Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Not Much Tonight . . .

Hubby has a date with a colon scope tomorrow afternoon, and I'm sure you know what that means: Lots of fun "prep" this afternoon and evening. Besides that, I haven't felt very well today either--I'm calling it "sympathy pains." Sheesh! It almost makes me wonder if Hubby "spiked" my dinner last night, thinking it would be pretty funny if I had to experience the same thing he did! But no, I doubt it. Suffice it to say, though, that I'm happy this is a two bathroom house! Too much information, I suspect, but I wanted to let you know why I'm not very entertaining tonight. In fact, the sooner I can get myself to bed, the better.

I CAN show you one thing though. Remember the hat pincushions I made for the students who took my Hat Party class? Well, I used the same general idea and made these pincushions last weekend for my Hey Ghoul Friend students--

I think I gave you some directions for making the other hat pincushions. If you're interested in making these pincushions for friends for Halloween, here's what I did differently.

First, for each hat, I cut a triangle from fabric with a 12" long base and height of 8" from the center of the base to the top point of the triangle (imagine an upside down "T"). From the top center point of the triangle, I drew an 8" arc--in other words, I measured from the top point down 8" toward the base and marked several different points that were 8" from the point. I connected those "dots" to get curved line. I then trimmed the excess fabric away. After that, right sides together, I sewed a seam from the base up to the center point of the triangle and turned the resulting "cone" right side out. I stuffed the top of the hat with fiberfill and sewed a line half way across the stuffed hat, a couple inches down from the point, to make it bend a little bit. I then stuck a half of a 3" styrofoam ball in the bottom portion of the "cone" and glued the fabric to the bottom of the ball. The rest was the same as the other hat pincushions--covering a cardboard circle with fabric for the brim and using a glue gun to secure the fabric to the cardboard circle and attaching it to the "cone" part of the hat. And, of course, adding embellishments.

I wish I had taken photos of the process, but I just didn't think about it--shame on me! I really should know better by now.

I hope this makes some sense--I'm tired and barely able to stay awake tonight. My bed is calling. 1-800-lay-onme. See you tomorrow!


  1. Julia from ThimbleberriesMay 19, 2009 at 11:19 PM


    I hear that you didn't finish your homework for the embroidery class. I got the pattern (M is for May's flowers) off the Crabapple studio website and I finished mine this evening. My husband thinks I am startinga new hobby, but I was already stitching this and that. I guess he just doesn't pay much attention to my hobbies.....

    I did get my center for Jo's done.

    Now that I've seen the hats....looking forward to the patriotic patchwork class in June!


  2. Hope you feel better! Is that rumor didn't do the work that Gran assigned you?????

  3. CUTE CUTE! Thanks for the instructions. And we are blog twins. I picked the same background too!

  4. I wish I lived close enough to be one of your spoiled rotten students.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  5. Those hats are so wonderful! I can't wait to try that with my stash of Halloween fabric. I can see a similar style with green fabric for Christmas trees, too.

  6. Those hats are adorable! Have I mentioned how clever you are? Hope you feel better!

  7. Oh, you are funny even when you are not feeling well.

    Cute hats, and of course not to make any one jealous
    I got to pick one up and FEEL IT. Oh, to be one of your students.

    I hope DH does well today and that you are on the mend. You had little dark circles under your eyes and I know you were not feeling well. Thank Goodness that things past.... :0)


  8. cute, cute, cute - love those witches' hats!

    where, oh where can i find a pattern for "hey ghoul friend!"??!!? i love it so much - my sewing room is (read: will be) decorated with witches (still in their boxes)and halloween things (not yet made)and i need that wall hanging!

  9. Love those pincushions! Very, very cute. Sorry you and DH have the rooty-toots will be over soon!

  10. Kim, Kim, Kim ... you are such a tease. Those are darling hats and I see I am going to need to figure out how to make one unless we can encourage you to do a photo tutorial. (ok, Sal, grab her arm and twist... wait, don't damage it too much, we need her to create more things!) Just kidding. so, how about putting the original hat pin cushion tutorial on the tutorial list? Glad your beginning to feel better. Wish I lived close enough to take a class or two with you! Bonnie in the Poconos...

  11. how stinking cute are those hats! I plan on making one myself! I will tip the point down and fill with emery to sharpen the needles and pins. love love love them!(mauh) Liz


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