Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Winners All Around

I'm very impressed that so many of you have made an effort to get things finished up in August. It's been great knowing that I'm not alone in postponing the "new" in favor of finishing the "old." And I know that for some of you, life has intervened and you weren't able to play along--a time will come, though, when you'll get to it. There's no deadline or penalty involved.

I'm also quite pleased with having gotten the Sweat Shop cleaned up and sorted. A month ago, my quilt rack--the place for unfinished projects--looked like this:

Now? It looks like this:

There are only five or six projects on it, all of which need applique. That table runner on top? I won that at Thimbleberries Club last year--someone hadn't felt like finishing it and was doing the same thing I've been doing--cleaning out! My plan, though, is to pin it for quilting and add wool applique while I quilt it--a fast method that will "dress it up" quite a lot. Maybe I'll get to it before I leave for quilt camp in a week.

I've visited all of the "Finish it in August" blogs and I've added "stars" next to the name of each blogger who has finished three or more projects--click on over and see what they've gotten done. It's really amazing to see all these finishes. If you're on the list, have finished three or more projects, and haven't posted them to you blog yet, please email me to let me know you're posting and I'll add a star next to your name too.

Now, for the winners of my last giveaway--remember, if you see your name here, e-mail me your mailing address and I'll get your "prize" in the mail to you.

Giveaway #1 (manly quilt book)--Winona

Giveaway #2 (Thimbleberries panel)--Marylin Tucker

Giveaway #3 (foundation piecing book)--Anonymous/Sue S.

Giveaway #4 (patterns)--Fiesta

Congratulations ladies! Oh, and I DID hear from the "missing" winner of the quilt designs book, so that will be going out this week too.

Tonight, on the last evening of August, I finished organizing all of the patterns I had ripped out of quilt magazines. I wanted to show you how I keep them in case anyone is in need of an idea.

I have binders labeled "Series Quilts," "Applique Quilts," and "Pieced Quilts." With so many tote bags and various other miscellaneous things out now, I can see I'm going to have to add another binder labeled "Miscellaneous."

When I rip a pattern from a magazine, it goes into a clear plastic sheet protector, and then I put it in the appropriate binder. I try to do this every six months or so, but sometimes I fall behind. Each time I sort the magazines and rip out the patterns, I flip through all the older patterns in the binders and take out any I'm no longer interested in--it's funny how our tastes change over time!

A few of you asked for a tutorial on the ruffled binding and someone also asked awhile back if I could do a tutorial on the Halloween treat bags I made for my last Buggy Barn class. I'll try to do a few tutorials soon, so if you were interested, please check back.

Thanks for stopping in.


  1. In case you're interested, since I had to take a fortnight from August to make the horrendous Debs dress, I intend to move that fortnight into September, starting from next weekend. I dunno if that's legal but heck, I was enjoying all my legitimate quilting!

  2. Congratulations on getting the UFOs finish in August, this is a challenge i can't really take as i don't start something new until i finish what i am working on only time was when i was waiting on fabric, doing this makes you finish stuff you may put to one side so for me it good i also am like this as i have no room to put them anywhere lol so well done you still done more than me in the month have a great time at quilting camp
    Hugs Janice

  3. Kim I had a feeling that your quilt rack was going to look lighter today and it sure does. You have really been working hard on this. DO you have a projected date in mind? Thank you for the prize.

  4. Everything is getting so neat and tidy...putting some of us to shame! Congrats to your winners.

  5. Congrats on getting your UFOS done in August and congrates to the winnders!

  6. Totally Awesome
    Way Cool
    Well done, and all that is good should come to you!

    You have given all of us a high standard to live up to!

    Now take a cute curtsey like the cute curtsey picture on your side bar.


  7. Hi Kim,
    Thanks so much for doing the challenge in August. It was a great motivator. I had a few projects I never thought I'd complete and I did.
    You have done an awesome job this month!!
    Thanks again.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!