Monday, February 23, 2009

Progress Report

For those of you who decided to make the St. Patrick's Day quilt, how are you coming along? Here's what mine looks like so far--

I was getting tired and having a hard time deciding what to do with the corners of the outside border, so I called it a night with the last two sides of the outer border left to sew on. I'll get back to it tomorrow night.

Hubby received a delivery of his favorite Girl Scout cookies today, so I decided to make some of my favorites for ME! Peanut butter cookies! Yum!

I did a goofy thing yesterday, and I thought I'd confess. Blueberries were on sale this past week, so I decided to bring some home and make a blueberry cobbler. It came out of the oven last night looking quite yummy, but when we ate it, the cobbler dough was tough and kind of chewy. I looked at the recipe again and mentally reviewed what I had done and I couldn't figure out where I'd gone wrong--and this was a recipe we'd had several times before.

Today when I was making the peanut butter cookies, I realized--when I made the cobbler, I grabbed the cornstarch container instead of the baking soda! ARGH! And the way I knew? I nearly did the same thing with the cookies! Isn't that a riot?! Luckily Hubby will eat just about anything!

I hope you had a great weekend! Thanks for stopping in to visit.


  1. Those peanut butter cookies really look yummy. Are you sure the peanut butter was good? Hate to ruin things,
    Glad you realized your mistake before doing it again. That sounds like something I would do.

  2. Oh my! lol sounds like something I would do.

    I'm doing the wall hanging, last night I just got too tired to do the ribbon-ing.

  3. Mine St. Patrick's Day project is finished up to the outside border...nothing in the stash will do it justice. The ribbon edge was fun. Thanks again for the great tutorial.

  4. I can't remember if you have my address or not Kim... but at any rate, those Pnut butter cookies? You know. Buddy.


  5. No baking soda and cornstarch added. Yep that would do it!

    If you want to pull more blue in, you could always do some type of pieced corner stones using some of the blue and another color? or something like that effect. Just a thought.
    Looks good so far!

  6. My husband was making some muffins last night for me, so I thought I would help him. He had already added stuff, but I added the cornstarch, vanilla, oats, and raisins. Today I ate one for breakfast and noticed they tasted a little odd. Then I realized that he didn't add sugar! The raisins are sweet, so it doesn't taste that bad. I guess I shouldn't have helped him!

  7. I think we've all been there when it comes to baking!!LOL.. I'm still loving the shamrock quilt. I'm pullin out my green fabs today!!

  8. progress???? umm, I thought about green? does that count?

  9. Seriously did you check out the peanut butter....Eileen and I must be worry warts. The cookies sure look good though :0).

    Well I have the green fabric pulled and I'll get to making the wall hanging after the project I am on is finished. I love what you have done and I am anxious to follow your tutorial.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!