Monday, December 15, 2008

Sleepy Sunday

It rained all day today. We haven't had enough rain this year and I love it, but it makes me lazy and sleepy. So, yes, I did indulge in a nap this afternoon while the rain ran down the windows outside. I wanted to take a nap a little earlier in the afternoon, but I couldn't. Hubby kept calling me from Costco and WalMart.

My sister-in-law was nice enough to go shopping with him, and I had given him a list--mostly applesauce cake ingredients--and reasonably explicit instructions about what to get. Mostly I was concerned about the applesauce. Back when this cake was made by my grandmother, applesauce was applesauce. There wasn't a choice between regular applesauce, unsweetened applesauce, chunky applesauce, and cinnamon applesauce. So I told Hubby to get regular, old fashioned, run-of-the-mill applesauce. Do you think Costco had any? No! Well, actually they DID but only in the small individual servings. And they had some labeled "no sugar added." I don't think that's what my grandmother used. There were a couple other things on the list that Costco didn't have, so Hubby and his sister went over to the Super WalMart to fill the rest of the list. They called me twice from WalMart.

You know, you can't hardly get annoyed with a man who keeps calling and keeps you from napping when he's the one out there, fighting the Christmas crowds and doing the shopping in the rain. Nope. I knew I was a lucky woman. I can't say I really enjoyed getting up to answer the phone every 15 minutes, but I was grateful. Sleepy but grateful. And now I have this:

I surely do have to make that cake now. I'm committed. Because there's no way I'm going to use up all this applesauce otherwise!

Besides being lazy and napping, I worked a little bit on quilting the Hey Ghoul Friend quilt. I'm waiting for a collection of bright threads to arrive by mail, and I'll need those to quilt part of it, but I found I had enough of the thread colors I need to get started on the center, at least.

The backing has been giving me fits though. When I first pinned it last weekend, I pinned it out on the patio where it was cold and damp. I finished the pinning and when I took it off the table, I found the backing had settled into a little crack between the tables, and I had a "bubble" in the middle. So, I had to take half the pins out and try again. By then, the fabrics were fairly damp and stretchy, and as you can imagine, I didn't end up with the best pinning job! So tonight, I readjusted quite a few of the pins once again. If this ends up hanging halfway decent when I'm done quilting it with no folds and creases in the backing, I'll be amazed!

It's back to work for me tomorrow--only three days of work this week, but it will be a very busy three days. I hope you enjoyed your weekend!


  1. Yes, you will have to make those cakes. But they will be an effort of both of you then. How sweet of hubby and his sister to do your shopping while you stay home and nap. Maybe that's why they kept calling. Ghoul girl will be so cute.

  2. what a great quilt!!!!! absolut lovely!!! I hope you will show us the quilt after quilting!! I love it!

  3. I'm awaiting that applesauce cake recipe. I have homemade applesauce in the freezer from this summer that should work perfectly.. NO COSCO FOR ME!!

  4. We're getting the rain down here, it's nice to hear rain again. I would love to stay home and quilt, but dang it, I have to go to work. How come you only work three days this week?? I work three days next week, can't wait, two four-day weekends in a row!

  5. Thank goodness. I love my sleepy Sundays. Unfortunately I didn't get one this week. Hubby and I are making it a lazy Monday. He isn't feeling well and I am trying to get caught up on some lack of sleep.

  6. Make those cakes! Can't wait to see a finished product and I'm very happy to hear that I'm not the only one in this world that has issues with pinning a quilt and getting lumps and bumps and whatever else the fabric wants to throw at me!

    Jen :)

  7. Why aren't you spray basting? I haven't touched a pint to a quilt for at least 2 years now! I don't use 505 though--I use spray from a silk screening place here in town. Very little smell and wonderful hold--which washes out beautifully!
    Lurking Linda (yes, I'm still lurking!!!)

  8. Why aren't you spray basting? I haven't touched a pint to a quilt for at least 2 years now! I don't use 505 though--I use spray from a silk screening place here in town. Very little smell and wonderful hold--which washes out beautifully!
    Lurking Linda (yes, I'm still lurking!!!)

  9. AH the joys of pinning! I have the large table in my room to use but it's not quite large enough for a big quilt. I'm sure the ole mantra will work..."it will all quilt out". Some one told me that and to keep repeating it like a magical chant! Could work?

    Lordy that's a ton of applesauce, yes you are stuck making cakes for quite a long time! My SIL makes us cocoa each year and we love it, but boy is it fattening and rich! Makes me look forward to Christmas each year!

  10. well since you'll be making about 26 applesauce cakes I could give you my mother in laws recipe for penuche frosting that she always puts on hers. to DIE for!

  11. Hi Kim. Wow, that's a lot of applesauce. That ghoul friend quilt is sooo cute. I love all the purples, oranges, greens & blacks in Halloween quilts. I'm so not ready for Christmas. I have lots of wrapping to do, hopefully get lots done tomorrow and some shopping to finish, hopefully Wednesday and the week-end when I can make hubby go with me. LOL We are having freezing rain/sleet and light snow here in IL. Not so fun to be out in.

  12. Ahhhh, nothing like a Sunday afternoon nap, regardless... Too funny. I am looking forward to seeing the cakes and getting the recipe. M-m-m good.

  13. I absolutely love the quilt! What a fun design!! Those are some of my favorite colors too! Can't wait to see it all finished!


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