Monday, September 21, 2009

Down Time

I gave myself permission to do absolutely nothing today, including writing a blog post. I slept in, read a book, took a nap, read some more, sent Hubby out for fast food, read some more, watched a little TV, and read some more. I think I'm just about recovered from The Event--or I should be by tomorrow. Just as soon as I read and sleep a little more. See you tomorrow!


  1. Everyone need some ME time so i don't blame you at all
    But that don't stop me missing your postings so will look forward to the next one have a good rest
    Hugs Janice

  2. Now that is what I call a peaceful day - napping, reading! Filling your cup is OK with me. You will be ready to take on the day tomorrow.

    Just had a little nap myself, finished one book today and started another. Now I need to get up and go to bed.


  3. good for you Kim. we all need some down time.

  4. Great way to spend a lazy day. It will do you good.

  5. today would be a perfect day for reading and napping ... some freshly baked chocolate chips cookies wouldn't hurt, either ... too bad it is monday and i don't get to do any of that ... sigh


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