Sunday, July 12, 2009

Writer's Block

It's nearly 3 a.m. and I've been sitting here for the past half hour trying to think of something to write about. I've got nothing. Or very little, anyway.

Writer's block? An uneventful day?

Well, I worked on this quilt--

But it doesn't look much different, does it? I made a few more strips and triangles and sewed together several more columns, but I still have a few to go.

Then I worked on these for awhile--

Disappearing nine-patch blocks using Halloween charms. But the oddest thing happened. I ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY KNOW I have yardage from this line, and I'd like to use it for borders, but I've looked high and low in the Sweat Shop and I cannot find it anywhere! So, have I lost it? Used it in something else and can't recall? (I think I used fabric from this line to back the Hey Ghoul Friend quilt, but I'm reasonably sure that was BEFORE I bought more of the fabric on sale.)

So, yeah, that's about the most exciting thing I have for you. I really just spent most of the day in the Sweat Shop, doing "stuff" but nothing that's all that exciting to see at this point. Oh! And here's more: I also pieced a back for a quilt that I want to pin in the morning. See? Exciting doings, right? Not!

And today's highlight? Well, it was Hubby and my anniversary--29 years. Hubby bought me some lovely roses and we exchanged cards. I didn't feel like going out to dinner, so he cooked BBQ'd chicken, rice, and fried onion rings, which was all very nice. After dinner he felt quite ill with this thing he gets occasionally, and so he napped in the recliner while I went back to the Sweat Shop--not exactly the height of romance, was it?!

I'll have to try to do something interesting tomorrow. Or at least think up a really good story. Thanks for stopping in!


  1. You seem to have such fun adventures that it is nice to know you can have a "normal" night once in a while.

    Happy Anniversary!!!

  2. twenty nine years! well now, you have 6 years more patience than i had! congratulations and best wishes to both of you ... it may not sound all that romantic, but you gotta love a man who respects your boundaries by staying in his recliner after feeding your belly

  3. It sure sounds like you had a busy day! I LOVE your hexagon quilt!!! I could look at it every day so keep posting it as you go....NEVER get tired of looking at that one!! I must get the ruler to make this quilt. I love the colours that you are using. About your missing fabric-it will turn up AFTER you have used something else!! The story of my life! Have a great day! Paulette (the 'new' girl on the blog! ;)

  4. Congrats on 29 yrs. Hubby and I are 5 years behind you. It's sounds like our annivesary. I always tell him, it's the simple things in life that count. He just grunts and goes on! The quilt is looking good. I can't wait to see the 9 patch one finished! See ya soon and have a great Sunday!


  5. Congrats on your anniversary and what a sweet hubby to prepare dinner for you. Love the pics of the hexagon quilt and can't wait to see your other project completed. Yep, Murphy's Law will rule - you will find that fabric after you have used or bought something else.

  6. I love this quilt. My friend and I were talking about it Friday night! You've inspired! Oh, and I think that sounds like the perfect anniversary - getting fed and sewing! Happy anniversary!

  7. Happy Hanniversary! Well you had a productive day anyhow, and I really like all the different fabrics you are using, quite different to what I have here.
    I think its lovely to hear of folks achieving high numbers anniversaries, kinda makes me think I might get there someday if others can!

  8. I think it sounds like you still had a great day and got lots accomplished, even if you do have writer's block. Happy Anniversary!

  9. Happy Anniversary 2U

    You quilt is something I could look at all the time. Perhaps in another life I will make one (backlog itis coming on here)

    Peace my dear friend. (pun intended!)

  10. Happy Anniversary to you both. 29 years is awesome. And Hubby cooking is always nice.
    I think maybe your fabric may have been visiting my binding. I found mine right where I put it, the sad part is, I all day looking for a totally different color than what the actual binding was--anyhow it's been found and is on the quilt. Good luck finding your fabric. Hide and seek is such fun!!

  11. Kim,
    Happy Anniversary to you and your Hubby- May you enjoy many more fun filled years together. Bruce and I will be married 29 years in December.

    I love the hexagon quilt- it turned out very funky. I hate it when I know there is fabric that I have bought and then can't find it- I hope you find the fabric that you are looking for...
    Disappearing Nine patch is such a quick quilt to make- that is what the sunflower quilt was in my previous post. I also made a second one that I will post soon. It was done for my god daughter's 16th birthday. She was thrilled with it so it made my day.

    Hope you have had a terrific day- perhaps you found your fabric or went checking the antiques or thrifting - What ever you have done- you will find a fun adventure I am sure.

  12. Happy Anniversary. In this day and age that is a long time. But in Oct. I will have 43 years with the same man.

  13. You need a vacation! I need one, too. This weekend I had the PMS, terret's syndrome, menopause stuff you had! I didn't say anything, but I was screaming ugly things on the inside. Everyone knew I was in a bad mood, though. I did cry, though. I cleaned house while I cried.

    Then I remembered that I hadn't changed my hormone patch. So, I slapped it on my rear end, and a little while later the world was good, again. I don't know...I just don't see where a little patch full of hormones has an affect on your mood and how you view the world. I'm thinking a vacation, away from home, on the beach, with a no brainer novel, in Florida would do me some good. I'll be there at the end of July. I can't wait!!!

    We're celebrating 29 years in August. Happy Anniversary!

    Hey, don't you have a birthday coming up soon?

  14. Happy Anniversary! Sorry to say your "romantic" day sounds about like many of my anniversaries. Next month will be 39 years for us. Yes, I must have been only 5 years old when I got married, because I an't be that old!
    Chris in Sacramento


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