Thursday, July 2, 2009


Can you guess what THIS is?

If you were a CSI, I bet you could. Particularly if you were a CSI looking at a photograph taken by another CSI with better camera skills than I have--or a better camera. Or something.

Let me give you a hint. This is my birthday month. I'll soon be 53. Any guesses?

No? Okay, I'll tell you. It's a freaking WHITE eyebrow hair! And you know what? I found another one in the other eyebrow! ARGH!

Seriously, I'd always planned to grow old gracefully. Why does it feel more like I'm plunging headlong into a horror flick?

God must have a sense of humor--that's all I can figure. Why else would he give me white eyebrow hairs and black chin hairs, both at the same time? Either that, or the facial hair fairy lost her GPS and can't figure out what goes where.

I know a couple of you have suggested I should do another Day of Beauty post, but at this point, I think a day's not nearly enough--it would probably take at least a MONTH, a lot of money, a face transplant, and a camera lens that softens one's image. And that's just ABOVE the neck--the rest doesn't bear thinking about, but at least it can be covered with clothing. Thank goodness, though, that my close-up vision's failing!

By the way, does anyone know of a good eyebrow substitute, or am I just going to have to DRAW them on my face at some point, once they've all turned white and I've plucked them out?


  1. Just be thankful it's taken you til 53 - I'm 49 and have had white eyebrow hairs for about 5 years now despite only getting the odd silver hair at my auburn temples this past few months - and why are the eyebrow versions so wiry! Just laughed out loud about your GPS observation - you brightened my pre-work preparations no end :o)))

  2. you are sooooooo funny. I too had mine earlier than you. My head hair turned gray at 18. had to dye it. still do but the roots are scary white now and I just turned the big 50. God does have a sense of humor. I think he is testing our vanity issues. LOL
    I figure the white eybrows detract the eye from looking downward to the saggy body parts. good thing I never got a tattoo! wouldnt recognize what it was anymore. hee hee
    thanks for the laugh. I read your blog daily. I have no blog. just a lurker from MA

  3. You are strange. I have almost white hair and proud of it but my eyebrows are still black but I had blond hair. Now go figure. Those wirey white chin hairs are very hard to see and oh so annoying. Guess I shouldn't rub my finger over my chin to much. There is certainly nothing wrong with white hair.

  4. YOU are too funny!!!! I absolutely love reading your blog! You R a HOOT!! :O

  5. I've not hit 50 yet and the girl (yes she's a girl of a while 26) that waxes my brows asked me if I wanted her to pluck the white ones...jeeze louise thanks for that...and wait there's more...she wanted to know if I wanted her to do the same to my chin hair, I said "does it look like it belongs, if not get rid of it" damn kids.

  6. I barely have any eyebrows myself, but I have never found any white ones. But then, I can't see up close very well, so they could be there and I just can't see them! You know, a lot of hairdressers out there can dye your brows for you. Maybe you can consider that instead of the penciling. I am not a fan of penciling either.

  7. #1) those are not WHITE hairs - they are SILVER!!! ... and b) my sister had her eyebrows tattooed (youch) on - that's what she gets for plucking them down to nothing when she was younger ... and thirdly) when someone says something that shocks my eyebrows up into an unbecoming arch, no one even notices that i am quite appalled (my eyes still bug out and my mouth drops open - but that just helps with the godfather chin pouches and frog belly neck)

  8. I found two gray hairs on my head last month, and I'm only 26!!! I hope that stops there with just those two.

    I'm pretty sure they make special dye for your eyebrows, maybe ask your hairdresser?

  9. Time for some new glasses - the ones with the thick frames (maybe red) to hide the eyebrows and distract from anyone getting too close!! (LOL)
    You always brighten my day...thanks!

  10. Well you could wear a mask but then people wouldn't hear you properly, and if you are as fun to hear as you are to read that would be shame. Or how about those glasses with built in busy eyebrows, but they come with a nose too and you didn't mention needing a new nose. What about making some out of dough, paintinf them the colour you want, and sticking them on with the same glue they have on those glow in the dark stars you mentioned yesterday? Or just use the stars, no-one'll notice the eyebrows!

  11. Kim,
    I am going to be 53 this year( Nov) and like you could live without the chin hair and the moustache... I figure that someone got my genes mixed up because in the meantime my baby fine hair gets thinner on the top of my head. And we won't discuss my pear shaped body or my tree trunk legs... Ah never mind,
    I think I am lucky each day I am alive.. I will try not to get too scary looking for my little ones at school. Little ones notice everything- one day a little boy asked me" Mrs.M, Why are you so squishy? It made me laugh- I told him that is just the way I was made..
    Thanks for the laugh - let me know if you figure out a cure for white eyebrows and chin hairs VBG
    Warmest regards,

  12. Awwwwww Kim - I had a ufo siting all worked out in my head for your white something or other in the photo. But then it was just a white eyebrow hair.....
    I wonder if they take dye because they seem to have a mind of their own. What is a girl to do?1???! I am very happy with the new Dovo twisters we were looking at the other day when I mentioned that I seconded Yvonne's request for another "Beauty Treatment Day". Perhaps next weekend I can steal you away and go get a pedicure - i figure you will be ready for a little R&R after the holiday weekend goings on.


  13. I've got you beat at white eyebrow hairs at 47--and I have had white EYELASHES growing in for the last couple of years. Very weird!

  14. I, too, laughed out loud about the GPS comment. It's so true!

  15. I love reading your blog. You are too funny. After my little mishap when reading your blog about spiders, now I know to empty my bladder before coming here. That's another thing you have to look forward to.

  16. My sister in law has her eyebrows dyed. The hairdresser does it for her. She has a lot of white hair, but the darker eyebrows look really good. I'm not kidding. It's my bday month too and I'm 5 years older than you! Be happy that you are still alive and well. Many people are not.

  17. and anther question for that damn facial hair fairy is WHY do they need to be so freakishly LONG?? and CURLY?????

  18. Lordy, I didn't even know eyebrow hairs could be white! I am 44 and have a lot of gray hair, and I'm choosing to be proud of it and refuse to color it, but like I said, I had no idea the eyebrows go gray...

    What next, or on second thought, maybe it's best not to ask...

  19. (I'm behind in reading!) You are too, too funny. And you forgot to mention how freakin' stiff they are! I color my eyebrows when I color my hair (L'Oreal Preference creme type)... just a fingertip swipe or two. Looks horrid on the skin, but I don't have a problem with it coming off. Helps to see all those hairs I miss plucking too! I recently heard Kathie Lee Gifford talk about a mascara that makes the eyelashes grow and made her eyebrows grow back in too. (She'd plucked to oblivion in her younger years.) I bought an Emjoi on QVC about 20 years ago; couldn't stand it for its original use, but it's come in handy for the chin & 'tache in my "later" years. Happy Birthday, soon!

  20. I have had it in mind to make a "bearded ladies" quilt for a while now. Seriously, when did I start growing this "soul patch"??? lol


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