Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas . . .

Ta-Da! A whole lotta cake all dressed up and ready to go to the party! And we all had a wonderful time, spending the day with family today.

Santa looks dressed up and ready to go to a party too!

The kitchen tree.

All set for tea.

I love red and white stripes!

Some time back, I mentioned I'd post some photos of our Christmas decorations, but I never really did. Here's a little tour of a few sights around our house.

And just a couple things before I go to bed: First, several of you asked about the pattern for the Hey Ghoul Friend quilt. Over there in my sidebar to the right there's a section that mentions sources for patterns. Click on Hey Ghoul Friend and it will take you to the only shop I know that currently has the pattern, although you could also probably call Bearpaws & Hollyhocks and ask them to order one for you when they order the patterns for my class.

Second, thank you Lynne in Hawaii for the tip on how to cook a ham--it sounds good and I may just have to try it! I'm heading to Trader Joe's tomorrow (Sunday) to stock up on a few Christmas goodies, and I think I'll look at their hams.

One of the wonderful things about this time of the year is spending time with family and friends, and tomorrow night Hubby and I will spend a little time with my crazy friend Lisa and her family as well as a few of our own family members. I hope you, too, are enjoying the wonderful things this holiday season holds!


  1. The house looks so festive. Nice tree in the kitchen. Didn't see Spike anywhere getting into anything. Thanks for the house tour.

  2. Everything looks so nice Kim! Knowing you, I bet you are thinking ahead now to the next Always one step ahead of the rest of us!

    I'll have to try that applesauce cake today. Next thing on the sidebar ~ recipes :-) Thanks for going to the trouble to share them.

  3. Your house is beautiful! You continue to amaze me. I love your Chef Nutcracker. I like Pat's idea of your recipes on the side bar.
    Chris in Sacramento

  4. Santa is stunning!

    So are you and your beautiful home - thank you for sharing your joy.

  5. As usual it looks like a party over at your house. :)

  6. All your decorations are lovely, setting just the right tone! hey...I need a cake too...yum!

  7. You did a fabulous job decorating and on all those cakes! They certainly look festive! Did we ever find the missing santa?? If not he's not missed, it looks fantastic in there!

  8. Great looking cakes and your house is so festive! I just have a tree up and decorated. That's it. I ran out of steam to do anything else to the house.

    Happy Holidays!

  9. Your cakes are decorated to that packaging idea.

  10. It's nice to be caught up with you and your doings once again - I'd not visited since early December. Loved your cake saga - well worth the effort. I'm going to figure out the WW points value of the cake to see if I dare make one. Looks marvelous! Of course I love your decorations - with your permission I'll save some to my "Christmas Decorating Inspirations" folder.

    Have a wonderful holiday!


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