Friday, August 14, 2009

Gettin' Stuff Done

I don't know about you, but for me, it seems like this week is speeding by! Probably because I've had so much to do to get ready for the class I'm teaching on Saturday. Add to that a few side excursions along the way, and there are just not enough hours in the day!

Boy Boss left today for a family thing in Ohio and won't be back until Monday. Girl Boss 2 moved last weekend and will be out of the office Friday afternoon, waiting for someone to come hook something up--her telephone, I think. Since the "kids" won't be around much of Friday, I'm thinking about taking the afternoon off work and finishing up the last things I need to do for class--which is mostly to make witch legs.

(And that reminds me--if any of my Saturday students happens to be reading this and are planning to make the If The Hat Fits quilt, you might want to pre-make your witch legs. Or not. It's really up to you and how driven you're feeling to get something done. Mostly I'm planning to have fun, but being the teacher and all, I have to set a good example and make at least some of my witch legs ahead of time.)

Oh, and I got a little side tracked this week--sort of. Well, I did a little project that wasn't even on my list of things to finish. How did that happen? I'll tell you the story another day, but in the meantime, here's what I finished today:

Isn't it hard to believe that it's the middle of August already and fall will be here before we know it? Where does time go? And how am I ever going to finish things in August with the month half over and me getting side tracked? ARGH!

I'm quite impressed that I've heard from all my giveaway winners and the packages are going out in the mail tomorrow! Usually I'll write a little note to the winners, but I was so pressed for time tonight, I didn't--I hope you'll all forgive me for being a little impersonal. I do want to thank you all for participating and checking in on me from time to time!

I've found that one of my quilting friends knows another quilter who "collects" fabric and sells it at an annual fabric sale to raise money for cancer, so my clean out will continue this weekend with my FABRIC stash! I have to get my unwanted fabric to my friend Teri this next week, so that's good motivation. And, of course, I'm sure I'll have a giveaway of fabric of some sort--watch for that in my Sunday night/Monday blog post.

Time for bed now--contrary to what some of you believe, I actually DO need to get a little bit of sleep now and then. See you here again soon!


  1. Kim I love your fall wallhanging. It is my favorite season. You did a great job.

  2. Adorable pumpkins!!! They were worth getting side tracked over :) Time is definitely flying by at the speed of lightening. At the rate it's going, I'll be 80 next week and today I'm just 53.

  3. Really cute wall hanging. Worth getting sidtracted for. Hope you get some sleep tonight.

  4. That wall hanging is just darned cute and in time for Fall!!

  5. Love the wallhanging it's really great especially the star fabric!!!!

  6. Love the wallhanging! Is it your own design? I'd love to make it!

  7. And you sleep too? My! aren't you gifted? That means your days are the same length as the rest of ours..and there was me thinking you were one of those people who 'work all night, and work all day' (Abba!)

  8. Key-U-T wall hanging!
    I am going to miss being in your class tomorrow. With all the preparation that you do, you are a fine example of everything a teacher should be. On top of that you are funny. I will miss that most of all.

    Everyone is excited about tomorrow! Sleep well my friend!


  9. What a lovely wall hanging, & autumn will be upon us before we even know it
    Hugs Janice

  10. Your Changing Leaves pattern is adorable!!

  11. The wall hanging is simply great...

    Thanks for sharing...
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