Monday, February 9, 2009

Summer Hats

What's more fun to think about on a gray winter day than summer hats?

I've been working on a Pieces from My Heart pattern this week called Hats, and having completed the quilt top, it was time to pin it for quilting. Rain clouds were threatening much of the day, so I couldn't pin the quilt on the patio as I usually do.

It took a little more work, but I cleared out the kitchen and brought in the tables. As you can see, it was a bit of a tight squeeze, but where there's a will--or a quilt to be pinned--there's a way! (And yes, that IS Spike under the table. She thinks she's a star!)

And here's the quilt:

Not a great overall view point--I probably should have stood on a chair or something, but the chairs had all been moved out. In fact, just to get this photo I had to wedge myself between the kitchen table (which had been moved into the kitchen "prep" area) and the stove. I took a close up for you though, so you could see a couple of the blocks better:

The blue, yellow, and white look so summery! I've started the quilting, but I doubt I'll have it done before the end of the week. Then there are a few wool and yo-yo embellishments to add before it's done. But I think it's looking pretty cute!

Hubby is still quite sick with this cold crud. Me? I think I'm feeling well enough to go back to work in the morning although I haven't gotten rid of it completely yet. I suspect I'll be pretty worn out tomorrow night after working all day, so if I don't post, you'll know I'm just tired--and busy quilting hats!

Thanks for visiting!

(P.S.: It's Soccer Son's 28th birthday! Time sure flies, doesn't it? I'm just glad I'm not getting older as quickly as he is! Happy birthday son!)


  1. Love those Hats! As to kids birthdays, I just had one turn 39, I don't know when he passed me up! Imagine that!

  2. That is the cutest quilt!! I love it!! Perfect for Summer! Hope you both are feeling much better soon. :)

  3. Oh my goodness, Miss Kim those hats are adorable - sweet quilt!

  4. Very sweet hats and I hope everyone starts feeling better soon. Happy Birthday, Soccer Son!

  5. Quite a unique quilt. Looks great.
    Happy Birthday. My son turns 42 on the tenth, how time flys by and I don't get any older lol.

  6. Love the hat quilt. My favorite colors too! Haven't seen that pattern before. Hope the crud is better soon. We've have it here too...not fun. Happy birthday to the birthday boy...time flies!!

  7. Love the hat quilt and the colors. I use the same setup for sandwiching my quilts, only in the basement where I have about the same amount of room as you. Worth it once the quilt is ready to go. I can't wait so see your embellishments - keep us posted!

  8. Thanks for showing your quilting tables! Are those the fold up in the middle kind?

    That quilt is just so cute! I love it. I can hardly wait to see it completely finished.

    Happy Birthday to Soccer Son!

  9. My oh my Kim. Love the quilt. I see a summer picnic under a huge shade tree with that quilt. Hope you are feeing better today.

  10. Okay that is just too cute! Love the yellows and blues and the red stripe was the perfect choice! The red just makes it sing! I think I'm going to have to order these hats and the chickens!! When I get a bigger house, I'll have to invest on a couple of these tables!!

    Come home, plop into bed and rest up...we can last a day without a post!

  11. Very cute hat pattern... is that a pattern from Sandy G? Next month is my oldest son's b-day...27/yikes! I'm just finishing up a quilt that will be a store sample. It's from using the X Block ruler/Patricia Pepe. It should be a fun class:)

  12. What an adorable quilt! I love the fabrics you've used on it.
    Happy b'day to Soccer Son! How can he be the same age as you? It's amazing how that happens, isn't it?

  13. Where did you find that wonderful "hat" pattern? It is summery and refreshing. I really like it. Nancy in WI

  14. The hats are adorable. I can't wait to see how you are going to quilt it.

    Happy Birthday to your son.

    I hope hubby feels better, soon.

  15. Very cute hat quilt - it does look so summery. Great choice for the sashing and cornerstones. I'm anxious to see it with the embellishments. I swear that you must have more hours in your day than others! Hope you and hubby are feeling better soon.

  16. Now the dust has settled for the day I hope you are at home and relaxing. Perhaps you are throwing a birthday party...

    The hats are a breath of summer in the colours that you have choosen. Beautiful! Hope your DH is on the mend.

  17. This hat quilt is just too darned cute! I can also visualize this one in purples and reds for mom's group of Red Hat Ladies. Even just one block worked into a tote! Ideas!! Imagine all the embellishments! WOWZERS!!!

  18. cute cute hats!!!! is this one your own pattern too?>????

  19. Hi Kim. I'm so far behind on blog reading. Hubby & I have been sick with that cold crud too. I just love this Hats quilt, you did an awesome job on it & the colors are great! Happy Birthday to your son, the years are flying by too fast, for sure!

  20. This is a great pattern... shouts spring for sure! Love the colors too. I will be looking for this one. You turned me on the the trees and the candy.. so why not hats!
    Have a great week .. glad you are feeling better.


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