Sunday, August 30, 2009

Open House

The afternoon was spent at Bearpaws and Hollyhocks meeting new friends and visiting with old friends (and that's NOT to say any of us are OLD; we've just known each other awhile!). What a lovely way to spend part of a Saturday! The only drawback? The weather outside was over 100 degrees; and so the "weather" inside was considerably warm as well. We all survived, though, and had lots of goodies to eat and drink while we visited. And did I remember to bring my camera? No, I did not, I'm sorry to say. I DID think about packing it to bring a couple times earlier in the day but forgot. You'll just have to take my word for it: There were wonderful quilts and projects displayed all over the shop and all of us looked simply mah-va-lous, my dear! I caught up with Ms. Pam (Orcsmom) who mentioned life has slowed down enough so she thinks she'll get a new blog post up soon--and she's promised it will be a good one! And Gran was there, so we got to catch up too--both of us have been quite busy with things at home lately and haven't had a chance to talk in a week or longer. Then there were all the shop ladies--they were pretty busy most of the afternoon, but we did get to chat a little bit from time to time.

On the way to BP&HH, I stopped at Starbucks to pick up a latte, and the boy working the counter looked at me and said, "Is that pin you're wearing a PUMPKIN?" Sigh. Of course, I had to explain WHY I was wearing a pumpkin pin in August when it was 102 degrees outside, and of course, he probably had absolutely no idea what quilting is and why anyone would be teaching it or attending an open house or--for that matter--be wearing a pumpkin pin in August, but by the time I was done, he didn't seem inclined to ask any more questions and my latte was ready. Good thing he wasn't working there when I came in wearing my bunny slippers on the way to the Spring! class last February or March!

After the Open House, Hubby met me at the shop and we drove the short distance to the Green Jade restaurant for dinner. You may remember that I'm the one who cooks on the weekends, and I knew I wasn't going to want to do that after the Open House. Sitting in a quiet Chinese restaurant, enjoying a good meal, and relaxing was the perfect way to end a busy day for both of us!

At the Open House, as I normally do, I held a raffle for a little Halloween giveaway--a small tabletopper quilt and a goodie bag. And since you couldn't be there and since I told you last night I'd post my last giveaway of things I've cleaned out of the Sweat Shop, that's what I'm going to do now. Same rules apply--there are four giveaways and you'll need to leave a separate comment for each one you want to enter. I'll draw names early this time--since Monday is August 31st, that's when I'll draw. The winners will be posted on my Monday night/Tuesday blog post and you'll have to come back to see if your name was drawn!

Giveaway 1 is a book stuffed full of quilt designs for that special guy in your life. There are something like 13 quilts; some using piecing, some applique. There are quilts for hunters, fishermen, carpenters, golfers--you name the guy-hobby and there's probably a quilt in this book based on it.

Giveaway 2 is a Cover Story panel from Thimbleberries depicting bobbing for apples--perfect for Fall!

Giveaway 3 is a book about foundation piecing--I have no idea where I got it, but I've never used this method and apparently I haven't been curious enough since the book came to me to try it, so I thought I'd pass it on. Any foundation piecers out there? Or anyone who'd like to try? There are some nice looking quilts in the book!

Giveaway 4 is for two patterns--one is an appliqued wreath quilt and one is a pieced heart quilt--both are suitable for wallhangings, although the pieced heart quilt would make an equally good tabletopper or small lap quilt.

Finally, one of last week's giveaways is still unclaimed--the book of machine quilting patterns. If I don't hear from the winner by the time I announce the winners of these giveaways, I'll draw another name--I still have the names of those who entered that giveaway.

Good luck to you and thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. What a nice little getaway :o)

    I would love to be entered for drawing #4.

  2. It was great to see ya and catch up with you. I think your hubby was coming when I was going tonight, oh well. Have a great Sunday, enjoy the a/c, I am!!!


  3. Is there a drawing here, somethin' about a giveaway...or have I drunkenly stumbled into your living room...? Dear Lord, where am I and who are you? Did I see something about an apple bobbing?

  4. *figures originality will get my name drawn*

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sounds like a fun day at the Quilt Shop. Please enter my name in drawing #2 for the Thimbleberries panel, so cute. Stop by my blog, I took a cue from you and I'm giving away two table toppers that I made and I'm giving away as is the winner will have to do the quilting themselves. I've had very good response so far, who knew.

  7. I would love to be entered for the book --- Giveaway #1.

  8. I would love to be entered for Giveaway # 2


  9. Hello, I would like to be entered into giveaway No. 3 the book about the foundation piecing. Happy days.

  10. Hi Kim! What a generous giveaway! I would love to be entered in to giveaway #1 - the quilting book for blokes. I'm fairly good at girly stuff but need a little inspiration for the man in my life...

  11. Me again! The patterns look interesting so please enter me in giveaway #4 as well.

  12. Sounds like you had a very quiet boring Saturday? Nothing to do, nowhere to go, no one to talk at least yu wen out for dinner!

  13. Nice of you to have a give-away. I'd like to enter #3... love books..
    I'd like to thank you for your inspiration too.
    Susanne in Sweden

  14. Sounds like you had a good day
    I would love to be entered in your Giveaway for #1
    Hugs Janice

  15. I would also like to be entered for the Giveaway #2
    Hugs Janice

  16. What a great way to spend the afternoon & then have supper out!

    Please enter me in Giveaway #2.

