Saturday, May 9, 2009


Remember that iced latte in yesterday's post? I sure could use that now! I've just finished organizing the home office and I'm tired! I'd invite you all over to see it, but it's an awfully small house and I haven't baked a cake or anything, so I'll share a few photos instead.

A year or two ago, I was able to get two office chairs from my office. The upholstery was pretty tattered, but they were in otherwise great condition. I made reversible covers for one and have been using it in the Sweat Shop; the other lived in the garage until now. The other night, I cut up Hubby's old denim jeans and made a seat cover and a cover for the back rest. Boy were they tough! Just sewing the casing for the seat cover and running the elastic through it took three or four hours--no joke! I'm just glad I didn't know how hard it was going to be before I started! It turned out well, though, and I think it will be awhile before Hubby can wear through these covers.

Here's a view of where the computer and printer will go. I've opted to move those in the morning, because I really didn't want to try to take it down and put it up in iffy lighting conditions. As it is, I'm not sure I can promise I'll be back online tomorrow night! (Check out the pockets on the back of the chair cover.)

This photo looks kind of wonky. I was trying to get back far enough to take the photo and it's distorted the dimensions, but I think you get the idea. This is the other end of the desk, which runs the length of the room. The cutting mat isn't necessarily there for cutting although I'll use it for cutting kits for sale. Mostly, though, it's a nice surface to work on--soft but not too soft for writing.

This is the ugly corner of the room. That corner there ends up getting stuff stuck in it that doesn't belong anywhere else. The desk that spans the length of the room would be to the left of this photo, then there's the dresser and another small desk to the right--I think it makes a fairly decent work area with everything just about in reach.

And I took this last photo mostly for Gran--I wanted to show her that I have a bunch of stitchery and embroidery reference books. On a related subject, when I was cleaning everything out and reorganizing, I found a BUNCH of skeins of perle cotton. I had bought them for a non-stitchery project and forgot I had them!

Okay, now the name of the new pattern and the announcement of the winner. It really was hard to pick and I changed my mind a couple times. In the end, though, I decided to go with Quilting Fitzy's suggestion, "Fireworks!" I loved Nancy's suggestion of Betsy Gets Bold!--it was really the most clever and original suggestion, but I didn't know if everyone would "get" it. Cathy T's "Liberty Star" kept floating through my mind too. But in the end, I thought it looked most like a big burst of fireworks. I'd like to send each of you three ladies a copy of the pattern when it's published--please email me your mailing address, and I should get it in the mail in the next week or so. Thank you ALL for your suggestions--you really helped me to chose a name.


  1. Wow, that room looks GREAT and those pockets on the chair are the cutest and most clever thing...typical of you, Kim! The room will be inspiring for you to work in!

  2. OH! I'm doing the happy dance! Thanks for your generosity Kim.

    I'm moving to a new department next week, I plan to cover my cubicle with 100% cotton, lol. Wallhangings are my thang lately, short & sweet and representative of what I love to do.

  3. It looks very well done and wow look at all that rolled up WOOL!!! right??? Good deal!

  4. It looks like a really cozy office room. The chair cover is really clever (I have to keep my sons old jeans!) and I always LOVE the dressers :-)))) You are so hardworking !!!

  5. Love the pocket on the back of the chair cover - I think I would add one to a chair cover that wasn't even denim!

  6. Looks fantastic Kim....I love the idea of denim on the chair...your hard effort paid off! Woo Hoo...Obviously I haven't been over here for a few days and I had alot of catching up to do...wish I had a latte sitting here with me now! Dang it!! Lots of pretties, showing and sharing going on and complete with stories...gotta love my Kim stories!!

  7. i like "fireworks" for the name - and i like "Betsy Gets Bold" ... i might have to borrow that from Nancy when i make the patriotic quilt that has been pestering the back of my mind for the past couple of years ... nifty chair cover, but i bet it WAS a pain to make

  8. TA-DA You really, really did it! WELL Done! I bet you feel like a new woman and ready to be in there creating. Boy, the jean chair covers are nice. I am glad you mentioned the pockets on the back of the chair. I clicked on the photo to enlarge it and there they were. Only you would do something so nifty, cute and yes, funny to boot!

    Your embroidery library looks handy, right beside the sewing basket find - the one with the 27 layers of scotch tape on a repair. Thank you for the picture. I think you are serious about this embroidery class. :0) Very well planned and eye pleasing.

    The name for your new pattern is perfect!

    Happy Mothers Day to you Tomorrow!

  9. great great job! I love the chair cover and it will wear like iron!

  10. I love your new office! You all did a great job!

    I like the name of the quilt. Congratulations to the winners.

  11. The office looks fantastic!Mmm wonder how long until one of the kids move out and I can have one of my own!!!! Just joking!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!