Sunday, January 18, 2009

Come to the Open House!

It's been a very, very busy day here. Among the many things I've accomplished today, I've gotten a bunch of stuff ready for the big Bearpaws & Hollyhocks Open House/Meet the Teachers Extravaganza.

I talked to the Big Quilt Shop Boss today and she okayed my idea for a drawing for one of my heart quilts, so if you live anywhere in or around Sacramento, please come down and say hi and enter the drawing! Noon to 4 p.m. today (Sunday). I'll even give you a cookie! Two if you sign up for one of my classes!



  1. How ccute. Sure wish I lived close enough to come. Cookies look yummy. So does the little quilt.

  2. Hi Kim, if I lived closer I am sure I would be there today. This way I can at least read every day your wonderful blog and be inspired by your amazing ideas.
    Best wishes from Helsinki, Finland,

  3. I'm there! Save me 2 cookies because I'm signing up for your Spring class. I was so sorry to miss your first class!

  4. I love the little heart quilt with the words around the borders. That is the cutest version I think. It always amazes me too what a difference the borders make

  5. I love the little heart quilt with the words around the borders. That is the cutest version I think. It always amazes me too what a difference the borders make

  6. What a pretty little quilt! And those cookies are so darned cute! Wish I lived nearby I'd stop in and enter the raffle!

  7. I would so sign up if the commute wasn't such a _____ ;-) I bet you will have so many student signing up you'll have to run two classes! I love that wallhanging!!!!!!! gorgeous!

  8. Well ditto! Love the cookies! It should be quite a fun day at the shop today!

  9. I would be there and sign up if I could! You will be a total success - cookies or no cookies!

  10. Kim, wish I lived close enough to come by, but I am in Missouri. That's a little far to drive to and back in a day. LOL Have fun. Winona

  11. Oh I wish I was closer! Not only would I sign up for your class but it would get me one of those cookies!! They look great! Hope you got a huge response to your classes.

  12. Love the lips! And like everyone else said... if I lived closer, I would be there!

  13. Kim, I wish I lived closer. Everything looks great. And that lips cookie...yummy!

  14. I don't think I can get there in time from NC. Shucks! I bet you wow them again today!

  15. I sure enjoyed the Open House! Your quilts looked wonderful and you as always were sharing your love of quilting and being your bright, shiny self. The cookies were delicious too.

  16. I'm with the others that wish I come and visit you at the open house alas I live too far away but- I hope it was a great success and lots of people signed up for your class.
    The hearts all look great and the lip cookies are wonderful...
    I am indeed smiling!

  17. I'd be there in a heart beat, if I could. At least we all get to enjoy your blog every day. ☺

    I went to Walmart the other night and saw the lips cookie cutter. I had to get me one! The kids and grandkids will love it when we make Valentine cookies.

  18. Hi. Very successful "meet the teacher" event! The wall hanging is wonderful close up. I had to sign up for the "Spring" class so I would know the supplies I needed. I am not a cream collector, but I will be now.



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