Saturday, April 18, 2009

Let Me Introduce You . . .

to the newest member of the Kim's Little Adventures family--Cherry Delight!

Oh, you've already met? You've been watching her for quite awhile now? Ah, but it's not the same, is it? Because tonight she's all dressed up and ready to go out! Woo-hoo!

Seriously, though, getting a pattern all packaged up and ready for sale feels not so much like giving birth but more like watching your daughter go off on a first date. After all, I've made four of these already, so it's not exactly new to me, but still . . . getting it to this point is a big step!

I've packaged a bunch up for the quilt shop, to be delivered tomorrow, and listed a batch on Etsy. I have a few more to "assemble" still, but plenty are ready, including one for the winner of our giveaway!

Bet you're wondering who won the pattern, right? Well, I'm happy to say it's DebiJeanM of Debi Stitches. Debi, please email me your mailing address, and I'll get a copy of the Cherry Delight pattern in the mail to you right away!

Thank you all again for helping me decide which version of the quilt to use for the pattern cover. I liked the idea of having a smaller inset photo of the wool version, but these are little patterns--too little for two photos, unfortunately.

One of the quilting gals I work with--Jacquie--suggested maybe an Asian print would work nicely for the outer border of the wool version, and I think she may be onto something there. When I deliver the patterns to the quilt shop tomorrow, I'll check out their Asian prints and see if anything "speaks" to me.

I also wanted to mention a couple things I'll have coming up in the next couple of weeks. I'll be having another little giveaway--not a pattern but a little something I found at the thrift store--so check back every so often. I also need to write up the pattern for the Patriotic Patchwork quilt--or at least that's what I'm calling it for now, for lack of a better name. But I need a better name for the pattern, so I'll be asking you to help me come up with something, and I'll reward whoever comes up with the name I use. I obviously haven't thought it all through yet, but that's the general plan.

And hey! The weekend's here! I hope you have a wonderful one!


  1. Another great pattern, Kim! Congratulation to Debi on winning a copy.

  2. I'm so excited to have won this pattern,especially with that perfect name - Cherry Delight! Unfortunately, I'm having a problem emailing you. Three tries and they've all come back claiming "authentication" problems. I've sent an email to my email service provider to try to solve the problem, but in the meantime I just wanted to let you know that you haven't heard from me but I really do covet that pattern. Please don't give up on me!

  3. Congrats on another new pattern! She looks lovely.

  4. Congrats to Deb.. You are coming along great Kim.. I can't wait to see what's next. Heading over to Etsy now...

  5. Julia from ThimbleberriesApril 19, 2009 at 10:45 AM

    I loved the picture with the snowball bush. I will stop in at lindy's to pick up my pattern this week. I would jump into the car right now, but my son has the car. Darn Him!



Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!