Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Ramblings

So, what the heck do I think I'm doing? Seriously, I planned to work on the Halloween quilt top tonight. In fact, I planned to get the center pieced and add the inner borders so I could take it to Jo's Club tomorrow night for show and tell. But here it is, nearly 11:30 p.m. and have I done that? No! And why not? Well, because I worked on it for about 45 minutes and my attention seemed to be wandering, so I thought I'd take a little break and see if there were any emails I could read and answer. Well, yeah, there were a couple, but that didn't take long, so then I started reading just a blog or two.

Okay, so now it's something like two hours later, and I'm still sitting here at the computer and only half of the center of my quilt top is pieced. And, since I don't have anything more to show you as far as the quilt top goes, nor can I dazzle you with the speed at which I've sewn the center together, I'll just talk about my internet blog surfing. Which is kind of weird because that's what you're doing right now if you're reading this.

And that reminds me--let me digress just a minute. When I was down in Salinas, looking at old family photos with my brother, we laughed and laughed at my mom's photos of pictures--mostly her paintings. We thought that taking pictures of pictures was pretty funny. Then we found photos of photos. And photos of people LOOKING at photos. So, yeah, me telling you about reading blogs while you're reading blogs reminds me of that.

So I won't exactly tell you about reading blogs. Instead, I'll tell you about my favorites list, where I keep my blog list. And other stuff. It's the other stuff that sometimes puzzles me. Here's a sampling of the "other stuff" to be found in my favorites file:

The "Frenzy" of San Jose Girls' Slayer. I wanted to mark a 1969 newspaper article about two girls who went to the same high school I went to who were murdered about a year before I started high school. Reason? I wandered onto Classmates dot com a few weeks ago and there was an ongoing discussion board spanning several years about the case--a professor is writing a book about it. I was curious and wanted to refresh my memory.

Mini Stuffed Pumpkins. I thought I might want to make some but didn't. Yet.

Woman with Beer Can in Hand Starts Brawl at Wake. No, it wasn't about me . . . or my relatives. But doesn't she sounds like she might be fun to hang with?

Talking Heads Once in a Lifetime Lyrics. Doesn't everyone have this one marked?

Six Reasons We Have Bad Dreams. I don't remember why I marked this one, but it reminds me: I had a nightmare last night that I was being attacked by a giant lobster that I thought we'd left for dead in the living room the night before. Maybe I should go back and read the article about bad dreams.

The Phantom Tollbooth--Wikipedia entry. One of the best kids' films ever. I'm guessing it would also be a good movie for adults on recreational drugs. I still love Milo and Tock, his watch dog.

Newspaper article--Dressing Alike Everyday Habit for This Couple. Maybe I was thinking about driving my husband nuts by getting matching outfits for us to wear. I dunno.

How-to craft article: Tampon angels. Just in case I run out of Christmas craft ideas. Or complete menopause and end up with a lot of leftover tampons. TMI?!

Tiny Long-Lost Primate Rediscovered in Indonesia. Really? Did I really save that one? Maybe there's still hope for Jimmy Hoffa.

Yahoo Survey: For Elderly, Sex Doesn't Have to Get Old. What can I say? It holds about the same weird attraction as watching a train wreck.

Study: Marijuana Potency Increases in 2007. When's the next study and where can I sign up?

Yahoo News: Men Create More Housework for Women. No! Really?! Where can I apply for a job where someone will pay me to reach these kinds of brilliant conclusions?

Time for bed, where I hope no more lobsters are waiting to attack me once I fall asleep. Luckily, the classroom at Bearpaws and Hollyhocks has an entire mirrored wall. Maybe if I take my half quilt center and hold it up to the mirror, I can fool people into thinking I've actually gotten the center sewn together!

Oh, and a P.S. for Mam, whose comment asking where she could get the pattern came through as no-reply. Mam, the pattern is listed in my Etsy shop--just click on the photo in my sidebar or click on the link in the sidebar to my Etsy shop. And thanks for asking!


  1. Ok, what were you smoking, or did you light an empty pipe? Chrismas Angels, I would like to see that for show and tell at Jo's tonight! Lobsters...are you watching Deadliest Catch before bedtime? Can't wait to see ya at Jo's!


  2. E Gads - we watch the same TV shows - I am afraid to go to sleep. I do like the idea of matching outfits for show and tell. That would be a very interesting story to hear about, especially if they were sewn by you.


  3. I have to say my favorite would be the T Angels......LOL

  4. So you spent 2 hours reading blogs? Isn't that fun?! And besides that, it's almost like doing can learn so much! (That's what I tell hubby anyway.)

  5. Those blogs can just suck you in sometimes!

  6. Ooh now I'm worried , we sound a little similar . Which is`why I'm bloghopping now instead of working .

  7. Long time reader, first time commentor =) You just crack me right up girl!! Thanks for sharing your random favorites files. Someone should make a website about "What your favorties say about you!" LOL

  8. Kim

    I loved the Phantom Tollboth, too. I didn't know it was a move though. Guess I will have to look for it at the library. I think the favourites list is an interesting snapshot and wonder too sometimes what I wanted to save THAT for!

  9. Face it girl...ADD. Too much coffee, maybe? Sounds so much like me!! :)

  10. I find that I have nightmares if I eat strawberries after dinner -- what's that link? And i just pulled out my copy of the Phantom Tollbooth for DH to read about a week ago -- didn't know they had made a film of it, and for some reason Netflix doesn't seem to have it!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!