Thursday, February 19, 2009

Good Stuff!

First, Lance's bike has been found! Hurray! I didn't see anything in the story about recovering the other three bikes belonging to his teammates, but at least Lance is getting his bike back!

Second, the sun came out today for a little bit and we didn't have any rain!

The California budget? Well, they're still working on it, but if the latest news stories are to be believed, they may be close. Good karma! And thanks to all of you who have entered my good karma giveaways. Yay! And if you haven't? Enter now so we can get the budget passed! Just go to yesterday's post to read about it and comment there.

And here's more good stuff. Take a look at this:

Does anyone NOT like macaroni and cheese? Well, you're right--some people don't. But if you DO, you really ought to try this recipe. It's most definitely our favorite. No calories either!

2 T. butter or margarine
2 T. flour
Dash of pepper (I use a bit more than a dash)
1/4 tsp. salt (I use closer to 1/2 tsp. I think)
1 c. milk
3/4 pound of cheese, shredded (sharp white cheddar is our favorite but I also use the packages of already shredded cheese blends)
2 c. large elbow macaroni (I usually cook closer to 3 cups)

Cook the macaroni according to package directions. While macaroni is cooking, melt butter in saucepan over medium/high heat and add flour; stir until bubbly. Add salt and pepper. Gradually whisk in the milk. Heat through and stir until sauce thickens.

In the meantime, when macaroni is cooked, drain it and return it to the pot. Add the sauce and blend well.

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Butter or grease a 13" x 9" pan. Layer half the macaroni and sauce mix and top with half the shredded cheese. Repeat. Cook uncovered for about 30 minutes--check at 25 minutes, but it can cook up to 40 minutes. Top should be brown and a bit crispy. Yum!

Now for some quilty stuff. My friend Julia sent me a photo of her completed Hometown Christmas quilt. Remember that little project I was trying to lead? Yeah, mine still isn't done, but Julia's is!

If you compare hers to the original Thimbleberries pattern, you'll see she's replaced a few of the blocks with blocks she likes better. Excellent job! Did anyone else get theirs done? That's a project I need to get back to one of these days!

And, last of all, tonight I made two blocks to send to Tracey in Australia for the fire victims there. (And check out the blocks sent by Louise in Sweden on Tracey's blog! Woo-hoo Louise! Those look awfully familiar! LOL!)

My friend Gran made two blocks and another local quilter from Bearpaws & Hollyhocks added one to the collection. I'll be getting these sent off to Tracey tomorrow!

I hope you're enjoying lots of good stuff in your life too!

(P.S.: That part about there being no calories in the mac and cheese? I lied! But you probably already figured that out, and it was done with the best of intentions--making sure you have plenty of good stuff!)


  1. I love your blocks! Thank you for sending mine off with yours. My heart goes out to our quilting "sisters" in Australia.

    I have got to make your recipe tomorrow. Can't think of a better comfort food then that...

    Life is full of good stuff and I have you at the top of my list.

  2. Hmmm, my daughter's favourite food is mac and cheese...out of a packet!! How excited will she be about yours!!
    LOVE the thinking a little wall hanging just with those and Louise's may be in order to go with the bed size ones...our main lady had patchwork all over her walls...imagine not having your little bits of treasures around the house anymore...quite hard to!
    Pleased we are also solving a few of the world's other problems!Tracey

  3. ME! Put me on the opposing team for mac & cheese. I can't STAND it. Never liked it; not even as a kid. My brother on the other hand, always liked it and still as a 30-something, eats the "blue box" kind.

    Your blocks for the Australian fire victims are lovely.

  4. Great star blocks. I saved a snapshot. Confesion-- there's nothing like shells and cheese cooked from the box :).....

  5. I haven't finished my Christmas quilt either. I do have the first part cut out ready to go. Maybe we should do a challenge and get it done by Christmas.

  6. Good for the budget! Hubby said another state had NO refunds this year either...kansas? maybe?
    Yummy mac and cheese!

  7. I LOVE mac and cheese...since yours has zip calories think I'll go cook me up a batch right now!!
    DH doesn't eat any pastas nor cheeses (he's nuts I know!) I could offer some to DD & her DH as they are normal and eat it as do their precious babies.

  8. I cut down the amounts, since DD had a dinner meeting and her DH was going to his mother's with the babies to eat. Well, I blessed myself...and gave the two doggies a taste...they agreed with me IT IS OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!

  9. Great looking comfort food!
    My family lives in the Bay Area. My SIL for the prison. She is a single parent who finally was able to afford a house in CA. Now she has been laid off two days a month from the state, so far anyway. My brother is a Structural Inspector and is so darned busy he has had to hire two people! Go figure!

  10. We have been looking for a good mac and cheese bake. Yours sounds great. I will get more cheese and give it a try. I have the blocks I made for Tracey and must get them sent off this weekend. I made four of your star blocks. Just heard the budget was passed! Whooppee!

  11. Love those blocks , looking forward to helping Tracey make them up. Thank you!

  12. Wonderful blocks. Thanks for sharing and I am sure they will be appreciated when received.

    We love my husband's family mac and cheese recipe. However, our favorite is one he created based on the original. He calls it mexi-mac and cheese. The cheese in pepperjack and he adds drained mexican stewed tomatoes and jalapenos. That is my favorite. Yum!

  13. Did you say HOMETOWN CHRISTMAS??? lololol!!!! I think I heard that. Now where is that kit??
    Macaroni and favorite.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!