Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cute Stuff and Disappearing Stuff

Which do you want first, cute stuff or disappearing stuff? Well, I think I'll give you the cute stuff first!

Wednesday night was my first of six classes for Kaye England's Progressive Patchwork quilt. Remember the quilt I showed you? The one I spent all my earnings from my first teaching gig on? Yeah, that's the one! So the way this works is that we make a 12-1/2" block in class each month and then we go home and make a 6-1/2" block using the same pattern--just smaller. Here's me in class:

You're right--you can't see me because I'm taking the photo! But there's my block and the always necessary and greatly appreciated iced latte. You know what's really cute though? The suitcase the fabric comes in!

Even Hubby thought it was pretty neat! Here's a look at the inside, filled with fat quarters of all the fabrics in the Back Home Again line:

Tonight I did my "homework" and made the 6-1/2" block. Here they are, side by side. The 6-1/2" blocks will have stuff added onto them to bring them up to 12-1/2" blocks, but they (the teaching staff) suggested we should wait until we've made all our blocks to decide what fabrics we want to add.

Then there's THIS cute thing:

I ordered this panel from Olde America Antiques and am anxiously awaiting its arrival! I ordered the 12" x 18" size. They have tons of old postcards and artwork reproduced onto cotton--this one is from the quilting and sewing category. I think I'll add a border of blue basket blocks and maybe some applique--I believe it will make a great summer wallhanging!

And, in the categories of both cute and disappearing stuff: My winter and Valentine decorations! Over the past week or so, it seems that all of my lights are burning out. Hubby killed my snowman when he knocked it down off the table. Poor guy is all dark and gloomy now--the snowman, not Hubby. The five ceramic houses in my little village? Only two remain lit--three have burned out. The lights on my Valentine Tree? Half the strand died about a week and a half ago and the rest died this week. Tonight I spent a bit of time taking everything off the tree, restringing lights, and putting everything back on. Why couldn't it have waited a few more weeks to die?! I took a photo in all it's newly-lit glory:

Also this week, a couple photos in my sidebar disappeared, including my nude self-portrait, but I re-uploaded them and they're back. I've noticed, though, that many of you out in Blogland have had your photos "stolen"--quite often from your profiles. Take a look and see if you're still there. If not, you might want to take a little time this weekend to find yourself.

Something else has disappeared that saddens me. Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion magazine. Did you know it's not being published anymore? I'm not sure why, but someone suggested the economy has led to decreased advertising revenue for some magazines. I don't know if that's what's happened with Home Companion, but whatever the reason, it will be missed!

One more thing. You know how I said that with that Kaye England quilt we're supposed to wait until we've done the rest of the blocks before we add onto the 6-1/2" blocks to make them 12-1/2" blocks? Well, I'm a rebel--I added mine anyway! If I decide I want something different later, I'll just take the plaid corners off and add something else. Not a huge deal.

I don't know if it was getting to bed early last night or the prospect of the weekend arriving that did the trick, but I'm feeling a bit better today and there's a renewed spring in my step. Which is a very good thing, because if the stomach bug hits again, I may need that spring to get me to the bathroom in time!

Happy weekend, and happy quilting!


  1. I'm very happy to hear that you "found yourself"'s not a good thing when you can't find your own self.
    Your blocks are very nice....I was wondering how long it was going to take you to finish up the smaller one. :)

  2. I like your newly lit tree, with all the valentine goodies!
    Did you recently make the table topper it's sitting on?
    I love it, great choice of fabrics and is the pattern square in a square? Glad you are feeling better!!!

  3. I picked up that kit from Ginger's, and have been reluctant to start it. I think I'll follow your lead on this one!! The blocks look wonderful!

  4. Gorgeous show and share today! I absolutely loved the little suitcase.....and your Valentine decor!

  5. Typical, Kim, has to do her own thing. Ilike the blocks though. Good choice for finishing the 6 in. one. So glad you found yourself. It would be terrible if you were lost.

  6. Adorable suitcase! I just love how you decorate your special kitchen area each season. Glad to see you are feeling better.
    Sandy in Nebraska

  7. Wow I hardly know what to say first..... LOVE the fabrics and the little suitcase it comes in!! Great for carting supplies to class later! The blocks are too cute and I like you fabric choices! Funny how all the decorations went on revolt at the same time?!! I was looking at all your blue glass on the shelf. I have 3 of them and really need to head back out to the antique mall to pick up a few more!

    I hadn't heard anything about ME magazine until I got my postcard saying I was getting Martha for the next 2 years instead.. NOPE! SO I went looking for answers..ME didn't stop, but her publishers decided to stop publishing the magazine, so her site said they are avidly looking for a new publisher to keep the magazine going! I plan to ask for a refund because I'll need my money to sign up again for another 2 years when it hopefully starts again!!

    Glad you're feeling better!

  8. I love the little suitcase!! And, I'm glad you're back and feeling better.

  9. Ahhhhhh, so glad that you are feeling better! I was going to be a mother.... and say rest and gear down for the weekend, BUT why. We all do it, when we are feeling better we get up and go like there is no tomorrow.

    Tomorrow has come for me and I need to rest a bit this weekend. Perhaps will keep activities to baking and attempting to do some machine quilting.

    Loved you blog - sitting here with a cup of tea.

  10. Beautiful stars!

    I have to say, finding you NOT naked on your blog is disturbing...


  11. Kim,
    Love your blog! I can't believe your energy...I need some of it. The "Old American Panel" is wonderful! Anxious to see how it will turn out. Oh, your heart tree is sooo cute. PS: Tell hubby hello for me. Mumzie :)

  12. home companion disappeared? Say it isn't so!!! I loved that magazine!! I'm totally depressed now. I'll have to go sew something.

  13. I heard that about ME. Also, Country Home is going out-of-business. I'm quite sad about that.

    Your blocks are sooo nice! And thar suitcase with the fabrics inside?? Wow! I am smitten! --Jen

  14. Ooooo -- I love that fabric line. You Meg'd me. - Julie

  15. How fun to see your Back Home Again blocks. I loved making the quilt up, and it was so much fun making up the tiny blocks. Some of the later ones have as many as 60 pieces in those 6" blocks!
    It will be fun to see your progress. Have a great week.

  16. One day of rest, and look at your sew!!! Kaye England's fabric line is beautiful, and so are your blocks. Your tree and surrounding decor is just too cute.
    I didn't know about Mary E's magazine. I loved it, but hadn't subscribed for a couple of years. I know - I'm THE reason if folded up! Oh noooooo!!!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!