Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Questions Answered

Tonight I thought I'd answer a few of the questions some of you have asked.

I believe it was Yvonne who asked whether the quilt I showed yesterday but didn't mention was for her. Answer: No! (Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how much she sounds like Darlene sometimes?!) Someone else asked me about that quilt too, so I'll tell you about it.

The quilt is from a Thimbleberries pattern called Starlight Pines. I modified the pattern a bit from the original--yeah, shocking, I know! A few years ago, I attended one of the Thimbleberries retreats that used to be put on each year by Main Street Cotton Shop in Hutchinson, MN, which is just downstairs from the Thimbleberries Design Studio. One of the Thimbleberries designers, Marilyn Ginsburg, taught the class. Well, I didn't want to haul my sewing machine across country, so I made the quilt ahead of time and brought it to sew on the binding during class.

If you click on the link, you can see the original pattern, which is 68" x 84". I decided to make the quilt half sized and then I added another star and leaf border to make it just a little larger. I also substituted the flying geese for a jagged-looking border in the original.

Where I've hung it is the spot where I plan to hang the Christmas List quilt--if/when I get it finished. But for now, I enjoy looking at this one, and will probably put it back up in that spot after Christmas.

Ila asked me how I hung the tree quilt on the door. What I've found works rather nicely is to push three thumb tacks into the top edge of the door--as long as you have clearance between the door and the door frame. I then sew clear fishing line through the binding in three places and knot the line around the thumb tacks. I seriously don't know what I'd do without a spool of fishing line in my "junk" drawer--I use it for everything!

See the greenery on the mantle? Secured by fishing line and thumb tacks. (I'm not quite done decorating the mantle--and there's my naked tree on the right, waiting for me to pick up the strings of lights by the "male" end and lovingly wrap them around and around and around, making sure not to mistake Hubby's neck for a tree.)

Jana in Finland asked about the letters on the tree wallhanging. Those are done with felted wool, so the edges don't ravel. I just placed the letters where I wanted them, pinned them on with straight pins, and sewed them on the sewing machine (set up for free motion) with matching thread--fast and easy!

And finally, I'm pretty sure you're all asking whose name I picked for the last pattern giveaway. My random number generator (aka Hubby) came up with number 30 tonight, and that would be Sara. Sara said, "Please enter me in your drawing. I have wanted that braided runner pattern forever. I love your blog. I check it every morning at work before I get started slaving away. (I work for an attorney!) Have a good day."

Of course, Sara, I'm happy to pass these patterns on to a fellow law firm slave! Please email me your address, and I'll get them in the mail to you promptly.

Thank you all for entering the drawings and expressing an interest--by way of your questions and comments--in the stuff I do here at Casa de Kim! I enjoy hearing from each and every one of you!


  1. It has been said, "ask and you shall receive". I'm just saying......

  2. Thanks for your info. I need to head out and get some fishing line. G-R-E-A-T idea!

  3. Your quilting is just so wonderful. I look forward to seeing each new project.

  4. Oh, that Yvonne - she should know that the quilt is for ME! LOL OK, I'll take the little trees instead. :-)

  5. Fishing line is the key! I'll have to remember that. And as for that random number generator that you have, I wonder if he can be bribed, because he's really not working out for me. LOL

  6. Thank you for your information too. I am waiting every day for your new entry! So relaxing and full of ideas.
    Happy snowy winter from Jana

  7. Good stuff...all those answers and the fishing line deally...excellent!

  8. Hi Kim,
    I like your version of Starlight Pines much more than the original. The Thimbleberries designers should run their patterns by you first to make them better before they print them.
    I love your Santa on the mantle. Is it a wood statue? Are you also a tole painter?
    Chris in Sacramento

  9. Well, supper is done and my guys are clearing up. I have been thinking about you and how productive you are and your love for quilting. Thank you for sharing. I totally enjoy your talent and that you share it.


  10. Okay, now I have to write Santa that I need some fishing line for Christmas!

    Thanks for the quick response!

  11. What a delightful Christmas Tree wallhanging!

    Best, Kyra


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!