Thursday, August 6, 2009

Da Rulz

Rules. I don't like them.

A couple people asked me today about the rules for joining in my little Finish it in August program. Not many, really. All I ask is that you have a desire to get some quilty stuff done that's been sitting around WAAAAAAY too long, and if you're so inclined, do something about getting rid of anything you don't want or need any longer. Of course, giving things to charitable groups is ALWAYS a good idea, but it's also kind of fun to give stuff to other bloggers, so I'd encourage giveaways too.

I mentioned a couple days ago that I'd consider a "finish" to be either getting something completely done or, with a larger quilt, getting a top (or flimsy) completed. And, although I won't require it, it would be kind of nice if you'd "share" your finishes on your blogs so we can all oooooooh and aaaaaaah at your accomplishments. And--if you'll let me know you've posted a finish (OR A GIVEAWAY!)--I'll post something on my blog and link to yours.

Simple, huh?

And despite the fact that I won't be wielding a stick, I DO have a carrot or two. At the end of August, those bloggers who have committed to getting stuff done--the ones listed over there in the sidebar--who have finished three or more projects will be put into a drawing. The prizes? Whatever I don't get done in August will be sent to the winner(s). Okay, NO, you're right--that's just me kidding with you again! But there will be some kind of reward for the winner or winners. And no, I'm not sure how many will win because I'm making this stuff up as I go--remember I don't like rules? But it will be good. I promise. At worst? You'll get something done in August. Cool, huh?

And for those of you who don't want to get anything done this month? Well, check in with me anyway because I'll be doing some giveaways of things I no longer want/need that are taking over the Sweat Shop. I'll be doing giveaways at least once a week, I think. Oh, and if I announced your name as a winner yesterday? Please email me your mailing address--so far I've only heard from Jess.

I'm glad you were able to stop by for a visit! Now GET TO WORK!

P.S.: Just after I wrote and posted this, I had an email from Carol, letting me know she'd posted what she's been working on. Pop over there and ooooooooh and aaaaaaaaah a bit over her cute projects!


  1. Yee, haw -

    Da Rulz - Ok, Ok, I guess I will have to three for sure. I like the idea to getting rid of all the stuff that goes with a project. That thought in itself gives me the desire to dig things out, get them finished and then find a home for the "left overs."

  2. I love this idea...we all have UFOs and things that we don't need.
    Great stuff!

  3. I'll be playing along, but without a blog. I know one thing I need to finish FOR SURE is our son's/his fiancee's wedding quilt- the wedding is the 29th!

  4. Kim, I would like to join in I have 4 place mats, a table topper and a hand bag. They are not quilts but they will all be quilted. Have a headache this morning wont be blogging about them today. But i will tommorrow. Thanks looking forward to making a couple of aprons. I plan on post some giveaways also. I will let you know when. You are so sweet for doing all of this. Carol

  5. Kim, I tried serveral times yesterday to send you my home address. MSN our home carrier wont let me email from different sites.Go figure. Here is my email address and if you will email me I will forward my home address right back. THank you.
    Have a great day. Carol

  6. Hi Kim, Is it too late to join in for August? This might just be the push I need to get some things done and off my pile before we move at the end of the month!

  7. Hi Kim
    If you pop over to my yesterday's blog you will see that I wrote about YOU!! The caption read "Sucking my will to live!" -unfinished projects that is NOT you! Love your 'clean up/finish up/out of here' attitude! Count me in!

  8. I'd love to join your UFO challenge. I've been working on a few this summer, but I have quite a few I'd really like to finish by the end of the month.

  9. FYI: I'm not including finishing my eldest daughter's birth sampler, there's more urgent projects. Anyhow, since she turned 20 in May I think she can wait a bit longer...Hey! Beat that you guys!!!

  10. A "finished" project is sooooooo satisfying, so thanks for the "push!"

  11. Does imagining how they will look when they are completed count? LOL! I wish I could get some projects done. I will live through you once again and imagine how my things will look.

  12. okay okay, I'll get to it!!! sheesh! slave driver!
    (just exactly what I really need!)

  13. I'm in! I sure have UFO's that need a kick in the pants, so to speak, some are really close to being finished so this is what I need. Thanks for the encouragement. I've decided to turn loose of a couple of my featherweight machines as well to give more room in this tiny room! Who knows, I may find other things to turn loose of.

  14. Hi there. If it's not too late I would love to join this challenge. I have several unfinished objects for sure. I have a fall wallhanging I put so much time into already and it's just sitting there begging to be finished!

  15. Just posted on my blog some of the things I plan to finish...

    This is going to be such fun

  16. I love this idea! I will be participating but without a blog.

    I have 3 quilts that I would like to finish. Two are patriotic and one is for my daughter who has started Grad School.

    Thanks for the idea!

  17. i'm going to join in too. I'll see if i can post some sort of organized list on my blog today.

  18. No blog yet, but...

    3 quilts bound and ready to give to community service for my guild

    4 quilt tops with backs ready for
    community service

    all BOM's caught up (2)


  19. Count me in - I MUST finish my precious pieces, my shamrock wallhanging (from your blog tutorial!), my Gail Pan, Rosalie Quinlan and Leanne Beasley stitcheries.........

    Rachelle x

    Let me know if I need to do anything else please.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!