Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Personal Shopper

Hubby called me at work today to say he was out and about, checking out the thrift stores, and he had seen a tweedy wool jacket he thought I might want--for the wool; not to wear, of course. After we talked about what it looked like and the price, I said, "Sure, go ahead and buy it."

Several hours later, Hubby called me again to let me know he was home. "I don't think I should go to the thrift stores without you any more," he said. "Why?," I wanted to know. "Because I buy too much stuff."

Now you have to know my Hubby. Hubby NEVER, EVER buys too much stuff. Hubby is very frugal when it comes to buying stuff, so this was kind of weird. So what did he buy?

He thought he might have bought about ten of the wool blazers you see here which, when added to the five I've purchased recently, means I have a whole lot of wool in all kinds of colors to create pretty things with. Cool, huh? No, I think Hubby's just fine going to the thrift stores without me. Maybe not too often though!


  1. Wow, you are one lucky girl!!!
    Even though I live in cold country (northern Sweden) where people should wear wool (some do) they are sooo afraid of color. The only clothes available here are in drab shades of grey and brown.
    You inspire me to head off to the second hand store though....

  2. You two are really a team - I can't wait to see what creative idea you are going to come up with for some of these wonderful colors of wool.

  3. Wow, Kim, he did GREAT! Those are fabulous colors. Now it's incumbent upon you to create some new spring-y Little Adventures with them. I'm seeing flowers...

  4. It looks like you should send him to the thrift store more often! Those are great colors.

  5. You got to give him big points for scoring this big for ya! I say let him go and seek for the rest of us! LOL

  6. Wow! Way to go Hubby! I wish my dh would go shop for fabric for me!

  7. Look at those colors! I want to touch!

    Your hubby is very special. Mine loves me but hasn't a clue, really, what I like, much less would he think to shop for me when he is out and about (unless he buys me chocolates when he's at See's for himself, something I have repeatedly asked him not to do.) Give your hubby a hug from all us girls who would treasure someone so thoughtful.

  8. I think your hubby likes to cut them apart for you! Great purchases! I think he should be CEO of Purchasing at your house!

    Oh, BTW, I got the pattern this week! Thank you, Kim!

  9. Those are some fabulous colors he got! You'll be able to do great things with them. After he takes them apart, of course. Did he remember that he had to do that?

  10. Wow you really have some colorful people walking around out there in CA, don't ya!! Well maybe not anymore! Good he can sit and take them apart!

  11. I think Hubby just discovered his next career!!!!!!!!!! promote his services at local quilt shops!!

  12. Hi Kim, All that wool looks great!! I have a question. I am new to that you've purchased all these wool jackets, etc., how do you prepare it for your projects?

  13. What a great team member Hubby is. That is so neat he did this for you. I can bet he is busy with the seam ripper in front of the TV now. Before you know it, he will be putting kits together for you.

  14. You are so lucky to have a wonderful husband to buy you all those wool jackets. You sure have a wide variety of colors and pretty solid ones too.

  15. He did a great job in the thrift store, Kim! You are developing his eye - what a great time you are going to have coming up with projects for them. I bet that orange one will make something terrific for Halloween.
    Enjoy your new spoils!

  16. Your personal shopper kicks butt! What a haul! I can't wait to see all the gorgeous creations you will produce from these jackets.

  17. Wow - give that man an extra kiss!! Fantastic, Kim! And those colors are SO wonderful to have. Turns out your hubbys job downsizing is a positive thing!


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