Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Leisure time is that five or six hours when you sleep at night. ~George Allen

Sleep. I kinda like it sometimes. I haven't been getting it nearly enough lately. I don't know why.

I think it could be the nicotine thing. Or the menopause thing. Or the pea under the mattress thing.

And just in case it's the pea under the mattress thing, Hubby and I went out tonight and bought a new one--a mattress, not a pea. A pea would have been cheaper. A lot.

Well, it's been a long time since we bought a mattress, and there are all kinds of new things out now. Golly gee wiz, did you know they don't stuff mattresses with corn husks anymore? Okay, maybe it hasn't been QUITE that long, but long enough.

I sent Hubby out last week to narrow down the field. With his physical limitations, it was most important to find a mattress that was right for him. We quickly eliminated the memory foam types--he'd never be able to claw his way out in the morning; I'd come home from work each day to find him still stuck. Then I was somewhat interested in the Sleep Number beds until I realized they are basically air mattresses at the core, and I read a couple reviews where customers had some air leak problems. They DO sound good, but I know how our luck goes--we'd probably have a leak on MY side of the bed and Hubby wouldn't believe it--he'd likely think it was ME doing something wrong. And then I'd have to kill him. So, no, the Sleep Number bed was eliminated.

Hubby really liked the latex beds best--no springs, no flipping, soft but yet supportive, and he can turn over and get up. So tonight we headed down to one of the stores he'd shopped at so I could try out a couple mattresses.

We were a salesman's dream, I'm sure. I think we were probably in the store about 15 minutes since we already knew what we wanted. That photo up there? I think that's the one we decided to get. They seem to call the different mattress models by different names in different parts of the country, so it's hard to say for sure. I DO know we bought a Simmons Natural Care Latex with a Euro top and a 20-year warranty. They're eco friendly, apparently. They're made of stuff like latex and soy--no peas though--the sales guy said.

We also bought two of the most expensive pillows I've ever bought. Also latex. Guaranteed for seven years not to end up looking like some squished up amoeba thing in the morning. Normally I have to replace our pillows a couple times a year. If these new pillows work out, I figure I'll be coming out ahead after four or five years, depending on the cost of inflation.

Of course, with my luck, I'll probably develop a latex allergy right after the 60-day mattress trial period expires.

How about you? Do you like your mattress? What do you have?

The amount of sleep required by the average person is five minutes more. ~Wilson Mizener


  1. SWEET! I don't need to know your bed size, but if you bought a bigger one then you had, that means you have to make some more quilts to fit the top of the bed. :0)

    For years we slept on tuatomi mats and futons, we loved it. Had a 6 tuatomi mat room. We loved it.

  2. I love my sleep too!!! We bought a new bed and mattress earlier this year and I must admit I love it! I almost passed out when I found out how expensive they were. Couldn't tell you now what kind it was though!!!

  3. We are going to have to get a new mattress soon. You'll have to do an update after about a month has gone by as to whether you like your new one. Did you see the Oprah show where she said you should replace our pillows every month! I am sure the pillow industry loved that.

  4. We need a new one, too. Luckily, we have an outlet nearby of a local manufacturer. They have a variety of styles and types and they still make the kind of mattress you can flip, which I love. We bought a name-brand mattress from a furniture store about 10years ago and although it was super-comfortable, it almost immediately developed a sag. DH weighs twice as much as I do, so I wind up rolling toward the center, LOL. The only thing that saves me from constantly rolling around like a pill bug is the fact that you can flip the mattress...but we have to flip it weekly!!!!

  5. We have a sleep number and I would not trade it for anything! We are both large people and have had no problems at all. I love that I can adjust my side to me and my mood(swings). We also have a very high dollar memory foam on our guest bed that I'm not a fan of and he loves. But I have slept many nights on it when I was sick and with the grandkids. If I have to buy another one, it's a sleep number for me.
    Pillows, I want some good pillow, he wants old squished up ones. Go figure. :)

  6. We had a sleep number, had being the important word here, and I'm sending it to Judy who posted above she wouldn't trade her's for anything. I could not get my number right, up & down I went, 35 to 85 and everything in between. We got a new mattress last year and now I sleep, not like a baby but I don't wake up sore so it's alot better then what we had....enjoy and I hope you find your sleep mojo!

  7. I loved my mattress when I got it (my first "adult" purchase) 10 years ago but now... it's too soft. I would LIKE to get a new mattress set but my husband doesn't think we need one. Oh well. Maybe in another 10 years. Enjoy your new sleep!

  8. Just the thought of sleeping on latex makes me break out in a sweat!

  9. Well, we bought a memory foam bed last Fall and love it. I must admit it took me several months to adjust, because once I sunk in, I couldn't move. I kept telling the Hubs that I was "stuck in the mud", plus it was extremely hard to get out of at first. LOL Anyway, today I would'nt trade it for anything. I've never slept so good in my entire life. It cost a fortune, but has a 20 year warranty. I highly recommend it. Mumzie ;)

  10. We bought a new mattress 3 years ago when we moved into a new home. We have a local company that makes their own and we prefer to buy locally when we can.
    I don't sleep well when hubby is gone and he will be gone all this week. By Friday night I will be exhausted.
    I am willing to bet your "not smoking" is hindering your sleeping. Are you still taking your baths? Reading? keeping to your schedule? All of those will help you relax...
    Herre's to sleep!!

  11. You are smart to pass the sleep number bed up. Ask me how I know. We got one and it is the most uncomfortable bed I've ever slept on. Well, the beds at summer camp when I was a kid come in a close second. We have also been considering the latex. Consumer Reports say they hold up better than the memory foam. I'm anxious to hear how you like it. I'm ready to ditch that expensive sleep number thing!

  12. I also have a sleep number bed, and I would really like it *except* it doesn't work well for couples that spend the whole night sleeping curled up together. We end up pushing our two mattresses apart, and falling into a hole in the center! For the moment we're making it work, but we'll be replacing it much sooner than we'd hoped.

  13. I am not sure of the name of our mattress, but I feel like we are staying at a high end hotel/spa, is is so-o-o comfy! Hubby can't figure out why I don't sleep, I told him its a menopausal thing, at which point, he shuts his mouth and just moves on! ROFL!


  14. Well we bought a sleep number and LOVE it. Yes it takes a while to get the correct number but if you vex over going up and down, up and down you'll never sleep. We had a great salesman who told me set it and stay there for a few night pretending like you are in a hotel and can't change. And NO it's not a bed for cuddlers unless you sleep on the same number. You fall off a cliff going from hubby's side to mine, but I knew that since I looked inside before I bought one.

    I'm glad you did your research and got the bed that's right for you.

  15. My parents had a foam bed when I was a kid and passed it on to us when they got a new one. Since then, we have had 2 which are both still in use. My granddtr uses one and Dh and I the other. Our 'new' one is probably at least 15 years old and still comfy. I do have a memory foam pad on it now. What I like is nothing to poke me.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!