Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Another Finish!

Remember this quilt pattern? It's called Christmas List and the pattern is by Donna Yackey. I made this quilt top as a BOM at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks and finished the applique blocks around October or November, I think. Then the holidays started to interfere with normal life, and although I got the blocks together and the borders on, I hadn't added the appliqued gingerbread men in the corners.

Well, I've carried this quilt top around since the holidays, and in those several months, I managed to applique on two of the eight gingerbread men. Yesterday evening, I finally sat down in the Sweat Shop, got everything out that I needed, and started appliqueing. I finished around 12:30 a.m.

Isn't it funny how so many of us seem to collect these silly little unfinished projects? Since this top is now done, I can roll it up for pinning and quilting later--but not TOO much later! AND--and this is kind of exciting to me--I can FINALLY put away all the cottons and wools I had separated out for this specific project. Woo-hoo! Not only did I finish a project, but I was able to tidy away a small part of the Sweat Shop where that particular fabric lived for so long.

I really love this pattern, and I know some of you have already purchased it. If you haven't and wonder where you can find it, scroll down in my sidebar until you come to the part that says Sources for Purchasing Patterns . . . . If you click on Christmas List, it will take you to the Bearpaws & Hollyhocks website. Give them a call--if they don't have it in stock right now, they can probably order it for you pretty quickly.


  1. Isn't it a great feeling when you finish something. Well done!!!

  2. I am very impress with you, young lady! I better get on the ball! See ya Wed., at Jo's.


  3. Love this quilt! I hadn't seen it before...

  4. Oh I love this quilt! One of my favorites that you have been working on :o) You are going to have lots to show at the end of the month if you keep up at this rate!

  5. WOO HOO - that's great you finished it up, your off to a great start and the quilt is adorable. When packing to move a few months back I came across a whole bunch of wonderful plaids I had pulled for a project - it was like Christmas, LOL. I dismantled the project and put everything back into the fabric stash.

    Hugs - Karen

  6. Great job on the finish! And for clearing up part of your studio, too. I know how good that must feel!

  7. That's a lovely pattern and colours. Weren't the letters fiddeldy? Well done you!

  8. ewwwwww Cuteness girly just cuteness...

  9. That is so awesome that you finished this quilt. Looks great too. Yippee for getting stuff done. Feels great doesn't it? I guess I better get going on some of my projects.

  10. Looks good Kim...bet it feels good to have another one down! How many to go?

  11. Just...love...that...quilt!
    Caryl W in San Diego

  12. Congratulations on your first finish Kim
    - I got the borders on my star wall hanging and have part of the borders on fugly illusion quilt( am test driving one part of it)Haven't decided whether it works but I think so.. I am not sure anything will help this quilt..
    I am off to get the star quilt quilted- Thanks for the inspiration.

  13. Wow!!! Good for you! Good feeling isn't it!
    Love the quilt-it will be perfect for Christmas!

  14. Well done on finishing your quilt - it looks great. I really must tackle my UFOs!!

  15. This is lovely Kim. DO you think you will have it quilted for this Christmas? Or at least maybe display it?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!