Saturday, April 4, 2009

Wish Fulfillment

Friday night at last! I may not be in bed early eating bonbons, but I'm most definitely going to bed with a good book and getting a good night's sleep--and sleeping in on Saturday!

I know you're waiting to find out if you won the wool Easter egg needle case kit, so I won't keep you in suspense. The winner is Arlene (No-Blog) who commented: "Kim, The needle case is absolutely adorable! I never miss checking in on your blog. It makes my day!" (I know it probably sometimes seems like flattery could play a role in the winners I select, but truly it's all just luck, although I certainly appreciate the kind comments!) Arlene, please email me your mailing address and, if I receive it in time, I'll get the kit in the mail to you on Saturday. Congratulations!

I wanted to share a photo with you of the red, white, and blue quilt. It was VERY windy today, but I was determined to get a good photo. I'm sure it was quite comical to watch me trying to photograph a quilt in gale force winds, climbing up and down a smallish ivy covered hill carrying quilt, push pins and a camera! Every time the wind would blow, I'd climb back up that hill and add another push pin!

Since most of the classes I teach are based on quilt patterns of my own design, I'll be publishing this pattern soon, so I needed a decent photo for the pattern cover. By the way, I think I'm also going to have a little contest soon because I need to come up with a good name for this pattern, and I thought you all could help--so watch for it in the next week or two, and in the meantime, put your thinking caps on!

I spent this evening--now that the rush to complete quilts for the quilt shop open house is finally over--putting together the last few Bette Bunny wool kits. I had sold out what I'd kitted up originally, and with Easter only a week away, I suspect I won't sell all of these last few kits, but it might be nice to hold onto them for next year. And I have a special little treat for the Sacramento locals--I dropped off the class quilts at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks tonight and asked Lindy, the owner, whether she'd mind if I had a little giveaway of a Bette Bunny kit at the open house. She approved, so if you don't have any other big plans on Sunday, stop by the shop and put your name in the drawing!

And what am I planning NEXT? Well, as soon as Easter is over, you can expect to see a few cherries around here! Thanks for stopping in to visit with me.


  1. Great quilt Kim! I'm amazed at all that you get done. Have fun at the open house.

  2. Pretty Quilt Kim!!! I am having a give away on my blog, come on over! Hugs, Mary

  3. Kim....lovely quilt and I reallly reallly enjoy your blog!!It's ok that I didn't win the needlecase maybe next time...Have a great day!! Laurez/New Jersey

  4. Kim,
    I can't wait to see the new quilt in person on Sunday at "The Paw". See ya then.


  5. I like how this one turned out...the stars in the borders really made the difference for me! Good job!

  6. That is so fabulous! I love the colors. The blue is not navy, and it really makes the border. Not to mention the perfect use of white space!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!