Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fame and Fortune!

I'm back this morning and feeling much better after a good night's sleep! First of all, I'd like to welcome all my new blog readers from Ireland and elsewhere. Turns out I'm famous now. Huh, imagine that! I'll try not to let it go to my head.

I suspect most of you have no idea what I'm talking about, and that's just fine because I'm going to tell you. The other day, I had a comment from Micki at Irish Muses congratulating me--she, and I, and another blogger are highlighted in an article in the fairly new quilt magazine, Irish Quilting. You can visit Micki and check out what she says about the article HERE.

I told Hubby that my blog was mentioned in Irish Quilting, and when he wondered why, I told him they'd probably discovered that he--a man of Irish descent--washed his wife's quilt with something wine red that bled all over the quilt and thought it worth writing about as a cautionary tale. I don't think he's buying it though. In the meantime, he's told his Irish-American family the news, and everyone's quite proud. The only thing is, I have no idea really what the article says. I've checked out a couple sources for sale of the magazine here in the U.S. but nothing so far.

The author of the article, Anne Marie, has a blog also, American Quilter in Ireland, and over the last couple years, we've exchanged a few emails on occasion. She has a lovely B&B in Ireland that I'd love to visit someday and now she's starting her own quilt shop! I'm quite honored (not to mention surprised!) that she would mention my blog in her article.

So, there's the "fame" part of this post; now for the "fortune."

A week or two ago, Kim Walus, designer and Moda Bake Shop contributor extraordinaire, had a giveaway of a little "Charmed Bag" she designed and demonstrated on the Moda Bake Shop site, and it turned out I WON!

Kim's blog is Bitty Bits & Pieces, and she always has good stuff to read about. I've "stolen" her charmed bag photo off her blog because it's a nicer photo than mine--

Isn't it darling? You can make your own if you go on over to the Moda Bake Shop and check out her directions. Here's a photo of what she sent--you can see the bag and the charm pack, but she also sent some lovely "treats" from Utah--caramel corn and two Utah truffle bars (mint and raspberry). Yum! THOSE will keep my energy level up through August when it comes to getting stuff done! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH, KIM! Yep, I'm surely fortunate!

Are you tired of hearing about ME yet? Me too! And if you've stuck through this post this long--and if you stopped by this morning only to find my poor excuse for a post last night--you deserve a chance to win a reward.

Bearpaws & Hollyhocks makes up monthly wool projects and here's the project for August (again, I stole a photo--this is from Pam's blog because I haven't made mine yet).

Would you like to win this little kit? I bought an extra one just for you! Leave me a comment telling me you want to be entered in the drawing, and I'll put your name in. I'll be drawing late tomorrow (Sunday) and will announce the winner on my Sunday night/Monday post, so this will be a quick one. Good luck!


  1. Kim, Please enter me in your contest. Love that you are now famous!

  2. You have always been famous in our household! LOL! I am so glad you are feeling better this morning. Are you sleeping better? I would love to be entered in the drawing. Have a fantastic weekend!

  3. Hi there Kim, I found your blog through Micki. Seems that we both entered your last giveaway a day late :-( So I would love to be entered in this one. I signed up to follow, cuz it looks like a great blog :-)

  4. I absolutely love your blog! I missed reading it while on vacation..we left all electronics home.
    Enter me in the drawing..thats a cute kit!

  5. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Please enter me in your drawing. And congratulations on your new found fame!

  6. Congratulations on your new found fame! :) I've never worked with wool, so this would be a fun kit to try! Thanks so much for offering it up!

    Sandy A in St. Louis (where it is 97 out with a heat index of 103~)

  7. Please enter me in your drawing. Congrats on your fame! I've seen Irish Quilting in one store but thats it so far here.

  8. Hi Kim! I'm the editor of Irish Quilting and we thank you for mentioning us on your block! Please send me your snail mail address and I'll rush a copy to you!

  9. That was supposed to be 'blog' not block--I have quilting branded in my head!!

  10. Well, congrats on being cited in a magazine. That's pretty darn cool. And, congrats again on the giveaway you won! I can only hope to be so fortunate to win your lovely give away! A, I love sunflowers and the flower looks so cheerful and B, it's made of wool! Love wool, but I don't have too much of it at the moment! Keep up the good work on finishing up your projects. You are inspiring me too. . .

  11. Hi Kim!
    So glad that you are feeling better!!
    I would love a chance to win you give away! Thanks!! :o) Paulette

  12. Kim, I would love to be entered in the drawing for the cute little woolen stitchery kit!

  13. Kim, I'm so glad that you were mentioned in the Irish Quilting Magazine. I love your quilts that you have shown on your blog.

    Please enter me in your contest.
    Working away to finish UFO's

  14. Thanks for the shout out and I'm so glad that it came and the chocolate wasn't melted into a pool of goodness. I'm glad your're feeling better and congrats on your fame and fortune!

  15. Congratulations on your fame and fortune!!! What a great bag you won. Please enter me for the giveaway.

  16. Very cute little kit!!! I am looking forward to seeing you in Irish Quilting!! I have a subscription even though it's rather expensive in US dollars--I just couldn't resist! It's a great magazine.

  17. Please enter me for a chance to win that little wool kit...

    Pat Sloan carries that Irish Magazine on her web site. Send her an email and I am willing to bet she will get you one....

  18. Dear Kim,

    Having never won anything, I would love to win this charming kit from someone famous !!

