Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Tutorial for You!

As promised, I've posted the No-Melt Mylar applique tutorial below. I didn't even set foot into the Sweat Shop tonight, so I thought I should at least do ONE thing productive!

Thank you all for the get-well wishes for my mom. My brother called tonight to say she'd had surgery and it went well. The ball of the hip was damaged but the cup was fine. The doctors seem to think they'll be able to get her up and start her walking a bit tomorrow. Isn't medicine amazing? I DO hope she'll be motivated to get better--so many people at her age (around 80) just don't have the energy or willpower, and only time will tell with her.

That "cold" I had last week? I've decided it WAS allergies, and those same allergies are still bothering me quite a bit--Hubby's been suffering too. Spring is a beautiful time of the year, but I sure wish we didn't have to suffer because of all the new growth. Then again, at least we have something nice to look at while we're suffering!

Thanks for stopping in to visit, and I hope you'll try out the no-melt mylar method below--it really is simple!


  1. I'm so glad that your mother is doing well.

    Fabulous tutorial (as usual). How many times can you use the mylar pieces before they are unusable because of warpage? (okay, I don't know if warpage is even a word.)

  2. Thank you! I am happy your mother will soon be mobile - amazing. I appreciate your tutorial.

  3. Excellent news about your Mom!


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