Monday, April 6, 2009

Here Comes Peter Cottontail . . .


Can you believe this is my 802nd post? I just noticed when I signed in. What have I had to talk so much about?!

Tomorrow I go back to court to find out whether they'd like me to be on the jury for the murder trial. Work has been SOOOO hectic and stressful lately, I'm seriously thinking that serving as a juror on a murder trial would be a nice little vacation! We'd get an hour and a half for lunch each day, and court would be in session most days from around 9 a.m. to 4:30 or 5 p.m. Not to mention the fact that the rest of the day would be a little like watching Court TV all day except I couldn't do it in my pajamas. As for tomorrow morning, at least I don't have to get up before the roosters this time--I just have to be there by 9, which really means getting there at 8:30 to get parking, etc. The BIG question is: Should I clean out my purse again? I think I'll opt for not cleaning it out. Remember my wish list from the other night? The wish about going to bed early with a good book? I'm planning to do that tonight, and cleaning out my purse might mean staying up half the night!

Speaking of staying up half the night, it feels like that's what I did last night. I spent a good part of Saturday cleaning house and decorating for Spring, and I didn't turn out my light until around 2:30 a.m. At around 4 a.m., I woke up with one of those nasty, nasty calf muscle cramps. You know the ones, right? I think I moved a little to fast to try to stretch it out and I could feel it all the way down to my foot. In fact, it's still sore tonight. Once I went back to sleep, every time I moved, it woke me up again. ARGH! Then Spike--our pesky cat. She started climbing on my desk and pulling up the tabletopper on my dresser around 7 a.m. in an effort to wake me up to feed her. I finally got up long enough to escort her to the bedroom door and close it behind her. Yes, all in all, NOT a restful night's sleep!

I thought I'd throw a few photos at you--some of you have mentioned you enjoy seeing how I decorate the little areas of my home for each season, so I wanted to share. You'll notice the photos sprinkled here and there throughout this post.

Both of my Bette Bunny wallhangings are currently residing at the quilt shop, so the wall above my dresser in the kitchen looks a little bare. Since I have a few kits cut, I thought about making another one but seriously--I've made three including Buckey and that's plenty for now. And that lampshade? It really should be white, I think. Unfortunately the white lampshade suffered a little accident when Hubby dropped that three drawer shelf on it. I think there's some unwritten law that says men should break at least as many things as they fix!

The thrift store Beatrix Potter print ended up on my mantle along with the wool bunny pincushion. And see the blue and green things on top of the candleholders? Those are two really cute felted wool eggs that Bearpaws & Hollyhocks carried--really darling!

Well, it's time for me to take a nice, hot bath and head to bed with that book. I hope you enjoyed your weekend! Thanks for hopping in to visit!


  1. you have such great stuff! i love the grapevine star, and your wreath. all the carrots scattered around are the perfect touch

  2. Oh, you make me laugh!
    Very nice arrangements and such.
    I loved hanging wit cha today.

  3. Vis-a-vis the leg cramps, Kim, if you either drink a glass of orange juice or eat a half a banana just before going to bed, they are pretty well controlled.

  4. Most people think the cramps are due to a lack of calcium or potassium...but they're not. Take a magnesium supplement and you'll never have them again.

  5. Your Easter/Spring decorating is lovely. You have such a good decorating eye.
    Congratulations on your 802 posting!
    Thank you again for the carrot tutorial. I made so many of your carrots and gave so many away.

  6. I'll enjoy decorations through you, okay? You always do such a nice job!

  7. leg cramps! My husband is the creator of them...go to a natural food store and in the holistic meds section...ask for help...and find the ones for muscle cramps. They dissolve under the tongue. Take the prescribed dose...keep them by the bed if you can safely! They work wonderfully. We have found whenever he does a lot of up/down work (ladder, tractor) he gets the cramping. He has learned to take them when he does the climbing thing!

  8. Congrats on your 802nd post and looking forward to reading hundreds more. I wish I had just half of your decorating talents.

  9. Beautiful decorating and I look forward to reading more posts to come...congrats on 802!

  10. Your house looks nice and festive! I don't think anything could keep me up until 2:30 though. Arg! I have that same pitcher that's in your buffet:) I am anxious to hear if you get your vacation in juryland. It just might have some upsides! Think of what you could do with a 1 1/2 hr. lunch break.

  11. Very pretty arrangements for spring! I hope ( or not) as you wish, about the trial. A good book to curl up with sounds wonderful!

  12. Julia FromThimbleberriesApril 6, 2009 at 5:14 PM

    You got so much done! I only cleaned off the table....much to my daughter's dismay.

    I really have to start my bunny...


  13. I love all the decorations. I agree with everyone else, you always do a great job decorating.

    The bunny quilt with the bunnies and the carrots...what pattern is that? It's so cute! I still have Spring up on my design wall. The extra large rick rack is working out great. I'll finish it, soon so you can see.

    I understand all about the leg cramps. I just recently learned about the magnesium and need to try that myself. I always take a potassium pill before going to bed. It seems to work. I've heard that dehydration is a reason for them, too.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!