Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Rivalry

It's Billy versus Vince!

Remember THIS post I wrote about a month and a half ago about Vince and his ShamWow? Several of you commented to tell me how crazy Billy Mays makes you. Seriously? I like Billy Mays a lot better. Or maybe that's too strong--Billy's the lesser of two evils. With Billy, at least I can turn down the volume. Vince? I'd have to turn down the volume AND blind myself.

So this morning, on my way to work, I was listening to the Adam Carolla Show and who did he have on? Billy Mays! And, as if Billy Mays wasn't treat enough, Anthony Sullivan was on the air with him. Do you know Anthony Sullivan? The Brit with the Swivel Sweeper? Here, maybe this will help:

Wanna hear a little gossip? Turns out Billy Mays, Anthony Sullivan, AND Vince were guests of the call center company they all use in the company's Super Bowl box. From what I could gather, Billy sees Vince as a light-weight upstart who hasn't yet paid his dues. And why? Well, here's Vince:

And here's Billy:

Notice they're selling what's basically the same product? And as if that isn't enough provocation, Vince's Slap Chop commercial? You know where he shows the "inferior" chopper that can't be easily cleaned, suggesting food poisoning will result from its use? According to Anthony Sullivan, that was Billy's product Vince throws in the sink.

By the time I got to work, Billy was calling out Vince, challenging him to a pitch man throw down. Should be an interesting rivalry. I'm kind of visualizing Billy as Batman, Anthony as Robin, and Vince as the Joker--except different. Instead of Batman!, it would be Pitchmen!

And lest you think any kind of story based on pitch men is a far-fetched concept, check this out:

"But wait . . . there's more. Infomercial gurus Billy Mays and Anthony Sullivan have yet one more product to sell: themselves. They just signed a development deal for a reality TV series with Thom Beers and Original Productions Inc., creator of Ice Road Truckers and Deadliest Catch. They'll find if there's network interest in a pilot for Pitch Men, a series about inventors and the direct sales people who create the need for their gadgets. 'It's really sort of my life story, so it will be old school starting at selling housewares on the Boardwalk,' Mays said."

Now you'll understand, I'm sure, why Billy and Anthony were on the Adam Carolla Show, hyping their new TV program. Yep, tune in to the Discovery Channel in a couple months to see the first episodes. I think, though, that I'll probably hold out for a Billy versus Vince WWE SmackDown. I'm pretty sure Billy's gonna kick Vince's skinny little . . . .


  1. Hi, I don't know these particular ones, though they may well be on in the middle of the night here..I don't notice the names...just the jibberish!!
    Loved the comment about the knitting needles up the nose for the sinus trouble...dont you just feel like that!!
    Might have a little bushfire project for you over here....feel like making a block?? Cheers, tracey

  2. Did anyone ask Billy why he SCREAMS every word??? Seriously I hate the screaming!

  3. When Billy Mays is on tv, Amelia always tells me to "turn it down because the man is too loud". But you know something, I WILL tune into the Discovery channel to check the show out when it debutes because I'm crazy like that. LOL.

  4. Hopefully they put clips from the episodes on youtube!

  5. I only have 3 words for that --
    Eeewwww, eewwww, eewwww.........
    ROFL - those guys are creepy!! Why anyone would trust or believe them is a mystery! But - they have some entertainment value, eh??

  6. ShamWow... I love the Ace-Man! Sorry... the "shamwow" just came out - it just seemed so fitting. I love Adam. Love Teresa, Bald Brian... love, love, love them. I also love Frosty, Heidi & Frank who come on after Adam on klsx. Do you listen to them? If not, give em a try. Just don't have children in earshot. I have to listen to them on my iphone radio, computer or podcast since they're not syndicated like Adam. I discovered them the day Adam started at klsx, and I've been hooked ever since.

    I've missed Adam all this week, so I'll catch up via podcast - gotta hear all about these 3 annoying product pimps.

  7. I'm downloading yesterday's show right now!

  8. I can't believe anyone would willing turn on a program that featured either one of the annoying jerks. Count me out!!!

  9. I'm glad Billy Mays is dead and I hope it hurt.


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