Friday, April 10, 2009

Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This . . .

I have a cold. I think. Allergies have been bad, but I'm thinking this is feeling like more than allergies.

My boy boss has a cold. He thought he started coming down with it at the end of last week. Then again, I spent two days of quality time cooped up with 100 prospective jurors, so who knows what bug I may have picked up there.

Because I had a quilt class tonight and wouldn't be home for dinner, I picked up lunch at Panda Express--plenty of leftovers for dinner before class. But you know what? I ate my fortune, I think. All I know for sure is that I opened the wrapper of the fortune cookie and without paying any attention whatsoever because I was reading a book, I broke it in half and popped half of it in my mouth. And chewed a lot. When I looked down at the remaining half, I remembered I hadn't pulled the fortune out. And there was no fortune to be found. So either I got a cookie without a fortune or I ate it. Seriously, I think I ate it. I can only imagine what it may have said. Probably something like Surrender Dorothy. Or Give Up and Go Home Kim. But no. I couldn't do that. I had loaded up my sewing machine and all my sewing stuff in my car this morning, and I didn't want to miss class.

So after work, I headed to the quilt shop. Guess what? It was the wrong class. This particular class is offered two evenings a month, and I had put the wrong one in my calendar. So I gave up and went home.

Life is funny. I think I'll take some Nyquil and go to bed. Let's just hope my pillow won't go the way of my fortune. I'm such an idiot sometimes!


  1. Hi Kim, I've just found your blog via Kellie - you are very funny! Sorry to hear that you have a cold though, both of my children have typical easter holiday colds as well but that seems to be a bit of a holiday tradition here in the UK. I loved your jury posts - nothing so exciting here in UK courts unfortunately.
    Hope you are feeling better!
    Kim xx

  2. I bet the gal at the quilt shop got a laugh out of that. But did you get the fabric you wanted?

  3. LOL....some days are like that. I hope you feel better. :)

  4. I've had the same thing here, bad allergies that feel more like a cold but without the general "cold" symptoms. It's weird actually but feeling crappy just feels matter what category it falls under.

    Feel better.

  5. I hope you are feeling better soon! Some lovely quilter shared this cold with me last week in Lancaster. Quilters are such giving people, aren't they? I'm trying to be a scrooge and keep it to myself.

  6. I've showed up for the wrong class before, but I don't think I've ever eaten my fortune! On the other hand, I do eat and read at Panda Express so it could happen! A good night's sleep should help a lot.

  7. You are NOT an idiot! It is just hard to think when you are stuffy and congested. You were distracted...the fortune cookie didn't have a chance!
    Get feeling better quick!

  8. Sorry to hear you have a cold or something... When you need a little lift just look into the eyes of Betty and Bucky - they still make me feel all warm inside and every now and then a giggle rolls up from inside of me.



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