Sunday, July 5, 2009

Play Time

I have several "quilty things" I ought to be working on, but because this is a holiday weekend, I decided to not do anything I was "supposed" to do; I thought I'd play a little bit instead.

I've had this project in mind for awhile--ever since I saw a similar American Jane pattern in a magazine and I bought a 60 degree ruler. I started with a Mary Engelbreit border print. Next, I dug down deep in my scrap drawer and pulled out all the scraps I thought would coordinate with it that were of a decent size. Then I supplemented my scraps with a couple other pieces of fabric from my stash. And before long, I was cutting strips, sewing strip sets, and cutting 60 degree triangles. Here's what the pieces look like so far:

I was having so much fun with these, I didn't even realize how late it was getting until the only thing on TV seemed to be infomercials. Now it's time to go to bed, but I'm sure I'll get back to it tomorrow and I'll keep you posted on my progress!

I hope you're enjoying your weekend too--Remember to take time to play! Thanks for stopping in.


  1. great movement...I am curious to see the end result.

  2. They look great, nainly because you are using not just any scrap but coordinating scraps. Great job.

  3. Looking long weekend here :( back to work tomorrow....enjoy the rest of your weekend....!

  4. love your strippy blocks. I've been trying to settle on something for my stash of Kaffe Fasset and this is looking like what I would like to do. Could you give just a little more details on construction or pattern? Thanks so much.
    sue in wisconsin

  5. Hey those blocks look neat. Whats the pattern. Can't wait to see the finished pattern.

  6. Oh, I think that is one of the magazines I saved!! Love those blocks.

    I have been busy with a 6yo and a 3 yo since Friday. YEA!! They go home 2 hours and 15 minutes...(not that I'm counting down or anything!)

  7. I love this. I love it!!! I love it!!! Can't wait to see more. :)

  8. I LOVE it! Love the fabric and the way your quilt "moves" together! Great job...looking forward to seeing it completed! Hugs, Elaine in SLO, Ca

  9. Those are so cool. I am going to have to try this myself.

  10. Looks great so far, especially since you're including a lot of Mary Englebreit and coordinating scraps.
    Have a great rest of the weekend.

  11. Wow! Looks great, I bought the American Jane pattern last year and haven't done anything with it. I think I'll try to find it today! Thanks for sharing!

  12. I love this! I saw something similar in a quilt mag using 30s repos and put it on my bucket list of quilts to make. took me forever to find a 60 degree ruler but I found one and now I plan on making this quilt too! did I say, I love this!?!?! (mauh) Liz

  13. You had play time, I had nap time. I cannot believe I slept almost 8 hours yesterday during the day!! I have never done that. I woke up when my mom came over early evening, in time to give Orca his doggie downer. I must be really gettting old! Love the new blocks. Hum-m, maybe a class will come out of it? Just a suggestion. I'll bring dessert! LOL. Take care.


  14. I've always loved this pattern...never attempted it though! Thanks for putting it back in my mind, I'd love to try it! Yours looks really nice!

  15. WAY COOL!
    Our son who just got back from Wisconsin has brought back new saying, Way Cool Kim! How wonderful to get lost in time and let your high creative talent come out.

    It is foraging time here tonight. Left overs from our 4th of July, bar-b-q chicken and potatoe salad. He was just saying something about being a "Lean, mean eatin machine."

    Here is to hoping you have good left overs too.


  16. I have wanted to make this quilt from the first time I saw it! I love the look of yours and will love seeing the finished quilt!

  17. I love this quilt in the making!
    I have made a few minis with the 60 degree blocks, but would love to make a full size one.

  18. Next weekend our guild's summer camp is being held in Laughlin.. we are teaching that pattern from american jane the merry go round from the magazine.. I am one of the teachers. Your many layers is really neat!! Thanks for sharing.

  19. We should always spend our time playing with whatever fabrics strike our fancy at the moment. I love the new quilt.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!