Saturday, May 16, 2009

What Little I Know . . .

. . . about blogging and uploading photos, I'm happy to share. Several of my newer blogging friends seem to be having trouble, so I thought I'd explain how I do it.

First of all, I'm a PC. I have a feeling my friend Gran is a Mac, so I'm not sure this will be of much help, but for what it's worth . . . .

The first step is to download photos from my camera into the photo files and folders on my computer. Then I can begin my post. Here's a picture of what the screen looks like when I start composing a blog post:

There are two folder tabs up near the top right that say "Edit HTML" and "Compose." I write most of my post in the "compose" screen. And I'll write much of the body of my post before I start uploading photos.

Once I'm ready to upload photos, I click the icon that's third from the right on the toolbar--it looks like a photo (yeah, imagine that!). I'll then get a screen that looks like this:

Up near the top left in blue it says "Add another image"--I click on that to add as many browse boxes as I have photos to upload--it will let me add up to five photos at a time. I usually leave my photo settings on "none" for layout and "large" for image size unless I have something particular in mind.

I click the browse button and that takes me to my computer--I then navigate my way to my photo files and find the photo I want to upload and click on it. The photo I select in the first box will be the last photo in line when they're uploaded to my blog post, so I try to plan accordingly. Once I've chosen photos to upload, I click the orange "upload image" button. (If I want to add more than five photos, I just repeat these steps until I've uploaded what I want.)

When the photos are uploaded to my post, I can click on each one with my mouse, holding down the right mouse button while dragging the photos to wherever I want in the text. When I've dragged a photo to the proper place in the text, I release the mouse button. Then I'll go get the next photo and drag it into position.

Once I have my text and photos where I want them, I'll edit my post--sometimes once the photos are in place, I might have more to say about them.

And once I have the text and the photos done, then I click on the "Edit HTML" tab to refine justification and paragraph spacing. In my next post, I'll talk a little about HTML codes--a VERY little because I don't know much and everything I know has been picked up through blogging trial and error!

Perhaps if you have a Mac and a blog, you can leave a comment about how uploading and moving photos is different from the way I do it. Or, if you have a different method of uploading photos, please explain in a comment. I'm sure there are lots of bloggers who would appreciate your help!


  1. Hey, thanks for the help! But how do you do the background stuff, like the cute cherries and pokadots?


  2. Thanks, Kim Maybe I;ll give it a try.I never used the comnpose or HTML. How do you get it to print on the side of a picture?

  3. Ok.. I have a Mac.. and I do almost the same as you do.. except for.. I cant choose multiple pictures to upload... dont know why.. so I take one picture at the time... and I cant move around pictures in the compose edit..dont know why either... I move them in html edit..( copy and paste) and when I do that .. then they are enlarge... otherwise NOT!! Strange I know... Dont know if this helped something... still confused myself if anyone else have tips .. I will follow and read this topic... Good luck to all!!! :o)

  4. Kim...did you know that you can email the pictures to yourself at your blogspot address and it's much quicker than uploading. They come in as a post and you can just copy and paste them to the post where you want them. Clear as mud?

  5. Thanks so much for the info. I am new to blogging and have a heck of time putting pictures where I want them. I've also heard you can use Windows Live to write your blog. Do you know about that?

  6. I am on a Mac and I am able to add 5 photos at once in Firefox.

    I did not know you could do this till I read Kim's tutorial.

  7. I have lots to learn and will try some of your tips on my next post. Thanks.

  8. hm....I have always written my post in "edit" and used copy/paste to move photos. Will try to move photos in compose next post and see if it is easier...


  9. Just learned something new! Thanks so much..was having problems with editing the photos/paragraphs.

    Have a super day!

  10. Wow,I had no idea that you could "click & drag" the photos. I've always used the HTML setting and then copied & pasted to the spot I wanted the photo within the text. Thanks for the tip.

  11. Thanks Kim. Yes, I do have a Mac and after reading your blog I will give it another try tonight. I will keep your posted. :0)

  12. OK, this sounds much easier than the method I use!! So appreciate the great post!

  13. I've always dropped and dragged in compose. I don't go over the edit html very often at all.

    html goes for loads of things"

  14. I appreciate your posting about moving things around on a blog

  15. This is wonderful info. Thank you for sharing. Hope sometime you will post about how to move the 'borders' so the posting area is wider. I've noticed on some blogs that it's the whole page wide. That would be great as I would use larger text in my posts if I had more room
    Thanks again for a great blog post!


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