Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Checking In

My friend Eileen said she's tired of seeing the Wienermobile, and I've gotten emails from a couple people wondering if I'm okay, so I thought I should post something.

Yes, I'm okay, more or less. I'm kind of depressed--not depressed as in I feel like doing myself an injury or huddling in the dark in a fetal position, but just that I don't feel particularly enthusiastic about anything. I understand from people who have some experience with or knowledge of addiction therapy that it's common for our brain receptors to shut down and stop feeling good things for a little while after we break a habit like drugs, alcohol, or nicotine. So I'm guessing that's what's bothering me now. And that lack of enthusiasm? Well, it means that I'm not very enthusiastic about writing either--not to mention the fact that my enjoyment in the everyday occurrences and my sense of humor seem to have flown right out the window too.

Then add to that bit of depression some kind of stomach flu. I think I've had it to a mild degree at least since last Friday, but it really hit me hard around 6 o'clock this morning. I kind of think Hubby's starting to get it too--he wasn't feeling well this afternoon, but more like I was feeling over the weekend: just tired and a little lightheaded.

Anyway, the point is that I'm here, I'm doing okay, and I'll write when I have something to talk about, but I might not write every day for a little while. Sorry about that--I know that crazy as it may seem, some of you like to check in on me every morning and miss me if I'm not here. On a positive note, though, I have a little giveaway planned soon, so DO please stop by occasionally--I'd hate you to miss it!


  1. Happy Birthday to you - tomorrow the 23rd

    Great class this evening and what a special treat you made for each of your students!!! AND thank you for the nice, cool, dinner to celebrate the last class for Hey, Ghoul Friend. Not only are you a very talented teacher you make very special things for your students. Thank you Kim. YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!

  2. You are so right Gran, she is the best. Glad to have you back this morning. Do hope you feel better today and are able to go to work.
    Cheer up, and get those designing juices flowing.

  3. Hang in there! A good friend uses the quote- 'This too will pass!' where the obstacles seem stacked against her,and it helps. Besides we all need down times.
    I'm going to post my sister's BEAR wish on my blog for you and me both. Please visit?

  4. Hello, I am a lurker that enjoys to read your blog! You have a talent to write the best stories and I enjoy your quilting pictures! Hope you feel better and keep thinking positive!!!! Doris In CT

  5. Hugs being sent your way to day from me!!! Hope you feel better soon and after the "bug" goes away you should go do something nice for yourself. Sometimes that helps me when I get the sads. Maybe a lovely pedicure??? or buy some fabric?? or even take in a movie, alone, so you don't have to share your popcorn and soda. :)
    Get well soon my friend!!!

  6. Glad you posted, hope you feel better soon and I really, really hope your hubby is not a big baby like mine is when he doesn't feel good. :)
    You should take my long time advice for whenever someone doesn't feel good--go in and sit on the potty for a while, if that doesn't work, eat some ice cream. ;)
    Take care of yourself.

  7. We do miss you Kim. Feel better soon!

  8. Glad you're hanging in there. Know that the faithful will keep checking in. Hugs!

  9. Hope that you're feeling better soon!

  10. Hi Kim!
    Just wanted to send you a little hug and tell you to keep on keeping on! I tried to quit smoking 3 years ago and I know how hard it is. I lasted about 3 months before my husband told me to just go buy a pack of smokes.
    I was a mess. I cried all the time.
    But just think how nice it would be to have the monkey off your back FOREVER! You can do it, and we will all be here when you get back to your old self.
    Love and Hugs! Melissa

  11. Sandy from ThimbleberriesJuly 22, 2009 at 8:44 AM

    I was wondering if you and hubby had gone on a little vacation. I am glad you are back. I miss you.
    I quit smoking, cold turkey, two years ago. I still have an open pack on the backporch it is there to let me know I am in control and I can have one if I want. Of course I quit one time for eight years and had a pack in a drawer. You can bet it was really stale. I know you can get over the blahs it just takes time for some people. You will be in my prayers.
    I am almost finished with the fireworks top. I only need to finish the border.

  12. Sending you a virtual high five for not giving in to your brain receptors wanting a fix! They are not the boss of you! Take care and feel better soon.

  13. Hang in there! I felt lethargic and didn't wanna do nuttin last summer when I quit and I had drugs! I didn't feel like doing much of anything for the whole summer but I slowly got back in the groove. Good to know it was the quitting that was doing it, not the drugs!! (or maybe it was both!). By the bye, I still have an unopened pack of cigarettes in my house as well. I did finally throw out the opened pack. I celebrated my one year of freedom on Tuesday.
    Lurking Linda

  14. Well, happy early birthday! Relax and rest. That's what you need. We'll keep an eye out for you.

  15. you know that i am one of the "faithful" too - but you (and your sense of humor and your brain cells) can and should take a respite whenever you feel the need ... i take my "blogging without obligation button" quite seriously - when i'm not "feeling it", i skip it till it i do ...... we will muddle through somehow without you when you take a break (wah wah wah)

  16. Kim- I hope you have a happy birthday week! Birthdays always contribute to the ebs and flows we have. And I (maybe I shouldn't confess this) liked the tid bit info on Oscar Meyer. I don't know how many times I was able to use that trivia in conversations since you posted about it... and I even had people signing the BOLONGA song! Seriously. It brings people back:)Thanks!

  17. Aw, feel better Kim! Curl up with a good magazine and some chocolate...that always helps me! Of course, if your stomach is bothering you, I guess chocolate's not the answer...anyway, my point is, I hope you feel better, mentally and physically, soon!!

  18. Hi Kim,
    Just wanted to say I was thinking of you and to send you my best.
    You will find your mojo in time and be ready to quilt again.
    In the meantime, I hope you get over the bug- its not much fun when you feel under the weather.
    When I get restless in the summer I look for ways to have a change of pace. Some things I try are:find some crazy movie to distract me on the TV - pat my fabric stash, visit the local thrift shop, try some crazy recipe or play a game on the computer or be entertained by the cat, or take the dog for a walk. Sometimes I just come and visit other blogs- there is always a new piece to read.
    Do you want to read a real live romance - go to Pioneer Woman's blog.. It is a wonderful love story and its her story...

    Take care of yourself Kim - we will be glad to read your blog when you are ready to write again.
    Warmest regards,

  19. So glad you are ok, I was worried because you always post even if you have the flu you post to tell us how you're doing. I missed reading your blog while you were gone. I totally understand if you need a blog break. Happy Birthday on Thursday, I hope you have a super great day.

  20. Take all the time you need, Blogland will wait. Take care of yourself and you will make it through each day, and slowly through this time period. Happy Birthday.

  21. Hi, Kim. Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and wish you good luck with your quitting smoking (I'm quite envious of your determination). Feel better soon.

  22. Happy Birthday! I hope you are feeling better. I admit I was getting worried when I didn't see a perky post from you the past couple of days. Listen to your body (except when it wants nicotine -LOL!)rest and relax. We are all rooting for you. Cheers.


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