Thursday, September 24, 2009

What I've Been Up To

I haven't shown you much of what I've been up to lately, so I thought I'd take a couple minutes to do that. And, by the way, while I'm thinking about it, if anyone with an asterisk by their name in my sidebar who participated in the Finish it in August challenge hasn't yet emailed me their snail mail address, please do so--I have a little reward to send out and I don't think I've heard from everyone yet.

At my recent Buggy Barn class, I used the "cats" pattern from the Frightfully Crazy book to demonstrate how to layer and cut the fat quarters. Over the weekend, I finished piecing the top and I added the borders a couple days ago--I thought I'd show you. The wool facial features will be added later, when I'm quilting it.

I don't think I'd mentioned it, but I had arranged to take this past Monday off as a vacation day--I knew after the event on Saturday, I'd want a little time to recover and then I'd need some time for chores around the house--like cleaning and starting to decorate for fall. So that's what I did on Monday, although I still have a lot of decorating left to do. But, if you've been reading my blog since last year, you might remember this "picture"--

I had taken a Thimbleberries fabric panel and centered it and wrapped it around the backing cardboard of a large picture frame and taped the edges down with masking tape. Well, I did the same thing again this year, using a different fabric panel:

This one is called The Witching Hour by RJR Fabrics.

I've been suffering from allergies this week, and between that and work, I haven't had much time or energy to get back to the decorating, but I plan to finish up this coming weekend. I would also really like to get that other Buggy Barn quilt top, If The Hat Fits, pinned and start quilting it. As you can see, I've been caught up with fall--maybe if I pretend fall is here and the weather is cooling down, it really WILL!

Thanks for stopping in to visit me!


  1. What a great idea to make a panel into a picture.

    Sorry about the allergies, hopefully they'll go away soon.

  2. Hope you feel better Kim. I love your displays.

  3. Now I wish I had ordered the Panel for the shop..dang...I don't normally do much season decorating, maybe a small seasonal quilt on the back door but for fall....I love fall...and far I've only gotten one big platter out, now you've got me going...the mantel next.

  4. Love the new panel. Just fits you. hope you get feeling better so you can get all decorated up for Halloween.

  5. Love the panel idea especially last years one it almost makes me wish i had a bigger place so i could decorate but i have to wait for Christmas as we don't do autumn/fall decorations here in our homes love the idea
    Hugs Janice

  6. Although I didn't quite get to the "finishing" of projects in August, I just wanted to thank you for the motivation! I have managed to quilt and bind a small table topper, have 2 large quilts quilted and now are bound, plus several other things staring at me waiting for just the final touch.
    Also reorganized stash, refolded and weeded out fabrics that needed a better home! Again my thanks!
    sue in wisconsin

  7. You know one of the reasons I think you are great is - when life give you lemons you make lemonade (and make the rest of us think it is the best thing ever!)

    I quess I better start hauling out my fall decorations.


  8. Love the cats!! When I scrolled down to see it, I immediately had a big smile on my face. Thanks Kim and I hope you are feeling better!!

  9. That Witching Hour panel is very cool framed. What an awesome focal point in the room.

  10. The cats are adorable and I am sooooo impressed w/your idea for the panels!!! What a great way to use them :)

  11. Cool panel! and I love those candles!! How neat!! Cute cats too~ you have a great eye for colors! Thanks for the inspiration! :-)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!