    Nancy E

  17. I think the book would be lovely to have. Thank you!

  18. KIm, Glad you had a great time Saturday. Missed you last weekend. Mark your calender now for next year. Please enter me in your NO.2
    Drawing. Thanks Sharon Mac

  19. Great give away (as usual) Enter my name in draw #1.......thanks.

  20. I need to make a manly quilt for my brother so please enter me in draw #3. Thanks.....

  21. Wow I can't decide which one I'd like; please enter me in all of them.

  22. Isn't it funny how people ask us a question about our cradting and when we start to explain they get that glazed look in their eyes...oh well, at least we know what we're talking about and love it.

    PLease enter me for giveaway #2. Thanks!

  23. Oh, the book, #1 giveaway, would be perfect for my husband who loves to fish and outdoor activities! The cover looked perfect--enter me here please!

  24. I would love to try the book in giveaway #3. Thanks!

  25. I love the patterns in giveaway #4 too! Count me in!

  26. I'm partial to the TB panel..#2 please.

  27. Like several others I like the looks of the patterns in giveaway no. 4. Please enter me in that drawing.

    I love your blog and read every day. I'd love to be your neighbor!!


  28. Whoopie! put me in for #2, I love Halloween!

  29. Hi Kim, could you please put me in the drawing for giveaway #2 the darling Halloween panel. Thanks!

  30. Hi Kin, drop my name in the hat for givewaay "#3, the foundation pieceing. If I win, you can contact me at dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com Thanks!

  31. It's me again, Kim. I also like #4, the two patterns. They look interesting also. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  32. I feel greedy, but if you don't get notification from the winner of the machine quilting patterns, I'd like to go in the drawing for that also. Thanks! dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  33. Hi Kim, I am always strugling to come up with ideas for the guys, so please enter me in giveaway #1. Thanks, Winona

  34. Kim, I would also love to be entered in giveaway #4. Those look like cute patterns. Thanks, Winona

  35. I'd love to have a chance at "Giveaway #2" Kim! That's one adorable little panel :) Tks so much and tks so much for all the "August Fun!" LOL at the guy from Starbucks :)

  36. Goosh Kim you are just so generous. I would love giveaway #4.

  37. Sounds like a great day. And I am so envious of your Lake Tahoe trip. I love Tahoe. *sigh* I'm sure that you'll have a great time.

  38. I'd like to be entered for the giveaway....the guy book, please.


  39. I am always look for good quilts for men. 3 sons and a hubby. Please enter me in giveaway #1.

  40. I would love drawing #2 TB panel. I do enjoy reading your blog. What fun.

  41. Hmmm... which giveaway should I try for? I think you'd guess right - #2 Thimbleberries!!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I would also like to be in giveaway #1. Thanks

  44. Wonderful giveaways! Please put me down for #2. The thimbleberry's panel. Thanks

  45. Kim, I love your nude self-portrait. You are a wacky lady just like me. Take care.

  46. I'd love #3. Your blog is one of my favorites; thanks for writing so often and so well.
    Sue S.

  47. HI Kim,
    It sounds like a very fun day at BPand HH. Glad to hear that Gran and Pam are doing well and that you had a fun afternoon together.
    I think your men's quilt book looks fascinating from Giveaway #1. Please enter my name in that giveaway.

  48. Hi Kim,
    I would love to be in #1 & #2. Maybe I will win one of them...

    I think I will get on the givesaway bandwagon in October after my daughters wedding!
    Great idea.


  49. Kim,
    I love the panel- it would make a fun wall hanging for my classroom- Thanks for having your fun giveaways. Please enter my name in Giveaway 2 as well.

    I am off to begin quilting the king sized quilt. It is all spray basted together.

    Have a great week- School begins tomorrow.
    Happy quilting,

  50. Hi Kim~please enter me in #2, I need to get into the fall spirit! :-)

  51. And since I'm here, would you drop me into #3 too. I have sewn foundation strings, but didn't know I could do other designs!

  52. Wow! Great give-aways. Please put me down for number 1, the guy's book and number 3, the foundation piecing book. Thanks!

  53. Please enter me into giveaway #4. That heart pattern looks like so much fun. Thanks for the chance to win!

  54. Please enter me in Give Away 4 :O)

  55. Please enter me in give away 3... Thank You

  56. Glad the open house went well. I'd like to be considered for giveaway #1. Thanks for the fun opportunity!

  57. While you are at it, please consider me for giveaway #4. Thanks!

  58. Hi Kim, please enter my name into give away number three. Thanks.

  59. Kim, great giveaway ideas once again :-) Please enter me for prize #1.

  60. And please enter me for prize #4. Thanks once again ;-)

  61. I would like to be entered in Giveaway #2.
    Chris in Sacramento

  62. Your Saturday sounds like it was a fun one. I'm still writing my post about my August finishes!

  63. Hi
    Please throw my name in the #2 give away.
    Thank you for the fun.
    I was so happy to see you yesterday at the Grand Reception at BP&HH. Like Pam I am enjoying the A/C at home today.


  64. Hi, as a new quilter I would love to win #1. I am just beginning my collection and could use something new to try!

  65. I would love to win #3, a new book or technique would be great for me.

  66. As I have but a couple patterns, I would also like to try to win #4. Maybe I will be lucky. I do love your blog and tutorials--I am learning from you!

  67. I love reading your blog everyday.
    Please enter me in giveaway #1.
    Thanks, Clare

  68. Thanks for the giveaways, Kim.
    Please enter me in number 2.

  69. Enter me in number 4, also.

  70. I would love to be entered in drawing #1.

    Thank you for the chance~

  71. I would also like to be entered in the drawing for #2!

    Thanks so much!
