Friday, June 5, 2009


We all know what UFOs are, right? A quilt-related novel I recently read described UFOs, for the benefit of non-quilters, as--and I'm paraphrasing here--quilt projects that a quilter has set aside because she's (or he's) lost interest in it for some reason. That description didn't ring true with me. For me, UFOs are projects that have reached a certain natural stopping point--either completed blocks or a completed (but unquilted) quilt top--and then been set aside out of necessity because some other quilt project has had to take priority.

So let me ask you this: What causes YOU to have UFOs?


  1. I will have UFOs because there is so much to entice me out there. new patterns I love, a birthday gift I need to make for tomorrow, some idea that someone shows on a blog, inspiration for colors or patterns from a quilt show and that all means I HAVE TO TRY/MAKE THAT NOW and I put aside the current project. then of course the new project makes a c
    "creative mess" because I am looking for the right fab etc and the UFO gets buried until uncovered later in SEWING ROOM EXCAVATION. (THATS MY STORY AND I'M STICKIN' TO IT)

  2. Hey are you getting all psychological on me since I have been writing about hunting for UFO's?

    What's my story: I Don't Know? It is certainly not because of boredom. Taking classes and following interests in technique often lead me into projects that I do not need to finish "right now" and it is easy to put objects like that aside. I have been telling myself that June was my finding and finishing UFO's month. Now that June is here I am working at it and am listing my UFO's on my blog - trying to accountable.

    Sweet dreams - back to sleep for my - counting UFO's = 1 ufo, 2 ufo's, 3 ufo's.......

  3. OMG - is bkc I am tired but didn't I manage to get a lot of "u's" into that post :0)

  4. My reasons are the same as yours, pretty much. I have way too many of them, though.

  5. My UFO's are created by my Gotta know the ones...oooo I just gotta have that ....... you can add anything here, pattern (yes), fabric (yes) notion (yes) so you see it's all because of that other saying "gotta have"

  6. It all depends with me. Right now, I have a stack of UFOs because other projects have become priority because they are gifts to be given out in the next 2 months. My mine reason? I get bored and want to try something new.

  7. because i get bored sometimes & start new things not always but sometimes.
    I just want to do so much.


  8. Too many reasons to mention. But I might get tired of repeating the same block over and over and need a break. A new and more exciting now idea, pattern or fabric takes my attention. I'm changing quilts for the season and just know I need something new to add, right now!!!! Just a few reasons. PattiO

  9. I have NEVER finished a quilt. I have plenty of tops done and am too lazy to find a quilter to quilt them. I have at least 100 projects in various states of completion waiting to be finished. I just get too excited to do the next project to get them finished. I have been quilting for 27 years and have anything to show for my work. That is why I am "never finish quilter at blogspot...

  10. For me it's either I have started too many that I must have and then I either get overwhelmed and never finish or I do indeed lose interest in them after I just *had* to start that new project.

  11. All of the above reasons, but also a project gets collected, started, and then you find out that you don't have enough of the main fabric or one of the important ones. Since fabric styles and colors are cyclable they only make a small amount, spread the availability far accross the country and make it like a scavenger hunt. Then you have to change projects until you can find more or a different fabric to finish that project. Sometimes it takes years.LOL And the reason we buy new fabric as soon as it comes out is because, if you really like it you have to buy it right then or when you go back to get it it is all gone. Kim what a good question.LOL

  12. I generally agree with what others have said: I see another project that I want to start and/or maybe I am at a rather monotonous part of some project.

    Another reason has been that I come to a point in a project that seems particularly challenging and I am intimidated or not sure how to proceed.

    I have a UFO box. It's getting hard to fit the lid on it lately. :) I guess that's a sign to me to get back to work on them.

  13. ADD. Quilting is one of many hobbies that I enjoy. I will work on anything until I get bored, then pop to another. I have no real urge (usually) to see anything "finished." About the only projects I finish are the ones I give as gifts. Right now I have three wonderful quilts that are ALMOST done (one needs binding and a hanger, one needs hand quilting and binding and a hanger and the other needs machine applique which will be challenging.) All of them are to the point - and have been there for years - where I can see how gorgeous they are. But I have no place to display them (they are for the new house that never was) so have no real desire to finish them beyond the fun that has been had so far.

  14. I have several UFOs that are classes that I took and didn't get back to finish. It seems like I hate borders as well, so when I get a quilt that far, I set it aside and "let it marinade" for a while. Then there's the gift that needs to be made so the other gets put aside. Well, I guess the consensus is that I really don't need a reason, any one will do and I have plenty to show for my efforts too. This past few months I have been tackling some of them though. (Am I redeemed)?

  15. Yes....what quiltdolls said! And what Yvettte said! And what Nancy said!

  16. i don't call them ufos - i call them aivvsps (almosts in very, very slow progress) - i haven't lost interest in them - i want ALL of them and i would like to have them NOW - but reality keeps getting in the way

  17. Mine come from attention-span-itis!!

  18. Most of my UFO's are as you stated and that I'm normally working 3 to 5 projects at the same time in various stages. Then I have a few tops that are finished but I'm not able to hand quilt but don't have the heart to sendthem to a machine quilter. But I do have 2 UFO's that I just can't get interested in again... then again it may be I have too many I am working on.

  19. Count me in!! I would love to be in your class!

  20. My eyes are bigger than my stomach? I have been through all of the previously mentioned excuses, but I think the main reason is I'm easily distracted by the next idea, fabric, cool tool, etc., etc.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!