Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Whatchamacallit Quilt

I thought I'd get back to talking about my progress on this quilt I'm playing around with and I realized I don't have a name for it. Any suggestions?

When we last talked about it, I said I'd show you how simply it goes together in rows--I think those of you who haven't seen the pattern in the magazine or anywhere else will be amazed that there are no Y seams!

I've sewn together the four rows (or columns--whatever you want to call them) on the right and I've separated the rows (columns) in the center so that some of the design wall shows through and you can see how the pieces go together. You DO have to do some piecing on the bias and you have to be careful to line up the seams and keep your pieces in the right order, but there isn't any set-in piecing. (One of the Kims asked in a comment whether I've pressed the seams open or pressed them to the side--I've pressed them to the side so far, but I'm debating--the only bulky part is the "bulls eyes," and so far they're laying flat enough that I think the eventual quilting will take care of any little bit of puckering.)

Here's a close up:

I've had to stop sewing things together and start piecing more triangles because I had this idea that I wanted to have what look kind of like rows of "fans" at the top and bottom of the quilt (which will actually be the SIDES, if that makes any sense!) and I didn't have enough already made--

And then I have another idea for the sides (which will be the top and bottom), but I'll have to show that to you later when I get to that point.

Let me know if you have any questions and I'll try to answer them. Thanks for checking in!


  1. I like what you are doing with the tops and bottoms, or is that the sides, hmmmm. When I look at this quilt it makes me think of cat's eye marbles, at least that is what I called them. Anyway, they were clear glass with a pretty triangular looking thing in the center. They were always my favorite.

  2. OK, Kim that is the way my Feedsack quilt went together that I finally finished last year. I thought you had the entire block sewn together when you showed the quilt top on the wall. Yes, this is the simple way of doing it and I love the way you are doing on the sides. Will you make it even along the edge or leave it scalloped?

  3. Your fabic choices are just teriffic - the black really sets off all the other colors. Great job - love the "scalloped" border! I had admired that quilt when I saw it in the magazine - another one on my list. I've seen tumbling baby blocks done using this method.

  4. Love your fabrics and the border is very cleaver. Makes me want to try this pattern.

  5. How about Dizzie Saucers? At least that is how I feel when I look at it! You are so good with color and patterns. Something I always admired about you! See ya soon!


  6. Love this pattern, do you think it is available still? Since the magazine is a year or so old, I probably can't get it and you always tempt me with your colors and fabric choices so now I think I HAVE to make one! See what you do? Thanks, by the way!

  7. I think you should call it "Grannies Patchs." Or, perhaps "Mumzie's Patchs." :)

  8. Who'd of thunk?!!! I want to try one......'Grandma's Flower Garden Goes Wild'?

  9. I love how this is turning out. I would pick Carnival or Carnival Ride for a name.

  10. I don't have any ideas what to call this other than FAB U LOUS!

    This is definitely on my I want list. Thanks for showing how easy peazy this is. :)

  11. Twenty-five yrs. ago or so, we started a christian camp in FL. It didn't have a name so we called it Camp Whatchamacallit! Then the first year we had a contest to name the camp. Actually I like Whatchamacallit!
    Love this quilt and want to make it. I have tons of scraps and that is what I will use.

  12. I've been wanting to make this quilt. Yours is great! I love the scrappiness of it all.

  13. I started one of the a long, long time ago. You working on yours makes me want to get mine out again. It looks great!

  14. wow, very clever. it really fooled me before you showed how it works. great colours too.

  15. I am very interested in any and all details you give on this quilt story. It is so pretty, love the way it goes together, all the fabric is awesome. Keep us updated. Thank you Kim.

  16. Thanks for showing me how it goes together. I almost bought this pattern at a quilt show in June but thought it had Y seams. Now I have to go find it! You do great tutorials.

  17. Kim,
    I wish that I had seen the photos of how you put these rows together when I made the paperweight quilt I did last year. I am sure that that is the way that they put it together too- I did figure out a different way but it was more complicated and involved a lot more pinning.VBS I love your color choices for this quilt.
    I am still thinking this would be a fun quilt with my star fabrics. Just have to find a ruler- thought I had one but now I am not sure.
    How is it that one can have a zillion tools but you are always missing the one tool that you need?
    Such is the way with quilting...
    I will look forward to seeing how yours comes along.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  18. that's pretty doggone nifty - no y's - and it looks like you're turning a kaleidoscope of Mary Englebreit goodies ... as for a name - well, i've got nothin'

  19. I am with Dianne - no name suggestions here - accept this is off the wall, "Ain't Nothin' Honey". See I told you it was off the wall. To me the quilt piecing is really something, but with you it seems, "Ain't Nothin' Honey"


  20. Amazing and wonderful. This is definitely going on to make someday list!!

  21. I'd name it kalidescope, but I think that name has been used several times already.

  22. I LOVE this!!!! Thank you for taking the time to show us how to do it! This has been added to my 'to do list'!!! Thanks again!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!