Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Who'd a thought on Sunday that by Tuesday, the high temperature in Sacramento would drop 26 degrees? I sure didn't! I was starting to think we'd have temps around 100 degrees until Thanksgiving. Not that we've suddenly been plunged into cold weather, mind you. We'll still be in the high 70s and 80s through the foreseeable future, but for us, this is fall, and I couldn't be happier about the change!

I'm sure you're tired of hearing about Sacramento weather, but I started thinking about changes, and that's a big one for us. What other changes have there been recently? Well, did you hear that Mark Lipinski has left Quilter's Home magazine? Big change, huh?

To tell you the truth, I only read one issue of the magazine and that was, I think, the first or second issue. I found that his "voice" was so dominant throughout the entire magazine that I was a little annoyed by the time I got to the end. Strong personalities affect me that way sometimes. Back when I first started quilting, I tried watching Quilt in a Day a couple times but I wanted to shoot Eleanor Burns by the end of each episode. Same thing with Mark Lipinski. Still, that's just me--I know both Eleanor Burns and Mark Lipinski have HUGE followings, and many quilters are devastated by his leaving Quilter's Home. And I'm sure everyone agrees that the magazine certainly won't be the same without him!

You've probably heard the saying that "when one door closes, another opens," right? Well, have you seen the new Canadian quilting magazine? Sweet P. Paulette (who really IS quite sweet!) surprised me by sending me a copy.

That partridge/pear tree quilt on the front? Advent calendar! Really cute idea, don't you think?! If you have an opportunity to check out the magazine, please do so.

Do I have any more changes to talk about? Well, you KNOW I've been motivated lately to cook some cooler weather dishes--somewhat optimistically and ahead of the season, I admit! I made one of our favorite fall/winter pasta dishes the other day--penne pasta with Italian sausage, sauteed mushrooms, and spinach in an Alfredo sauce (topped with parmesan and toasted pine nuts). YUM!

It's much simpler to make than it sounds. Let me know if you want me to post the recipe--I'd be happy to share.

Speaking of cooler weather/seasonal food . . .

Hubby baked an Apple Hill cake today and served me up a piece topped with vanilla ice cream just as I was sitting down to write this. So, I'm afraid it's time to say goodnight to you so I can eat it. I'm sure you'll understand. Thanks for visiting.


  1. Congratulations on Winning darn i had wanted to win lol
    I know what you mean about Eleanor Burns we just started to get her Quilt in a Day over here in the UK on the Rural Channel (279 for UK) & yes her voice does grate my DH either takes the mick or gets up & walks out lol
    Well it seems that the sun is coming out here so should be a nice day not as warm as you over there but better than it being dull & overcast
    Hugs Janice

  2. all that food on your blog is making me gain weught. LOL.
    I saw that magazine somewhere. It looks interesting.

  3. I'm many times have I said that about Eleanor's voice. It's almost like watching one of those kid shows back in the day....Romper Room perhaps?

  4. When I was a "virgin" quilter I would watch every quilt show I could. Her's? I watched with the mute button on. I watched strictly to learn techniques. I have never purchased a pattern or book of hers as they do not appeal to me.
    Mark has a huge voice that can overpower... will be interesting to see what becomes of him.

    Fall? in the 70's/80's? It was 30 degrees this morning here in Missouri...YIPPEE!!!

  5. Sandy from ThimbleberriesSeptember 30, 2009 at 5:48 AM

    I wouldn't mind if you put your recipe on the blog. It looked delicious. I am going to Apple Hill this weekend. Seeing your hubby's cake makes me want to bake one. I will need to buy my apples this weekend. What kind did he use?
    I love fall. I now need to start decorating my place. Thanks to the prize I won from you I now am have enough halloween decorations to make my home look ready for the season. I went to Bear Paws and bought one of the gourd witches. I bought the least expensive one. I love her. The lady who painted her did a fabulous job. She has been sitting out on my side table since I bought her.

  6. You know that's funny because I have the same opinion of Mark. I didn't know he was leaving the magazine. And Eleanor Burns, a great person and cracks me up how she tosses the cut fabric over her shoulder and leaves them on the floor, but her voice is quite annoying. I want that magazine. I hope it will be available in the bookstore soon or Joann's.

  7. What you say about strong voices rings a bell with me. Sometimes the less intrusive personality is so much easier to take!
    My sister Andrea is hoping to go to Apple Hill this weekend, now that the weather has cooled off a bit. She says it just seems wrong to go to such a celebration of fall when it is 101 outside.

  8. You are making me hungry... Pasta sounds great! A new magazine is good.. sometimes the others start to all look the same.. I will have to search it out.
    Thanks for sharing

  9. Ahhhhhhh, cooler temps at last! It's actually just a tad bit cooler down here in SFL today too :) I'll take "cooler" any day of the week! Your hubby's cake looks awesome and I love the looks of that new magazine. I shall have to check that out!

  10. Sipping my morning cup of tea here and reading along with you. I would love a piece of the cake that your DH made. I thinks that would make a nice breakfast...
    You are so right change is in the air. I had to dig out my housecoat this morning.


  11. Oh yes! 'Tis the season for warm apple cake with whipped cream and pumpkin or banana bread lathered with cream cheese. Yummy!

  12. I would love to have the recipe
    please count me in,Thanks
    Christina D

  13. Can you believe it actually snowed in Tahoe on Tuesday night?! ~Wild Child


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