Saturday, July 25, 2009

Having My Cake and Eating it Too!

There were a couple cake queries amid the general drooling, longing, and congratulations to Hubby for selecting a winning birthday cake, so I thought I'd satisfy the curious among you out there in Blogland.

No, it is not a peanut butter cake. As much as I love peanut butter (particularly when combined with chocolate), that sounds a little too heavy to me. Not that this cake is much lighter though--it's MOCHA. Yum! Four layers of white cake goodness with a mocha filling alternating with a chocolate filling and a mocha frosting on the outside with a fudgy topping over that. Nope, not light at all. But really, really good!

But these are light--sort of!

Boy Boss is a very excellent baker--in fact, if for some reason the whole attorney thing doesn't work out for him, I think he could make a pretty good living as a baker. About a week before my birthday, he questioned me quite extensively about my favorite cake, which happens to be a white cake with white chocolate frosting and strawberries made by a local bakery. Boy Boss came up with an extremely credible version of that cake in these cupcakes--unfortunately, my photo isn't very good AND shows them a little the worse for wear after sitting out all day and then being driven home in a somewhat warm car. But take my word for it--they were really, really good! And there was a whole tray of them on my desk when I got to work that morning. Of course, I shared them with the office staff, but I still managed to get four home. Boy Boss also greeted me in the parking lot with a Starbucks iced latte. Pretty spoiled, huh?!

And Girl Boss II? On my desk was a card and three gifts all labeled. A floral arrangement (sorry, no photo!) was labeled "pretty gift." A wrapped package was labeled "practical gift"--that turned out to be the book about insomnia, something that's been troubling me lately. And a gift bag was labeled the "fun gift."

See the pink girl and blue boy there in the upper left? That was the fun gift--these guys wind up and dance. Cool, huh?! For her birthday a couple weeks ago, I got Girl Boss II a foam dart gun and told her I thought everyone needed a toy for their birthday--apparently she agreed! And the card in the photo was from her too--too funny!

I think I'm ALMOST done with my birthday week--except for Saturday night when we're going out to dinner with friends and maybe to a movie. Any recommendations for a good movie for men and women? I'm not even sure what's playing right now, so any input would be helpful!

Oh, and there's still cake left! Stop by and have some!


  1. Wow, what great bosses you have..those cupcakes looked very deserve a whole month to celebrate your birthday...

  2. Your gifts were cute and your cupcakes looked lucious. I just saw 'The Proposal', and never laughed so much. Have a great evening.
    be blessed,

  3. Check out "Public Enemies". Johnny Depp for you and gunplay for Hunka!

  4. Lucky you to have such a thoughtful family! White chocolate? Boy Boss wouldn't happen to have a recipe for White Chocolate Cake with White Chocolate Icing would he? Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. is Star Trek (snort) still playing? ... Transformers? Wolverine? it's probably not still in theaters, but the guys all seemed to like it - and YOU would get to see Hugh Jackman's bare bottom ... how about Harry Potter? can you tell i don't go to chic flicks? (truthfully, i don't want to get caught openly weeping in public)

    i THOUGHT that was a mocha cake - aren't those chocolate covered coffee beans on the top? good stuff from work, too - lovin' your birthday!

  6. I'm glad you've had a fun week. The cupcakes look delicious. Mocha cake...YUM!!! I love almost anything that's coffee flavored.

    I haven't been to the movies lately. I would like to see Proposal. My husband doesn't mind watching chick flicks, but a lot of husbands do.

    Have fun tonight!!

  7. The cupcakes look yummy. Great gifts from the girl boss. I think you should go see the movie that just came out yesterday called "The Ugly Truth". It's sooo funny. My husband liked it too. I think you and your friends would like it as well.

  8. I'm so glad you had a great birthday Kim!

  9. Happy belated birthday! You have some great bosses. Love that they found out what was your favorite cake and made it for you!

    Sandy A

  10. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday (or should I say week?) Happy Birthday don't eat all that yummy cake at one time!!

  11. yeah!!!! good birthday week! We overlapped by a couple of days so that means we each get to extend the celebrating a bit longer don't you think?


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