Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Second Opinion . . .

So I finally broke down and went to see the doctor today. After the whole yogurt fiasco and recovery from the brink of death, I felt totally and completely marvelous--for four days, until Monday, and then the stomach problems came back (although not nearly as bad). At this point, given the circumstances and my surroundings when the illness recurred (MONDAY at WORK), I'm pretty sure it's a work-related allergy. Nevertheless, being mindful of all your suggestions and having come to the realization that spending half my time in the bathroom occupied AWAY FROM THE SEWING MACHINE was cutting into my quilting time, I made the appointment and went in.

And I'm happy to report that the doctor agrees with my diagnosis: I'm not dying just yet.

Actually, he concurred with one of my other differential diagnoses: It's probably related to my having quit smoking and nicotine withdrawal. He brought it up--I didn't prompt him with flashcards. So that stomach stuff, combined with the intermittent depression I'd mentioned before, along with my debit card, netted me a bottle of Wellbutrin, a mood leveling drug that was developed as a smoking cessation aid. Oh, and some Peptobismol. So now I'm set. And while I was waiting in the pharmacy, I perused the allergy medication aisle--nothing for a work allergy that results in stomach distress upon sighting the boss. Nope! Everything in the allergy aisle seemed designed to treat sneezing, runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes. It's a conspiracy by the drug manufacturers, I'm telling you!

But enough about me. Let's talk about you.

What did you say? Oh! You want to know who won the giveaways? Well, why didn't you SAY so instead of letting me go on and on and on about moi?!

Okay, here it is--Giveaway #1, the rotary cutting/piecing book, goes to Missy Ann, who was lucky number 7!

Giveaway #2, the applique pattern, goes to Sandy A. (Scottylover), who was lucky number 13! (I LIKE #13 because I'm just that way--a rebel!)

Giveaway #3, the quilting pattern book, goes to Diane H., in Ontario, Canada, who was number 4.

And Giveaway #4, the fall veggie/pumpkins/sunflowers fabric packet, goes to Melissa (aka Auntia) who was number 22.

Congrats, ladies! Please privately email me your full name and mailing address, and I'll get these goodies off to you. You can email me by clicking into my profile and then clicking on email.

And finally tonight, let's finish up with a little treat for some of you Thimbleberries fans. I got a tip that the Fat Quarter Shop has pictures of the 2010 Thimbleberries Club block-of-the-month project, Village Green. Click HERE to get a look at what's coming. I DO like houses and, more than that, I've missed my Thimbleberries Club friends this year, so I just might have to rejoin for 2010. So, those of you who like Thimbleberries--what do you think?

Addendum: Okay, I just found on the Jolly Jabber Blog that if I mention their giveaway, I get extra entries, so I'm mentioning it here. DON'T GO OVER THERE AND ENTER THOUGH, because I want to win, okay? Don't even think about it. I'll be checking, and I know who you are! Just click on that link and join the club or order something and tell them I sent you. (Seriously, don't you think a nice Fat Quarter Shop gift certificate will do me a LOT more good than Wellbutrin and Peptobismol?)


  1. Hope that you soon get sorted out with the problem
    Congratulations to the winners
    Hugs Janice

  2. Just so you know, I know several people who have taken Wellbutrin to quit smoking, and for other problems, and they all have gained unwanted weight. I just wanted you to know that. I had a young nephew who got quite large with it, and I know a few guys from work, that actually started smoking again, because they didn't like the weight gain. Did anyone tell you that was a side effect?

    I just thought you would want to know that. I am heavy, but not from Wellbutrin. I would definately not want to be on anything to make me gain MORE weight.

    I do hope you feel a lot better soon.

  3. I hope you start feeling better soon, Kim. Quitting smoking is a drag. I gained some unwanted weight myself. A little too much for me. Come to find out, I have some thyroid issues. It's always something. Good luck with everything and feel better soon!

  4. Congrats to the winners.. Good luck with everything Kim... I can't wait to see your Thimbleberries Quilt.. I know it will be awesome!!

  5. When you find an over-the-counter work allergy med please let me know! So far I am treating mine with an expensive longarm machine and scotch. Works like a charm!

  6. So glad you went to see the Doc Kim. Hope the WB makes you feel better soonest :) Those tummy issues are always worrisome to me, as our Daughter suffered from/Crohn's Disease for 23 yrs. On a brighter subject, I've been meaning to tell you that you write beautifully my dear. It makes for some very enjoyable reading!!! Perhaps the "allergy medication" for work is to quit and take up writing :)

  7. Woo hoo! My morning is MADE. Thanks again for the giveaway. And I hope you get 100% better yesterday!

  8. So glad you aren't dieing!!!!! :) I had a friend take Wellbutrin to help her quit smoking and she now swears by it. Hope it helps!!

  9. Julia from ThimbleberriesAugust 27, 2009 at 1:06 PM

    Come Back! Come Back!

    The houses are cute. Thanks for the link! I think I like the dawn series the best.

  10. What's that old joke about quilters? Something along the lines of 'quilters aren't over-weight, they just have fat quarters'? I tell you I'd be on twice the strength of anti-depressants if it wan't for regular quilting, which is why this ####### dress is driving me so mad because I'm not allowed to quilt until it is finished...

  11. An allergy is an allergy is an allergy. If you have questions, please talk with your pharmacist. If your pharmacist doesn't have time, shoot me an email.

  12. Glad you went to the Dr. and found out your not dieing... geesh that would have been pretty much a day dumper had it gone the other way tee hee...though there maybe some side effects, you still win on the stopping smoking...hang in there :O)...

    I saw the name Sandy in the winners and thought woooowhooo then I saw it was another Sandy LOL...

  13. Congratulations to your giveaway winners - they will enjoy your lovely books and fabric.
    Hope the medication helps you to feel better.

    Happy quilting-

  14. I am glad you on the right track and getting an MD on your team is worth the effort. I like the vision of holding cue cards up for him.... Seriously he was probably able to help you more throughly because you are a thinking customer.

    Good For You!


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