Friday, July 31, 2009

Free to Good Home


Come on ladies! You KNOW you want him! I know there are at least a couple of you. The first one to send me her snail mail address wins, and I'll get him posted just as soon as I can figure out how much postage will cost.

When I was looking for something to illustrate this post, I came across this YouTube video--I thought the rest of you may enjoy it.

By the way, do you have any tips for getting dye out of a red, white, and blue quilt that was washed with red bedding and is now red, pink, and blue? Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  1. what do you mean....figure out the postage....surely you would send him COD!!!....I saw the title of your post and whilst some may think...excess longer needed immediate thought was.....Hubby!!

  2. Please, not your fireworks quilt!!!! Oh my! Hang in there. Think about that wonderful birthday cake!

  3. Try Synthrapol first. We've seen amazing results with that stuff.
    Plan B would be Efferdent...yup, the denture cleaner. It takes out those weird yellowish spots that turn up on old quilts and other textiles real well, so it might work on that. Can't hurt anyway. Let me know if you want to try it and I'll send you directions.
    Good luck!

  4. In the laundry dept of the grocery store, Rit dye makes a Red-Out for just this occasion! Good Luck!

  5. I am so Sorry! Hubby needs a tutorial on textiles. Anyway, I have sent a copy of this post to my hubs computer in his den. I thought he should see what goes on inside the dog
    Kim, you are too funny

  6. Maybe throw in some of those color catchers.....

  7. I have had good luck with Biz for yellow age stains, may work on the red. I hopefully learned my lesson on will pass on your offer :)

  8. I use Oxyclean to take out stains-even took out permanent felt tip marking pen from my best yellow rain jacket! Good luck!

  9. I have also used the rit red out works great Kim give it a try Sharon mac

  10. Try dye catchers, I think they are made by Rit but not sure, you put them in the washer with the quilt as well as the dryer. I've been pleasantly surprised by these little babies. Good luck! As for hubby, no thanks, I won't even trade although I'd give mine away gladly several times a week.

  11. OMG was it hubby who, um, washed, um, the red, pink (sorry, I mean white), and blue quilt?
    What a wonderful video. I will be sending this one to the family -those that are married and those that aren't yet.

  12. I feel your pain, regarding the pinking of your quilt. I've had the same experience with more than one quilt. ghastly.

    Synthrapol removes excess dye, which is usually not an issue for "commercial fabrics" so much as it is for batiks and hand dyes. They say to use HOT water, which scares me on a finished quilt. If I'm never going to wash it in hot, I assume it will remove all the dye that will release in warm.

    then again, you know what happens when you assume.

    Retayne sets the dye in commercial fabrics, preventing migration, bleeding,etc. I've had luck with this product on one quilt bleeding problem. (see above for my thoughts on temperature.)

    In desperation, I've soaked dye-damaged quilts in biz in the bathtub. Biz has been my best solution several times, but it does cause colors to fade faster.

    Finally, when I've tried the three above-mentioned products to no avail, I use Oxyclean. It worked on a particularly bloody fuchsia, and cleaned up the quilt beautifully.

    Also, you want to be aware that different cities have different concentrations of chlorine in their water. In the past couple of years they've increased our levels, and despite prewashing EVERYTHING, I've had more bleeding issues now than ever.

    Good luck!!!

    Oh, and I ALWAYS put LOTS of ColorCatchers (dye trapping sheets by Shout) in the water to keep that excess dye from finding some new hiding place on my quilt.

    Good luck!!

  13. I made my hubby come in from the other room and watch this! We've been married 31 years and he's still trying to get it all right. I'll be giggling to myself all day ...
    Jeanne :)

  14. Maybe we could do a Costco thing with a dual pack. Just got home from my last day of jury duty to find that he had put the injured dog in the ex pen unsupervised. There is now a hole in the middle of my family room carpet (the only decent carpet in the house, so expensive they don't make it anymore) AND the "extrordinair" pad, best you can buy and guaranteed for two lifetimes.

    If you find a solution, please let us know. I have some stitchery that needs cleaning and if you find something that will work for your problem, it's sure to work with mine.

  15. I sent the url of you blog to hubby to see the video, figured it would stop some bloodshed in the future. He found it hilarious but he especially liked your bio pix-"First in a series of nude photos". I didn't think he was going to stop laughing!
    Thanks for the great laughs today!

  16. too funny ... sorry, i already learned my lesson on husbands (fool me once, shame on you ... fool me twice, shame on me) but maybe, MAYBE there will be a taker out there - just don't trust anyone named anonymous to actually follow through ... ha ha ha!

  17. Well, if I knew I would use that same technique on my husband's favorite red/white/blue shirt that I washed with a new red blouse that is now red/pink/blue.
    Sorry for your problem!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!