Thursday, April 16, 2009

Okay, So Tell Me This . . .

I've finished the wool version AND the cotton version of the little cherry wallhanging and I'm not sure which one I want to photograph for the pattern cover. Originally my idea was that these "Little Adventure" patterns would be primarily designed for wool although cotton could also be used, but I'm kind of leaning toward liking the cotton version of this one better. So could you please give me some input?


Or cotton?

I'm planning to have the pattern ready by Saturday, which means I'll need to get photographs Thursday evening or Friday morning. Please comment to let me know which version would appeal to you most as a pattern cover and I'll enter you in a drawing for a free copy of the pattern. I'll draw a winner on Friday night. Thanks for your help!


  1. I also like the cotton for the cover. Of course I am partial to blue and cool colors.

    Dawn in Ma

  2. Oooh...I love the is so cool and clean.


  3. Love the colorful cotton one!
    Jane in Ohio

  4. I am a big fan of wool projects. But I do think that the cotton pic is so fresh and the blossom looks very "real".You could have a smaller photo of the wool one also on the cover. Two options with pattern helps with sales.

  5. The cotton version is more eyecatching. I think it's has more appeal to potential buyers because of the color and play of patterns in the fabrics. I know I'm often drawn to a quilt by the colors the maker has used.

    It's a cute design either way!

  6. The cotton gets my the way, check out my blog and see your Spring quilt hangin in the window...btw, thanks so much, I decided to hold off the thank yous until it was Thank You!

  7. They both look great, but I like the cotton best. The cherries remind me of spring and summer. The wool might be better for a fall/winter theme.

  8. The cotton one is much more colorful and will make a great cover, I would them put a small inset of the wool, just to give the consumer another idea.
    Dorothy from IL

  9. I'm a wool gal, but on this one I like the cotton version. I love the colors you used.

  10. The cotton looks the best. Good work.

  11. I bet the wool one looks better in person, but it didn't photograph as well as the cotton one. Like most everyone so far, I vote for the cotton one...fresh and clean.

  12. I have to agree with the cotton one too. I do like the wool but the cotton is more eye catching. :)

  13. Definitely cotton. Its fresher for the spring/summer look! Great job.

  14. Both! I vote for a larger pic of the cotton and a smaller inset pic of the wool!

  15. I think I agree with Caryn, do both although I like the cotton version the best.

  16. The cotton version is very catching and eye appealing for the cover of the pattern. I think the neat blue fabrics are great.

  17. Sandy from ThimbleberriesApril 16, 2009 at 5:38 AM

    The cotton one is so bright and cheerful. It makes you think of spring when the blossoms start to bloom and the cherries become ripe. I like the wool one, but the cotton one catches your attention.

  18. I too like the cotton version. I think it is the colors that appeal to me. Could you do an alternate photo on the back of the pattern? or maybe a split photo on the front?

  19. Sheesh... by the time spring rolls around we are sick of our wool clothes. The blue, cotton one screams spring. (have I had too long of a winter or what... we're still getting 20's and low 30's at night...) I think the blue one is crisper and shows the pattern better. It draws the eye to it more. (And, hey, is that ric rak on the edge of the darker border? Too cute!)

  20. I like the cotton one as well but agree that maybe you should include a smaller inset of the wool one somewhere on the pattern!

  21. The cotton one is more of an eyecatcher if someone was looking through patterns...Love it and hope I win it!

    Mary Jo in Iowa

  22. My vote is for the cotton one as well. The others do have a good point about the insert of the wool picture. But the cotton picture for sure is the way to go.

  23. I vote for the cotton ... love those colors

  24. I like the cotton one best. Brighter and more eye catching.

  25. I vote for cotton too! Great pattern :-)

  26. I like the cotton version best.

  27. They are both equally beautiful, but I believe that I like the cotton the best. I love to visit your blog and see what you are up to next. Thanks for a wonderful blog.

  28. I like the cotton one as well. I think it will photograph "crisper" and "cleaner" for your pattern cover.

  29. I think the with the cotton version the design really jumps out at you because of the movement of your fabric choices. The wool is lovely also, just doesn't have as much movement in it.

  30. I think the cotton one is the best choice for the pattern cover, but if I were making this, I'd lean toward the wool one. I love the classy look of it.

