Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bunnies and Other Stuff

I've been busy my last day of vacation. It's late and I have to get up early in the morning for work, so I'm going to try to keep this post short--if I can!

My house is clean--yay!

My software arrived--yay! A couple people commented, asking what software I was getting. Nothing fancy--just some basic programs. When I bought my home computer, my only need at the time was for internet access, so I didn't get much in the way of software with it--just a bundle of trial programs. What I needed for writing patterns was a word processing program (Word Perfect), something to allow me to work with photos (Photoshop Elements), and a drawing program (Corel Draw Graphics Editor). I've used Word Perfect for years and years, so I'm fine there. I have absolutely no idea how the other two programs work, so I'll need to figure those out. In the meantime, I'll work with what I have and what I know. I DID print up a cover for my Spring! pattern:

My office staff (aka Hubby) will work tomorrow on mounting the photos on the covers (I just did two to see how they looked) and I'll try to put some time in on typing the rest of the pattern. Sure wish I had another day off, because I have about a day's "stuff" left to do, but isn't that always the way it goes?

I did get a little bit of play time today--not much, but I finished the little project I've been working on--another small wallhanging for my desk at work.

I think he needs a name. Any suggestions?


  1. Congratulations on your first cover! It looks amazing! And so does your wallhanging. I always love your fabric/color combinations.
    Hugs from Finland, Jana

  2. Your pattern looks GREAT. How about Hopper?

  3. You have done a marvelous job on your pattern cover. I have printed some patterns and found that I can get them printed at Office Depot or somewhere like that on glossy paper and they look pretty good and cheaper in the long run that doing them at- home.

    I just love your rabbit, and the first thing that hopped into my mind was "Bucky".

  4. Love your blog, your wall hanging and wish you great success in your new venture.
    P.S. How about Toofus Wabbit

  5. He looks lika a Haratio to me!

  6. Kim I can't wait until you have the pattern ready for sale. I love it! How about Houndstooth Harvey for your newest rabbit?

  7. Fred?

    I've coveted that Spring pattern ever since you posted your progress last year. I'm going to be one very happy quilter (or is it quilt pattern collector?) when you've posted it in your shop.

  8. You pattern looks great! So professional. And you have a staff and everything! I love your bunny! He is adorable. Bunnikins.

  9. Hi Kim
    Your pattern looks very professional!! You did a great job. Your little wall hanging is sooo cute. You should sell the completed wallhangings on your etsy shop also. As for a name how about Roger Rabbit.
    in sorta warm Minnesota

  10. Harry the Hare or Ralph the Rabbit come to mind, what mind there is this time of the morning. Carline

  11. Good luck with the new venture Kim. For some strange reason the name Gruber popped into my head. I am on medication for a trapped nerve so that could explain it - lol !

  12. The bunny is fabulous and I bet he came from a nice herringbone jacket from Goodwill, huh? Congrats on getting the covers started, they look fantastic!

  13. Looks like Homer Hare to me!

  14. Hi Kim,

    When I saw your bunny I thought of "Bucky Bunnie". Then I see Theresa suggested Bucky too. So there's 2 votes for Bucky.
    I'm looking forward to the class on Saturday. Can't wait.
    Chris in Sacramento

  15. Well hot damn, look at you pattern writing like an honest to goodness pattern writer! I love it! Let me know when you start selling! For some reason the name that hit me for the bunny, get this . . . Homer! LOL

  16. Kim,
    I like the bunny quilt and Mr. Whiskers is the name I like. Love the look of your new pattern too.

    I have a question about the fabric in the bunny block that has birdhouses, bunnies etc on it. Who made that and do you know the name of the fabric. I love it.

  17. If he'd been white I'd have named him Harvey after the rabbit in the James Stewart film but as he's not I guess it's got to be Hoppy :o)

  18. Homer......... that was the first thing that popped into my head.

  19. Kim, I meant to tell you that I have used Corel Draw for years and I can help you learn it.
    Chris in Sacramento

  20. Funny Bunny is my choice for a name for your rabbit. Kim are your tulips for the other wallhanging appliqued or pieced? Bonnie in Tx.

  21. The first name that popped into my head was " Theodore". I like "Harley" also. I really enjoy your blog and love the new pattern cover.

  22. Kim - I love the "No Name" bunny and for some odd reason, he reminds me of Homer Simpson. Good luck with your Etsy shop - can't wait for the patterns to be for sale.

  23. First thing I thought when I saw the photo of the office bunny...and without reading post. "What a Doofus!"

    Marketing for patterns is most important...looks like yours will be appealing!!

  24. Nice going Kim! The pattern cover looks great! I hope you will let me know how you like those computer programs as I need some too! Best of luck!

  25. Wow whaT LIST OF NAME FOR YOUR BUNNIE. I think he looks like Toofus. You must tell us what your fellow workers have to say about him. Just too cute.

  26. hey Kim, love the bunny and the oattern looks great! My bunny suggestion is Hip Hop!

  27. I can't wait for the spring pattern to be for sale, I want one now.

  28. Your pattern cover looks great! And the little wall hanging - so cute! He looks like Toofer to me.

  29. Your bunny looks like a Clarence to me! Congrats on your cottage industry of publishing quilt patterns. Can't wait to purchse the spring pattern.

    Hugs, Beth in Alabama

  30. With those teeth, he's a "Bucky" for sure! Too cute. Love it.

  31. The pattern looks wonderful! And my vote for the bunny is "Buster Bunny"

  32. OK I will throw my 2 cents in for a name = My Honey Bunny.

    He is so cute. Well done!

  33. Too funny when I read your blog about a name the first thing came to mind was the teeth ( bucky ) and the second was .. can you believe I said Ralph and another blogger said the same.. LOL Love your Rabbit! You will do well in your pattern Etsy business.. have you thought about wholesale?

  34. I love your wabbit. I think we should call him Toofer. I love your shamrock table topper too. Lovely work.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!