Monday, June 15, 2009

Have You Read This Book Yet?

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.

A week or two ago, I wandered into Borders bookstore on my lunch hour, looking for a specific quilting magazine. I didn't find it, but I noticed they had a sale on paperback books--buy two, get the third free. Well, you don't have to tell me twice! As a confirmed bookaholic, my resistance is very low.

A few days before, I'd been at a quilt class and several of us started talking about books. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society was a "must read" on a couple of the ladies' lists, so after I'd found two paperbacks at Borders by familiar authors, I decided to see if they had this one as well--and they did.

The book takes place in England not long after WWII. Did you know the Channel Islands were occupied by the German army during the war? I didn't! In fact, although I'd heard of the Channel Islands, I really didn't even know where they were located--turns out they're between the south of England and France--in the English Channel, which of course makes complete sense!

The story unfolds through a series of letters between several of the characters. It's an easy book to read, and a light enough story that will keep you engaged while reading, and will keep you thinking about the characters long after you've finished reading the book. A really good book!

I've updated my reading list in my sidebar, and I can easily recommend any of the four books listed there now. Two are by Arlene Sachitano and are quilt mysteries set in the Pacific Northwest; Quilt as Desired is the first of the series, and her third book should be out in the fall. They are also reasonably light and easy reads--just perfect for those of us who like to read a few pages each night before closing our eyes. The other book, A Single Thread by Marie Bostwick is a little emotionally heavier and is filled with memorable characters, each of whom face a major change in her life. The second book in the series, A Thread of Truth, is on my bookshelf, and I'm looking forward to reading it soon.

Happy reading!


  1. Yes! I've read this book and enthusiastically recommend it.

    Another recent read was Dog On It. A detective novel told by his dog. Thoroughly enjoyable.

  2. Why, yes I have read it. I too really enjoyed it. You are spot on that the characters stay in your mind. I found it interesting that it was worked on by her niece also. I'm not sure she is still writing, but I hope she is.

    I'm going to see if my public library has any of the books you and debby mentioned. Always on the look out for a fun, light read. Save the serious stuff for someone else! Thanks. Bonnie

  3. Read it and loved it! I too learned a lot when I read it. I think that's part of why I like historical novels so much.

    I just finished A Thread of Truth. It was good, but a bit predictable to me. I like a book that keeps me guessing until the very end.

  4. I have not read it, but it's on my list!

  5. no, i haven't - but it's been on my want-to list because it has "potato peel pie" in the title - it just about has to be good with a title like that, right?

  6. I don't seem to be able to find time to read, but I drive 30 miles to work and 30 miles home everyday so I order books on tape or CD from the Library. Well, I struck out this time. They didn't have the audio books by Sachitano or Bostwick. They do have the "Potato Peel" but there are 54 people ahead of me waiting for it so I guess it will be a while before I hear that one. Thank you for your recommendations though.

  7. The Channel Islands are lovely! I spent my honeymoon on the Isles of Jersey and Sark. Cars aren't allowed on Sark, bikes, horses & carts or walking only which makes for a really peaceful place, it also enables you to imagine what the world was like before the invention of the combustion engine.

  8. Yep, that's a good one! I read it after a rug hooking friend recommended it. I've found that friends are better book reviewers than anyone else!

  9. Yes, it was a book club choice of ours. We enjoyed it a great deal! I also learned a bit of history when I read it. Check out our book club blog for book reviews and suggestions!

  10. Yep, I've read it, too. I highly recommend it. I had no idea exactly where the Channel Islands are located so It prompted me to get out the old atlas and do a little internet surfing as well.

    Another good read recently was People of the Book. Historical and a bit like a mystery.

    By the way, what ever happened to the Orphan Train book? I know it was circulating but no one has mentioned it in forever and I was on the list.

  11. Thanks for the recommendation - i am with Diane, it has got to be good with a title like that.

    Well, Monday is on it's way out and tomorrow is Hey Ghoul Friend - I can hardly wait to see what your students have put together!


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