Monday, October 26, 2009


Can I just say that back pain sucks? Well, I know that ANY pain sucks, particular if it lasts some time--and this back pain has lasted some time. And I'm getting cranky.

We're supposed to leave for vacation in the morning and because my back still hurts just as bad as ever today, I took some Flexeril--which I knew would knock me out, but I thought it would be worth it if it helped. Didn't seem to help. I've iced my back. But that didn't seem to help either. And sadly, I've found that sitting in my sewing chair seems to make it worse. ARGH!

I was going to send Hubby to pick up some fast food for dinner, but he was experiencing one of his Meniere's attacks and wasn't feeling well either. What a pathetic pair we are! I finally pulled a few frozen things out of the freezer and heated them up.

I DID get one little Christmas project done--

It's a bag to microwave potatoes in. I made a couple last year and they're supposed to work really well, but I didn't keep one for myself--now I have one. If you're interested in making one, click HERE. Fast and simple--my kind of project!

I wanted to make a Christmas stocking today too, but I just didn't get to it. I'm still not sure if we'll be able to leave for vacation tomorrow, but I'm going to go to bed with some Tylenol PM, an ice pack, and a hot pack and hope something works. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I hope you're both feeling better and get off for your holiday today.

  2. My husband has lower back pain, so I know from him how hard it is.Hope you feel better soon!

  3. I hope that both you & DH will soon be okay i can appreciate what your going through with the back pain also i have something similar to what your DH which flares up every so often you take care & enjoy your vacation
    Hugs Janice

  4. Hi Kim! I hope you & the hubby are feeling better in the a.m. & are able to leave for your vacation!
    Take care!

  5. The potato bag works great, try it for sweet potatoes too!

    Hope you are feeling like leaving on your vacation, sounds like it is just what the DR would order!

  6. I hope you're both well enough to enjoy your vacation.

  7. I do hope you get to go on your trip and have a wonderful relaxing time!

  8. I hope you both are feeling better soon!

  9. I hope you were feeling better this morning so that you could go on vacation. Your husband suffers from Meniere's too? So does my mom. She just got diagnosed with it in January this year.

  10. I am crossing fingers and toes that you and your DH are on the way to your vacation and that lovely photos will soon follow.

  11. Oh Kim, I hope that you will be feeling better by tomorrow. Hate to miss out on a vacation :-(


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