  31. I think I like the cotton a little better than may have to do with the different fabric choice...I am partial to dots and I think the cotton shows the texture. Great job! Laurez/NJ/

  32. Another vote for the cotton. Your fabric choices on that one are perfection!

  33. The cotton one is my choice too....screams BUY ME!!! Your design is adorable and your blog is too!!! Thanks for the chance to win one of your patterns. XXX Annie

  34. Definitely cotton...I know that in "real life" things are often different than they appear in photos, but I believe the cotton version would draw someone right to the pattern!

  35. Boy, they are both great, but I think I like the wool one best. Although, I like the wide border better. See, you shouldn't have asked us! They are so cute. You do great work! carline

  36. I prefer the cotton, it is much more cheerful than the wool, to me.
    I am looking forward to taking your Hat Party class at the Paw.


  37. I agree with the cotton and an inset of the wool one. Great work. Hugs, CAthy Trumble

  38. By now I'm sure you are going with the cotton, but since you did ask, I prefer the wool.

  39. I vote for the cotton!

  40. I love the cotton but both are beautiful. I like the idea of giving options on the back of the pattern!

  41. I love love the cotton one. I love the fabric, the colors, everything.

  42. I like the idea of both, the cotton one larger and a small picture of the wool one. Love your work!

  43. The cotton version is much more appealing. It's just fun! I liked how you moved the ladybug around though. Very cute!

  44. I like them both! Hard decision, but I have for cotton.

  45. I luv your patterns and I luv this one in cotton. I think the cotton cover would appeal to most people.

  46. Hi Kim, they are both lovely, but since I have never worked with wool, I would have to go with the cotton version. It is just darling. I would love this pattern. (grin) Winona

  47. I like the cotton one better. I think it's because of the border and also I like cotton better.

  48. Kim,

    I like working with wool, but for this sweet little project, I would choose cloth. Nice springy design. Trish Chesterfield, VA

  49. Cotton. Wool. Both. Aaaaargh!

    What if there was a bit of rick rack around the border of the wool? On the inside, smaller rick rack? Seems to need something more solid, weighty, to anchor it. Yes?

    Both are beautiful! I love your style. Makes me want to try wool.

  50. Cotton, but then, I'm a cotton fan!

  51. I vote definitely cotton (with a small inset of the wool).

  52. Kim, I think the cotton one will photograph so much better. Thank you for always inspring me! (Marilyn -

  53. I like the cotton one also. The colors just jump out at you.
    Sandy (Teri's mom)

  54. I'd have to say the cotton one is more striking. But... How about a small picture of the wool one also?
    Chris in Sac

  55. I love them both, but I like the cotton one better.

  56. Both are nice but the cotton is much more appealing.

  57. I can hardly wait to make this one - like both, love the cotton!

  58. Definately the cotton for the cover photo, but maybe a smaller shot of the wool version for the back cover as an option.

  59. The cotton version would really do the pattern justice & be eye-catching. But it's great that you did a wool version so people can see options.

  60. Cotton for sure! I liked the wool one, but loved the cotton, so it gets my vote!

  61. Looks like everyone is voting for the cotton. But I like the wool better. But they are both beautiful, so either one! Julie

  62. Definitely the cotton for the cover. It is wonderful and makes me want to make it. It is very happy looking also.

  63. cotton one is awesome. I like the wool too but I would go wtih the cotton

  64. The cotton version would definitely jump out more on a pattern cover picture. I think that would be the proper marketing choice (love the wool one too).

  65. the wool is nice but the cotton is brighter and more eye catching especially for Spring. Just love both pieces

  66. I love wool, but like the others, I think the cotton one would be the better choice for the cover. The colors and fabrics are so cheerful and inspiring, especially for such a springy-feeling pattern. But I do love them both!

  67. Most definately the cotton one! The white on the red cherries makes them pop.

  68. I like the cotton one. The colors are so pretty

  69. I like the cotton version too!!

  70. Julia From ThimbleberriesApril 16, 2009 at 9:37 PM

    Wow! 75 responses. I have to admit that I am partial to the cotton version (and so is my daughter) for the cover. I just love the fabrics you used and the look is so cherry-ish.


  71. Cotton one is cuter! Do you take professional photos or do you do it yourself?

  72. Kim - I just love the cotton one and that little bit of rick-rack adds so much pizzazz. Your fabric choices just make the design pop. You go, girl!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!