat! Hope you had a wonderful Halloween with lots of left over candy!!

  10. Great pumpkins! I can see why you call her wild child lol! Great costume.

  11. What a beautiful Wild Child. I'll be she looks just. like. you!

  12. great pumpkins!!! Hubby is a good carver! I have one of those wild child types too and no, there is NO way a sweater is staying on all night.

  13. Nice display with the pumpkins! And your daughter looks great! It was nice to get an extra hour of sleep, that's for sure. Oh, I told a friend that we were trick-or-treating with about your BIL who gives out ketchup packets to the un-costumed...he thought that was the FUNNIEST thing he had ever heard. :-)


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