  19. I did read clear to the end! Thanks for the giveaway! And congrats on your mention in the magazine! Great gift you won too! :0)

  20. Kim, Please enter me in your give away. I will check my copy of Irish Quilting for the article but it is probably in another issue. I don't recall reading it. Thank you, Marge

  21. Kim, Please enter me in your give away. I will check my copy of Irish Quilting for the article but it is probably in another issue. I don't recall reading it. Thank you, Marge

  22. Hi Kim

    I would love to win a little wool project--and that one is a favorite of mine--sunflowers! Thanks for the opportunity!

  23. That kit is adorable, Kim. I'd love to win it!

  24. Looks like I'll have to get my hands on an issue of the magazine! I told you before...I really think you ought to get a book deal for your blog postings! Look what happened to Julie and the movie of Julia Childs! I see a future for ya!
    Did I butter you up for the giveaway win?

  25. Love your blog and read it daily. I have a bit o Irish in meself. Please enter me in your give away. I just finished up a BOM class based on Sue Spargos' pattern Flowerbed and would love to do another small project. Thanks for sharing yourself with us.

  26. I just love giveaways and yours looks really nice. This is the first time I have found your blog but I will be back .........

  27. love that little wool kit - would love to win it...and I am thrilled I got you to sign my Spring pattern when I bought it....I knew you would be famous!! the little bag you won.....!!glad you are feeling better....and I have a feeling you are not about to let hubby forget about his quilt washing exercise!! Fame Fortune and Forgiving....???

  28. Sunflowers and wool-two of my favorites; I'd love to win your giveaway. Congrats on being famous; I love that Irish magazine.

  29. Of course I would love this darling wool project. And, the bag you won is darling too! Now I'll have to make my own!

    And, I know a famous person now too! LOL

  30. Looks like a really cute project to try working with wool! I'd like to get my feet wet! Thanks, Gwen

  31. Please enter me in your drawing..I've not tried anything wool yet. I'd love to give it a try!

  32. congratulations for being published about. I think Pat Sloan sells those magazines in her shop? At least I remember seeing some in her store. Please count me in the drawing.

  33. well, i've always known that you are famous (or is that infamous?) ... anywho, i have been shop hopping the past twenty-four hours (Rocky Mountain Fever Quilt Shop Hop) and (re)discovered last night that i am incredibly allergic to wool - ha ha ha! i stopped itching around 2 this morning ... so i'm just commenting to let you know that i agree that you ARE awesome (and not to win anything that came from a baaing wooly booger... although it is cuter than a bug's butt)

  34. congrats for the publication. We can say we "knew you when"
    your winnings are great too. lucky lucky girl.......
    Dawn in MA

  35. Love the little sunflower kit! Congratulations1

  36. Congrats and your fame and fortune!! Love sunflowers.. maybe I will win! Thanks for sharing.

  37. I want to win the trip to Ireland!!!!!!!


  38. I would love to win the little kit. Congratulations on giving up smoking. I know it has to be hard.

  39. Kim - I'd love to be entered to win. Your winnings are great - good for you! I love Irish Quilting magazine - and I did read about you. I enjoy both yours and Micki's blogs - you are both deserving of the article. Wait until you read the issue - there are a lot of quilt shops over there - you and hubby may start planning a trip to the 'Ould Sod'! Congrats again - glad you're feeling better. Piece...

  40. I would love to win the kit - Sunflowers - and I live in Kansas - the Sunflower state. Please enter me in your drawing. I just found your blog through my niece "the busylittlequilter...


  41. Please include me. Love your blog, read it every day.

  42. Love the sunflower kit - please enter me.

    So now you're an internationally acclaimed quilt blogger - wow! Congratulations - you deserve it!

  43. I am happy to hear you are feeling better!!!!
    Congratulations on the give away! I can hardly wait to see the bag in person. You deserve the best of all there is. Why? Because you are you. You are generous with your humor, time and talent. Thank you for lightening up so many of our early mornings, and late nights in blogland. So, now, you have the luck of the Irish now at your back. Can't get better then that. Congratulations!

  44. Congratulations on your win!! Hope I'm just as lucky!!

  45. Top o' the morning to you Kim :o) Please enter me into the draw - I'd love to win something from one so famous :o)

  46. Glad that your feeling better surprising what sleep can do lol
    Congratulations on being in the Magazine, you can tell your DH that it the lucky of the Irish his luck has rubbed off on you well that is what i keep telling Micki lol who does have Irish blood but so dialuted it may as well not be there lol
    Love the bags well done
    Hugs Janice

  47. Yay for your fame and fortune!!! Next you'll be saying that you've been hired to teach some classes at the new Irish quilt shop, thus "winning" a trip to Ireland!!!! Good for you!

    Oh, and enter me in the drawing for that cute kit, please. What a happy little flower!

  48. i am off to check out all of the links on this page. glad I read far enough to learn of the giveaway before I ran off. please enter me, too.

  49. Congrats Kim! A world famous quilter - WOW!! Please enter me in your give-away. Thanks!

  50. Congratulations on becoming world famous! And on winning the cute, cute bag. Pleae enter me in this quickie

  51. Please enter me in your wool drawing. I've never tried it and this would be a good beginner project for me.
    Peggy (no blog)

  52. Congratulations on your fame AND fortune :o)

    Would love to be entered for the drawing!

  53. If it's not too late, I'd love a chance to win! Congratulations on being highlighted! I hope you can get your hands on the magazine.

  54. Sandy from ThimbleberriesAugust 9, 2009 at 12:01 PM

    Good afternoon,
    I am glad you are feeling better. I finished the Fireworks top and am waiting for the quilter. It looks fabulous thanks to your pattern. When it is done I will send you a picture. I would like to have a chance to win the wool kit. Please enter my name.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!