Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's That Time Again, Folks!

The other day, I was visiting a few blogs, doing a little catch-up reading, and one of the blogs I checked in on was Tall House Quilts. There I found the cutest collection of thrifted watermelon "stuff." (Click HERE if you'd like to see for yourself.) Well, yes, you probably know where this is going. The yearning hit me, and hit me hard.

Work was insanely crazy today. We had a huge pile of legal documents to prepare and get into the overnight mail. By the time I got out of the office, I needed a little time to decompress, so yep, I stopped at the thrift store on the way home. I figure it's reasonably cheap therapy!

One of the differences between me and the Tall House Quilts gal is that she took her Easter bunnies down in mid-April; mine are still up. Sad, isn't it? I SERIOUSLY need to do something about that because summer's here! So, with that in mind, I thought this print would make a nice summery background in my hutch or somewhere else in the kitchen.

Nothing TOO exciting about the print, but I kind of like it. I also came home with a few odds and ends. A book of recipes from The Stinking Rose restaurant in San Francisco--I've always wanted to eat there, but since we don't really GO to San Francisco much, it just hasn't happened yet.

A butter bell because--well, apparently you just can't have too many! I have one that's a deep yellow, and I sent Red Geranium Sharon one of these blue and white ones about a year ago, but I have some other blue and white kitchen things, so I thought I'd hold onto this one. And, unfortunately, my photography skills are such that you can't really SEE the rusty star candle holder to the right very well, but trust me--it's there! Rusty star candleholders are always good for those patriotic occasions AND Christmas. How versatile!

Here's my really good bargain of the day, though:

Even Hubby knows this is a Jim Shore/Heartwood Creek angel, and while I'm not THAT into angel "stuff," I do like Jim Shore, and this angel's harvest basket will fit in nicely with my fall/Thanksgiving decor. No chips or blemishes to be seen, which makes this find a steal at something like $4!

(Note to Gran: See the embroidery floss at the base of the angel?
This STUFF is everywhere!
And I'm blaming YOU!)

And last of all? Well, Hubby rolled his eyes at this--quite openly too! How can a person roll their eyes at a snowman tree garland, I ask?!

But really, if I don't get rid of these bunnies soon, I just might go straight to decorating for Christmas!


  1. Sweet Finds!
    We (DH & me) put away Easter things away today. Go figure!!! And here you admitted to having your Easter decorations up still. See you are not alone. We had gathered them all up and put them in a corner of the sunroom, where they have been gathering dust. Today is the day they got wrapped and stored. Amazing hey!
    Re: the embroidery thread hanging from the rafters and other places. I plead the 5th. Sounds like a lint roller is in order. You know, stuck in an apron pocket or a back pocket.

    My eyes are at half mast so I am heading off now.

  2. I love the snowman garland! How could anyone not love that? It's so festive!

  3. True confession: my Valentine decorations are still on my front door. Love isn't only for February, right?

  4. Great find on the Jim Shore angel. I need to go shopping with you!!


  5. I think you have to have the best thrift shops in your area. I've checked the ones near me but I never see the great stuff you find. Lucky you!

  6. uh ... three weeks ago i was going downstairs on one of my search-the-chest-freezer-for-something-edible missions and decided to take a few things that were waiting to be put away ... the stars and stripes apple-shaped candy dish from LAST fourth of July was in the pile of put-me-aways ... so i left it out for Memorial Day and now it's ready for THIS fourth of July (and then Veterans' Day - it may never get put away)

    stinking rose - garlic - oh, i get it!

  7. Ok, for those of us who are ashamed to ask, I'll sacrifice my intellect and ask, "What's a butter bell?"

    Love your stuff and a $4 Jim Shore - that is a deal (obviously the store doesn't know the value??) Lucky you!!

  8. I can't believe you found a Jim Shore angel for $4. What a find!!!

  9. I wish I had a good thrift shop my my area! What fun you have!! Love some of those goodies you found. Lucky girl.

  10. $4 for the angel?? what a steal!! great finds

  11. WOW! $4.00 Jim Shore angel. GREAT deal! Great deals all around!


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